Bias Neutralization Framework: Measuring Fairness in Large Language Models with Bias Intelligence Quotient (BiQ)






Published 4/30/2024 by Malur Narayan, John Pasmore, Elton Sampaio, Vijay Raghavan, Gabriella Waters



The burgeoning influence of Large Language Models (LLMs) in shaping public discourse and decision-making underscores the imperative to address inherent biases within these AI systems. In the wake of AI's expansive integration across sectors, addressing racial bias in LLMs has never been more critical. This paper introduces a novel framework called Comprehensive Bias Neutralization Framework (CBNF) which embodies an innovative approach to quantifying and mitigating biases within LLMs. Our framework combines the Large Language Model Bias Index (LLMBI) [Oketunji, A., Anas, M., Saina, D., (2023)] and Bias removaL with No Demographics (BLIND) [Orgad, H., Belinkov, Y. (2023)] methodologies to create a new metric called Bias Intelligence Quotient (BiQ)which detects, measures, and mitigates racial bias in LLMs without reliance on demographic annotations. By introducing a new metric called BiQ that enhances LLMBI with additional fairness metrics, CBNF offers a multi-dimensional metric for bias assessment, underscoring the necessity of a nuanced approach to fairness in AI [Mehrabi et al., 2021]. This paper presents a detailed analysis of Latimer AI (a language model incrementally trained on black history and culture) in comparison to ChatGPT 3.5, illustrating Latimer AI's efficacy in detecting racial, cultural, and gender biases through targeted training and refined bias mitigation strategies [Latimer & Bender, 2023].

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  • This paper introduces a novel framework called Comprehensive Bias Neutralization Framework (CBNF) to address racial bias in Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • CBNF combines the Large Language Model Bias Index (LLMBI) and Bias removaL with No Demographics (BLIND) methodologies to create a new metric called Bias Intelligence Quotient (BiQ).
  • The paper presents a detailed analysis of Latimer AI, a language model trained on black history and culture, in comparison to ChatGPT 3.5, illustrating Latimer AI's effectiveness in detecting and mitigating racial, cultural, and gender biases.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have become incredibly influential, shaping public discourse and decision-making. However, these AI systems can also reflect and amplify societal biases, particularly racial biases. This paper introduces a new framework called Comprehensive Bias Neutralization Framework (CBNF) to address this issue.

CBNF combines two existing methods, the Large Language Model Bias Index (LLMBI) and Bias removaL with No Demographics (BLIND), to create a new metric called Bias Intelligence Quotient (BiQ). This BiQ metric is designed to detect, measure, and mitigate racial bias in LLMs without relying on demographic information, which can be problematic.

To illustrate the effectiveness of CBNF, the paper compares Latimer AI, a language model trained on black history and culture, to the widely-used ChatGPT 3.5. The analysis shows that Latimer AI is better at detecting and addressing racial, cultural, and gender biases through its targeted training and refined bias mitigation strategies.

Technical Explanation

This paper introduces the Comprehensive Bias Neutralization Framework (CBNF), a novel approach to quantifying and mitigating biases within large language models (LLMs). CBNF combines the Large Language Model Bias Index (LLMBI) and Bias removaL with No Demographics (BLIND) methodologies to create a new metric called the Bias Intelligence Quotient (BiQ).

The BiQ metric is designed to detect, measure, and mitigate racial bias in LLMs without relying on demographic annotations, which can be problematic. By incorporating additional fairness metrics, CBNF offers a multi-dimensional approach to bias assessment, as highlighted in the fairness in large language models taxonomic survey.

The paper presents a detailed analysis comparing the performance of Latimer AI, a language model incrementally trained on black history and culture, to the widely-used ChatGPT 3.5. The results illustrate Latimer AI's effectiveness in detecting and addressing racial, cultural, and gender biases through its targeted training and refined bias mitigation strategies, as described in the evaluation and mitigation of linguistic discrimination in large language models and approaches to detecting unanticipated bias in large language models.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling framework for addressing racial bias in LLMs, but it is important to consider some potential limitations and areas for further research. While the BiQ metric offers a promising multi-dimensional approach to bias assessment, it is not clear how it compares to other bias measurement techniques in terms of robustness and generalizability.

Additionally, the paper's focus on racial bias is crucial, but it would be valuable to explore how CBNF could be extended to address other forms of bias, such as gender or socioeconomic bias, to provide a more comprehensive solution. The authors acknowledge this, and further research in this direction could strengthen the framework.

It is also worth considering how the CBNF framework could be applied in real-world settings, where the availability and quality of data for bias evaluation and mitigation may vary. Exploring the practical implementation challenges and potential trade-offs would help assess the framework's usability and scalability.


This paper introduces the Comprehensive Bias Neutralization Framework (CBNF), a novel approach to quantifying and mitigating racial bias in large language models (LLMs). By combining the Large Language Model Bias Index (LLMBI) and Bias removaL with No Demographics (BLIND) methodologies, CBNF creates a new Bias Intelligence Quotient (BiQ) metric that addresses the limitations of demographic-based bias assessment.

The paper's detailed analysis of Latimer AI, a language model trained on black history and culture, demonstrates the framework's effectiveness in detecting and mitigating racial, cultural, and gender biases. As LLMs continue to shape public discourse and decision-making, the importance of addressing inherent biases within these systems cannot be overstated. The CBNF framework represents a significant step towards a more nuanced and comprehensive approach to fairness in AI.

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