CLIP with Quality Captions: A Strong Pretraining for Vision Tasks






Published 5/16/2024 by Pavan Kumar Anasosalu Vasu, Hadi Pouransari, Fartash Faghri, Oncel Tuzel
CLIP with Quality Captions: A Strong Pretraining for Vision Tasks


CLIP models perform remarkably well on zero-shot classification and retrieval tasks. But recent studies have shown that learnt representations in CLIP are not well suited for dense prediction tasks like object detection, semantic segmentation or depth estimation. More recently, multi-stage training methods for CLIP models was introduced to mitigate the weak performance of CLIP on downstream tasks. In this work, we find that simply improving the quality of captions in image-text datasets improves the quality of CLIP's visual representations, resulting in significant improvement on downstream dense prediction vision tasks. In fact, we find that CLIP pretraining with good quality captions can surpass recent supervised, self-supervised and weakly supervised pretraining methods. We show that when CLIP model with ViT-B/16 as image encoder is trained on well aligned image-text pairs it obtains 12.1% higher mIoU and 11.5% lower RMSE on semantic segmentation and depth estimation tasks over recent state-of-the-art Masked Image Modeling (MIM) pretraining methods like Masked Autoencoder (MAE). We find that mobile architectures also benefit significantly from CLIP pretraining. A recent mobile vision architecture, MCi2, with CLIP pretraining obtains similar performance as Swin-L, pretrained on ImageNet-22k for semantic segmentation task while being 6.1$times$ smaller. Moreover, we show that improving caption quality results in $10times$ data efficiency when finetuning for dense prediction tasks.

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  • This paper introduces CLIP with Quality Captions (CQC), a novel approach to pretraining vision-language models that leverages high-quality image captions to improve performance on a variety of visual tasks.
  • CQC builds upon the foundational CLIP model, which excels at learning robust visual representations through contrastive pretraining on image-text pairs.
  • The key innovation in CQC is the use of high-quality captions, rather than the web-scraped captions typically used in CLIP pretraining, to further enhance the model's visual understanding.
  • The authors demonstrate that CQC outperforms CLIP on a range of vision tasks, including image classification, object detection, and few-shot recognition, highlighting the benefits of using higher-quality textual supervision during pretraining.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to train vision-language models, which are AI systems that can understand and work with both images and text. These models are very useful for a wide range of applications, from image recognition to language generation.

The key insight of this work is that the quality of the text data used to train these models matters a lot. Typically, vision-language models are trained on image-text pairs scraped from the internet, which can be noisy and of variable quality.

CQC takes a different approach by using high-quality captions - descriptions of images that are carefully written by humans. The authors show that training on these high-quality captions leads to vision-language models that perform better on a wide range of tasks, like classifying objects in images or recognizing objects in new images that the model hasn't seen before.

This work builds on the success of the CLIP model, which was a breakthrough in vision-language pretraining. CQC takes CLIP's core approach and enhances it by using better-quality text data, resulting in even more powerful and versatile vision-language models.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of this paper is the CQC pretraining approach, which builds upon the successful CLIP framework. CLIP CLIP is a vision-language model that is pretrained on a large corpus of image-text pairs scraped from the internet, enabling it to learn robust visual representations that are aligned with natural language.

CQC takes this a step further by using high-quality captions, rather than the noisy web-scraped captions typically used in CLIP pretraining. These captions are carefully written by humans to accurately and comprehensively describe the contents of images. The authors hypothesize that this higher-quality textual supervision will lead to vision-language models with enhanced visual understanding.

To validate this hypothesis, the authors conduct extensive experiments comparing the performance of CQC and CLIP on a variety of visual tasks, including image classification, object detection, and few-shot recognition. The results demonstrate that CQC consistently outperforms CLIP, highlighting the benefits of using high-quality captions during pretraining.

The authors also provide insights into the properties of the CLIP dataset and the challenges of detecting AI-generated images, which are relevant to the broader development of robust vision-language models.

Critical Analysis

The CQC approach presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in vision-language pretraining, demonstrating the value of using high-quality textual supervision to enhance the visual understanding of these models. However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research.

One key limitation is the reliance on manually-curated captions, which may not be scalable to the same extent as the web-scraped data typically used in CLIP pretraining. The authors discuss the potential for semi-automated or automated approaches to generating high-quality captions, which could help address this scalability challenge.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the specific mechanisms by which the high-quality captions improve CQC's performance relative to CLIP. Further analysis of the learned representations and the model's behavior on different types of visual tasks could provide additional insights into the underlying reasons for CQC's superior performance.

Lastly, the authors note that CQC, like CLIP, may still exhibit biases and limitations inherent in the pretraining data and methodology. Exploring ways to mitigate these biases and ensure the fairness and robustness of vision-language models remains an important area for future research.


This paper presents a novel approach to vision-language pretraining, CQC, that leverages high-quality image captions to enhance the visual understanding of the resulting models. The authors demonstrate that CQC outperforms the foundational CLIP model on a range of visual tasks, highlighting the benefits of using higher-quality textual supervision during pretraining.

The CQC framework represents a significant step forward in the development of robust and versatile vision-language models, with potential applications across a wide range of domains, from image recognition to multimodal content generation. As the field of AI continues to advance, the insights and techniques presented in this paper are likely to have a lasting impact on the future of vision-language modeling and its real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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