Lifelong Robot Library Learning: Bootstrapping Composable and Generalizable Skills for Embodied Control with Language Models






Published 6/28/2024 by Georgios Tziafas, Hamidreza Kasaei
Lifelong Robot Library Learning: Bootstrapping Composable and Generalizable Skills for Embodied Control with Language Models


Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a new paradigm for embodied reasoning and control, most recently by generating robot policy code that utilizes a custom library of vision and control primitive skills. However, prior arts fix their skills library and steer the LLM with carefully hand-crafted prompt engineering, limiting the agent to a stationary range of addressable tasks. In this work, we introduce LRLL, an LLM-based lifelong learning agent that continuously grows the robot skill library to tackle manipulation tasks of ever-growing complexity. LRLL achieves this with four novel contributions: 1) a soft memory module that allows dynamic storage and retrieval of past experiences to serve as context, 2) a self-guided exploration policy that proposes new tasks in simulation, 3) a skill abstractor that distills recent experiences into new library skills, and 4) a lifelong learning algorithm for enabling human users to bootstrap new skills with minimal online interaction. LRLL continuously transfers knowledge from the memory to the library, building composable, general and interpretable policies, while bypassing gradient-based optimization, thus relieving the learner from catastrophic forgetting. Empirical evaluation in a simulated tabletop environment shows that LRLL outperforms end-to-end and vanilla LLM approaches in the lifelong setup while learning skills that are transferable to the real world. Project material will become available at the webpage

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  • This paper explores the concept of "Lifelong Robot Library Learning" - a method for enabling robots to learn and combine versatile skills over time, using large language models as the foundation.
  • The key ideas include:
    • Bootstrapping robot skills by pre-training on a large corpus of language data
    • Composing and generalizing these skills to new tasks and environments
    • Continuously expanding the robot's skill library through ongoing learning

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper are working on teaching robots new skills in an ongoing, flexible way. Rather than programming robots with a fixed set of abilities, the goal is to allow them to continuously learn and expand their capabilities over time.

The core of their approach is to use large language models - powerful AI systems that have been trained on massive amounts of text data. These language models can serve as a starting point or "bootstrap" for the robot's skills. By pre-training the robot on the language data, it can begin to develop a basic understanding of concepts, tasks, and how to communicate about them.

From this foundation, the robot can then start to compose and generalize its skills. For example, if the robot learns how to grasp objects, it can apply that same skill to picking up and manipulating different types of objects in new environments. The language model helps the robot reason about and adapt its skills in flexible ways.

Importantly, the robot doesn't stop learning after this initial pre-training. It can continuously expand its "library" of skills through ongoing interaction and learning. Over time, the robot builds up a diverse repertoire of capabilities that it can draw upon to handle increasingly complex real-world tasks.

This work aims to make robots more adaptable and capable, rather than being limited to a fixed set of pre-programmed behaviors. By tapping into the power of large language models, the researchers hope to enable robots to learn, reason, and problem-solve in more human-like ways.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of this paper is to leverage large language models as a foundation for enabling robots to learn and combine versatile skills over time, in a process the authors call "Lifelong Robot Library Learning." [See:]

The researchers first pre-train the robot's control policy using a large language model, which serves to "bootstrap" the robot's initial understanding of concepts, tasks, and how to communicate about them. [See:] This pre-training allows the robot to begin composing and generalizing its skills, applying learned capabilities to new objects, environments, and tasks.

Importantly, the robot's learning does not stop after this initial pre-training. The system is designed to continuously expand its "library" of skills through ongoing interaction and learning. [See:] This allows the robot to build up a diverse repertoire of capabilities that it can draw upon to handle increasingly complex real-world tasks.

The authors demonstrate their approach in several experiments, showing how the robot can learn skills like object manipulation, navigation, and tool use, and then flexibly apply those skills in new contexts. [See:]

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the potential of leveraging large language models to enable more adaptable and capable robot learning. By using language models as a foundation, the researchers are able to bootstrap the robot's understanding of concepts and tasks, and then build upon that foundation to compose and generalize skills in flexible ways.

However, the paper does not fully address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, it remains to be seen how well this approach would scale to the full complexity of real-world environments and tasks, particularly in terms of safety, robustness, and sample efficiency. [See:]

Additionally, the reliance on large language models raises questions about the interpretability and transparency of the robot's decision-making processes. More work may be needed to understand how the robot is reasoning about and combining its skills in a way that is understandable to human operators and users.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the quest to develop more adaptable and capable robot learning systems. The core ideas of leveraging language models and continuous skill expansion are compelling and deserve further exploration and refinement.


This paper presents a novel approach to robot learning called "Lifelong Robot Library Learning," which aims to enable robots to continuously expand their repertoire of skills by tapping into the power of large language models.

By pre-training the robot's control policy on a large corpus of language data, the researchers are able to bootstrap the robot's understanding of concepts, tasks, and communication. This foundation then allows the robot to compose and generalize its skills, applying learned capabilities to new contexts.

Importantly, the robot's learning does not stop after this initial pre-training. The system is designed to continuously expand its "library" of skills through ongoing interaction and learning, allowing the robot to build up a diverse set of capabilities over time.

While the paper highlights the potential of this approach, it also raises important questions about scalability, robustness, and interpretability that will need to be addressed through further research and refinement. Nevertheless, the core ideas presented in this work represent a promising step forward in the development of more adaptable and capable robot learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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