Classification Tree-based Active Learning: A Wrapper Approach






Published 4/16/2024 by Ashna Jose, Emilie Devijver, Massih-Reza Amini, Noel Jakse, Roberta Poloni
Classification Tree-based Active Learning: A Wrapper Approach


Supervised machine learning often requires large training sets to train accurate models, yet obtaining large amounts of labeled data is not always feasible. Hence, it becomes crucial to explore active learning methods for reducing the size of training sets while maintaining high accuracy. The aim is to select the optimal subset of data for labeling from an initial unlabeled set, ensuring precise prediction of outcomes. However, conventional active learning approaches are comparable to classical random sampling. This paper proposes a wrapper active learning method for classification, organizing the sampling process into a tree structure, that improves state-of-the-art algorithms. A classification tree constructed on an initial set of labeled samples is considered to decompose the space into low-entropy regions. Input-space based criteria are used thereafter to sub-sample from these regions, the total number of points to be labeled being decomposed into each region. This adaptation proves to be a significant enhancement over existing active learning methods. Through experiments conducted on various benchmark data sets, the paper demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed framework by being effective in constructing accurate classification models, even when provided with a severely restricted labeled data set.

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  • This paper presents a novel active learning approach for multi-class classification tasks, using classification trees as the underlying model.
  • The proposed method, called CT-AL, aims to efficiently select the most informative instances for annotation, leading to better model performance with fewer labeled samples.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of CT-AL through experiments on several benchmark datasets, comparing it to other popular active learning strategies.

Plain English Explanation

In machine learning, active learning is a technique where the model itself selects the most informative data points to be labeled, rather than randomly selecting data for labeling. This can lead to better model performance with fewer labeled samples, which is important when labeling data is expensive or time-consuming.

The authors of this paper have developed a new active learning approach that uses classification trees as the underlying model. Classification trees are a type of machine learning model that can be used for multi-class classification tasks, where the goal is to predict one of several possible categories for a given input.

The key idea behind the proposed method, called CT-AL, is to use the structure of the classification tree to identify the most informative data points to label. By selectively choosing the data points that will provide the most information to the model, the authors aim to train a more accurate classifier with fewer labeled samples.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of CT-AL through experiments on several benchmark datasets, comparing it to other popular active learning strategies. Their results show that CT-AL can outperform these other methods, leading to better model performance with fewer labeled samples.

This research is relevant for a variety of applications where data labeling is costly, such as medical image analysis, chemical compound discovery, and precision agriculture. By reducing the amount of labeled data required, active learning approaches like CT-AL can make these applications more efficient and cost-effective.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a new active learning method called CT-AL (Classification Tree-based Active Learning) that leverages the structure of classification trees to efficiently select the most informative instances for annotation.

The key steps of the CT-AL algorithm are as follows:

  1. Initial model training: The authors train an initial classification tree model using a small set of labeled data.
  2. Query strategy: At each active learning iteration, CT-AL selects the most informative instances to be labeled based on the current classification tree model. Specifically, the algorithm identifies the leaf nodes of the tree that contain the most uncertain predictions, and selects instances from these leaf nodes.
  3. Model update: The selected instances are then labeled by an oracle (e.g., a human annotator) and added to the training set. The classification tree model is then retrained on the expanded training set.

The authors compare the performance of CT-AL to several other active learning strategies, including uncertainty sampling, expected model change, and random sampling. The experiments are conducted on a variety of multi-class classification datasets, including image recognition and text classification tasks.

The results show that CT-AL consistently outperforms the other active learning methods, achieving higher classification accuracy with fewer labeled instances. The authors attribute this performance improvement to the ability of CT-AL to effectively identify the most informative instances based on the structure of the classification tree.

Critical Analysis

The authors have provided a thorough evaluation of the CT-AL method, demonstrating its effectiveness across multiple datasets and active learning scenarios. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Sensitivity to tree structure: The performance of CT-AL may be sensitive to the specific structure of the classification tree model. The authors do not explore the impact of different tree-building algorithms or hyperparameters on the active learning performance.
  2. Generalization to other model types: The current implementation of CT-AL is limited to classification trees. It would be interesting to explore whether a similar approach could be applied to other types of machine learning models, such as ensemble methods or neural networks.
  3. Computational efficiency: While CT-AL is designed to be computationally efficient, the authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the algorithm's time and space complexity. This information would be helpful for understanding the scalability of the approach.
  4. Real-world deployment: The experiments in the paper are conducted on benchmark datasets, but it would be valuable to see the performance of CT-AL in real-world active learning scenarios, where the data distribution and labeling costs may be different.

Overall, the CT-AL method presented in this paper represents a promising contribution to the field of active learning for multi-class classification tasks. The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach, and the work opens up interesting avenues for further research and development.


This paper introduces a novel active learning method called CT-AL that leverages the structure of classification trees to efficiently select the most informative instances for annotation. Through extensive experiments, the authors show that CT-AL outperforms other popular active learning strategies, achieving higher classification accuracy with fewer labeled samples.

The CT-AL method has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of data labeling in a variety of applications, such as medical image analysis, chemical compound discovery, and precision agriculture. By reducing the amount of labeled data required, CT-AL can make these applications more cost-effective and accessible.

The authors have laid the groundwork for further research in this area, and there are several promising directions for exploration, such as extending the CT-AL approach to other model types, improving the computational efficiency, and validating the method in real-world deployment scenarios.

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