API Is Enough: Conformal Prediction for Large Language Models Without Logit-Access






Published 4/5/2024 by Jiayuan Su, Jing Luo, Hongwei Wang, Lu Cheng
API Is Enough: Conformal Prediction for Large Language Models Without Logit-Access


This study aims to address the pervasive challenge of quantifying uncertainty in large language models (LLMs) without logit-access. Conformal Prediction (CP), known for its model-agnostic and distribution-free features, is a desired approach for various LLMs and data distributions. However, existing CP methods for LLMs typically assume access to the logits, which are unavailable for some API-only LLMs. In addition, logits are known to be miscalibrated, potentially leading to degraded CP performance. To tackle these challenges, we introduce a novel CP method that (1) is tailored for API-only LLMs without logit-access; (2) minimizes the size of prediction sets; and (3) ensures a statistical guarantee of the user-defined coverage. The core idea of this approach is to formulate nonconformity measures using both coarse-grained (i.e., sample frequency) and fine-grained uncertainty notions (e.g., semantic similarity). Experimental results on both close-ended and open-ended Question Answering tasks show our approach can mostly outperform the logit-based CP baselines.

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  • The paper introduces a new method for applying conformal prediction to large language models (LLMs) without direct access to their internal logits.
  • Conformal prediction is a framework for constructing reliable, adjustable-level prediction sets, which can be useful for tasks like open-ended text generation.
  • The proposed approach, called Versatile Conformal Prediction (VCP), relies only on the model's API and does not require modifying the LLM itself.
  • VCP is evaluated on a range of tasks, including text classification, question answering, and open-ended text generation, and is shown to provide accurate and well-calibrated prediction sets.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper describes a new way to use a machine learning technique called "conformal prediction" with large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 or BERT. Conformal prediction is a method that allows you to get reliable, adjustable confidence levels on the predictions made by a machine learning model.

However, applying conformal prediction to LLMs has been challenging because it usually requires direct access to the model's internal "logits" - the raw, numerical outputs before they are converted into a final prediction. LLMs are often treated like black boxes, where you can only interact with them through an API that doesn't provide access to these internal details.

The key innovation in this paper is a new approach called "Versatile Conformal Prediction" (VCP) that can use conformal prediction with LLMs without needing access to their logits. Instead, VCP only relies on the standard API that lets you query the LLM and get a prediction. This makes VCP much more widely applicable to real-world LLM deployments.

The researchers evaluate VCP on various tasks like text classification, question answering, and open-ended text generation. They show that VCP can provide well-calibrated and reliable confidence levels on the LLM's predictions, even without access to the internal logits. This could be very useful for applications where you want the language model to give you a sense of how confident it is in its outputs, like generating content for websites or apps.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new method for applying conformal prediction to large language models (LLMs) without requiring direct access to their internal logits. Conformal prediction is a framework for constructing reliable, adjustable-level prediction sets, which can be useful for tasks like open-ended text generation where you want the model to express its uncertainty.

Applying conformal prediction to LLMs has been challenging because it typically requires access to the model's logits - the raw numerical outputs before they are converted into a final prediction. However, LLMs are often treated as black boxes, where you can only interact with them through a limited API that doesn't provide logit-level access.

The key contribution of this paper is the introduction of "Versatile Conformal Prediction" (VCP), a new approach that can leverage conformal prediction with LLMs using only the standard API, without needing access to their internal logits. VCP works by training a separate "calibration model" that can map the LLM's API-level outputs to well-calibrated prediction sets.

The paper evaluates VCP on a range of tasks, including text classification, question answering, and open-ended text generation. The results show that VCP can provide accurate and well-calibrated prediction sets, outperforming alternative approaches that require logit-level access. This suggests VCP could be a valuable tool for deploying conformal prediction with LLMs in real-world applications, where access to internal model details may be limited.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling solution to the challenge of applying conformal prediction to large language models (LLMs) without requiring logit-level access. The proposed Versatile Conformal Prediction (VCP) approach is a clever workaround that relies only on the standard API-level interaction with LLMs, making it much more widely applicable than prior methods.

One potential limitation of the VCP approach is that it requires training a separate "calibration model" to map the LLM's API-level outputs to well-calibrated prediction sets. This additional training step could add complexity and computational overhead, especially if the calibration model needs to be updated as the underlying LLM changes over time. The paper does not extensively explore the sensitivity of VCP's performance to the quality and robustness of the calibration model.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates VCP's effectiveness across a range of tasks, it would be interesting to see how the method scales to even larger and more complex LLMs, such as those used in open-ended text generation or psychometric predictive modeling. The calibration process may become more challenging as the LLMs become more powerful and their outputs more diverse.

Overall, the VCP approach represents an important step forward in making conformal prediction accessible for LLMs in real-world applications. The paper's thorough evaluation and discussion of the method's strengths and limitations provide a solid foundation for further research and development in this area.


This research paper introduces a novel method called Versatile Conformal Prediction (VCP) that enables the use of conformal prediction with large language models (LLMs) without requiring direct access to their internal logits. Conformal prediction is a powerful framework for constructing reliable, adjustable-level prediction sets, which can be valuable for tasks like open-ended text generation where expressing model uncertainty is important.

The key innovation of VCP is that it can leverage conformal prediction using only the standard API-level interaction with LLMs, rather than needing to access their internal logits. This makes VCP much more widely applicable to real-world LLM deployments, where the model internals are often treated as a black box.

The paper's evaluations demonstrate that VCP can provide accurate and well-calibrated prediction sets across a range of tasks, including text classification, question answering, and open-ended text generation. This suggests VCP could be a valuable tool for deploying LLMs in applications where reliable uncertainty quantification is important.

While the paper presents a compelling solution, future research could explore the sensitivity of VCP's performance to the quality of the calibration model, as well as its scalability to even larger and more complex LLMs. Nevertheless, this work represents an important step forward in making conformal prediction more accessible and applicable to the increasingly powerful world of large language models.

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