Aligning Large Language Models via Fine-grained Supervision






Published 6/6/2024 by Dehong Xu, Liang Qiu, Minseok Kim, Faisal Ladhak, Jaeyoung Do
Aligning Large Language Models via Fine-grained Supervision


Pre-trained large-scale language models (LLMs) excel at producing coherent articles, yet their outputs may be untruthful, toxic, or fail to align with user expectations. Current approaches focus on using reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) to improve model alignment, which works by transforming coarse human preferences of LLM outputs into a feedback signal that guides the model learning process. However, because this approach operates on sequence-level feedback, it lacks the precision to identify the exact parts of the output affecting user preferences. To address this gap, we propose a method to enhance LLM alignment through fine-grained token-level supervision. Specifically, we ask annotators to minimally edit less preferred responses within the standard reward modeling dataset to make them more favorable, ensuring changes are made only where necessary while retaining most of the original content. The refined dataset is used to train a token-level reward model, which is then used for training our fine-grained Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) model. Our experiment results demonstrate that this approach can achieve up to an absolute improvement of $5.1%$ in LLM performance, in terms of win rate against the reference model, compared with the traditional PPO model.

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  • This paper explores a technique for aligning large language models with human preferences and values using fine-grained supervision.
  • The researchers propose a method that leverages targeted feedback on specific model outputs to fine-tune the model and better align it with desired behaviors.
  • The work builds on prior research on aligning language models with human preferences and using reinforcement learning for model alignment.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers are working on a challenging problem: how to ensure that powerful AI language models behave in ways that are aligned with human values and preferences. Large language models like GPT-3 can generate human-like text on a wide range of topics, but left unchecked, they may produce outputs that are biased, harmful, or misaligned with what humans want.

The key idea in this paper is to use "fine-grained supervision" to guide the language model towards more desirable behavior. Instead of just providing the model with broad, high-level instructions, the researchers give it targeted feedback on specific outputs. For example, the model might generate a paragraph of text, and the researchers would then provide feedback on which parts of that output were good or bad, and why. By iterating this process, the model can gradually learn to produce text that better matches human values.

This approach builds on prior work that has explored using reinforcement learning and aligning models with preferences expressed through samples or demonstrations. The key innovation here is the focus on fine-grained, targeted feedback to shape the model's behavior at a more granular level.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a method for aligning large language models with human preferences and values using fine-grained supervision. Their approach involves iteratively providing the model with feedback on specific generated outputs, allowing the model to learn which outputs are preferred and gradually align its behavior accordingly.

The core of the method is a training loop where the model first generates some text, which is then evaluated by human raters who provide feedback on the quality and alignment of different aspects of the output. This fine-grained feedback is then used to update the model's parameters, nudging it towards generating more preferred outputs in the future.

The authors draw inspiration from prior work on aligning language models with human preferences and using reinforcement learning for model alignment, as well as research on leveraging fine-grained quality signals and linear alignment with a closed-form solution. The key innovation is the focus on providing targeted, granular feedback to the model during training, which the authors argue can lead to more robust and reliable alignment.

The authors evaluate their approach on a range of language modeling tasks and find that the fine-grained supervision leads to significant improvements in alignment compared to baselines. They also conduct analyses to better understand the properties of the aligned models and the tradeoffs involved in the approach.

Critical Analysis

The researchers present a compelling approach for aligning large language models with human preferences and values. The focus on fine-grained supervision is a promising direction, as it allows the model to learn at a more granular level compared to high-level rewards or demonstrations.

That said, the paper does acknowledge some limitations and areas for further exploration. For example, the authors note that the fine-grained feedback process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, as it requires human raters to carefully evaluate the model's outputs. Exploring more scalable approaches to generating this feedback could be an important next step.

Additionally, the paper does not deeply explore the long-term robustness and stability of the aligned models. It would be valuable to understand how the models behave when faced with distributional shift or adversarial attacks, and whether the fine-grained alignment holds up under these more challenging conditions.

Overall, this work represents an important step forward in the critical challenge of aligning powerful AI systems with human values and preferences. The fine-grained supervision approach is a promising direction, and continued research in this area could yield valuable insights and techniques for building more trustworthy and beneficial AI.


This paper presents a novel method for aligning large language models with human preferences and values using fine-grained supervision. By providing the model with targeted feedback on specific outputs, the researchers show that it is possible to shape the model's behavior to better match desired characteristics.

The work builds on and extends prior research in this area, demonstrating the value of fine-grained, granular feedback for model alignment. While the approach has some limitations, it represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to ensure that powerful AI systems are developed and deployed in ways that are beneficial to humanity.

As AI capabilities continue to advance, developing effective techniques for aligning these systems with human values will be crucial. The insights and methods explored in this paper offer a promising path forward, and further research in this direction could have significant implications for the responsible development of transformative AI technologies.

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