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Demystifying CLIP Data






Published 4/9/2024 by Hu Xu, Saining Xie, Xiaoqing Ellen Tan, Po-Yao Huang, Russell Howes, Vasu Sharma, Shang-Wen Li, Gargi Ghosh, Luke Zettlemoyer, Christoph Feichtenhofer



Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) is an approach that has advanced research and applications in computer vision, fueling modern recognition systems and generative models. We believe that the main ingredient to the success of CLIP is its data and not the model architecture or pre-training objective. However, CLIP only provides very limited information about its data and how it has been collected, leading to works that aim to reproduce CLIP's data by filtering with its model parameters. In this work, we intend to reveal CLIP's data curation approach and in our pursuit of making it open to the community introduce Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP). MetaCLIP takes a raw data pool and metadata (derived from CLIP's concepts) and yields a balanced subset over the metadata distribution. Our experimental study rigorously isolates the model and training settings, concentrating solely on data. MetaCLIP applied to CommonCrawl with 400M image-text data pairs outperforms CLIP's data on multiple standard benchmarks. In zero-shot ImageNet classification, MetaCLIP achieves 70.8% accuracy, surpassing CLIP's 68.3% on ViT-B models. Scaling to 1B data, while maintaining the same training budget, attains 72.4%. Our observations hold across various model sizes, exemplified by ViT-H achieving 80.5%, without any bells-and-whistles. Curation code and training data distribution on metadata is made available at

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  • Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has advanced computer vision research and applications, powering modern recognition systems and generative models.
  • The success of CLIP is attributed to its training data, rather than the model architecture or pre-training objective.
  • However, CLIP provides limited information about its data collection, leading to efforts to reproduce CLIP's data using its model parameters.
  • This work aims to reveal CLIP's data curation approach and introduce Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP), a method to create a balanced dataset from a raw data pool using metadata derived from CLIP's concepts.

Plain English Explanation

Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) is a powerful technique that has significantly improved computer vision capabilities, enabling better image recognition and generation models. The key to CLIP's success seems to be the data it was trained on, rather than the specific model architecture or training approach.

However, CLIP doesn't provide much information about how its training data was collected, which has led researchers to try to recreate the CLIP dataset using the model itself. In this work, the authors aim to shed light on CLIP's data curation process and introduce a new method called Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP).

MetaCLIP starts with a large, raw pool of data and then uses metadata (information about the data) derived from CLIP's own concepts to select a balanced subset of the data. This balanced dataset is then used to train new machine learning models.

The researchers conducted rigorous experiments to isolate the impact of the data, keeping the model and training settings the same. They found that MetaCLIP, applied to a 400 million image-text dataset from CommonCrawl, outperformed the original CLIP dataset on multiple standard benchmarks. For example, in a zero-shot image classification task on the ImageNet dataset, MetaCLIP achieved 70.8% accuracy, surpassing CLIP's 68.3% on the same model. Scaling up to 1 billion data points while maintaining the same training budget, MetaCLIP reached 72.4% accuracy.

These results demonstrate the importance of the data used to train CLIP-like models, and suggest that further improvements in areas like fine-grained recognition may be possible by carefully curating the training data.

Technical Explanation

The authors of this work believe that the primary driver of CLIP's success is its training data, rather than the model architecture or pre-training objective. However, CLIP provides limited information about how this data was collected and curated, leading to attempts to reproduce the CLIP dataset using the model's own parameters.

To address this, the researchers introduce Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP), a method that starts with a raw pool of data and uses metadata (information about the data) derived from CLIP's own concepts to create a balanced subset of the data. This balanced dataset is then used to train new machine learning models.

The authors conducted rigorous experiments to isolate the impact of the data, keeping the model and training settings the same across different datasets. They found that MetaCLIP, applied to a 400 million image-text dataset from CommonCrawl, outperformed the original CLIP dataset on multiple standard benchmarks.

For example, in a zero-shot ImageNet classification task, MetaCLIP achieved 70.8% accuracy, surpassing CLIP's 68.3% on the same ViT-B model. Scaling up to 1 billion data points while maintaining the same training budget, MetaCLIP reached 72.4% accuracy. These results were consistent across various model sizes, with the larger ViT-H model achieving 80.5% accuracy without any additional tricks.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that their work does not address the limitations or potential biases in the original CLIP dataset, as their focus was on demonstrating the importance of data curation. The paper also does not provide a detailed analysis of the metadata used to curate the MetaCLIP dataset, which could be an area for further investigation.

Additionally, while the results show significant improvements over CLIP on standard benchmarks, the practical implications for real-world applications, such as fine-grained recognition or video highlight detection, are not fully explored. The authors also do not address potential issues around fairness and bias in the curated dataset.

Overall, the work provides valuable insights into the importance of data curation for language-image pre-training models like CLIP and highlights the need for more transparency and open sharing of dataset details to enable further advancements in the field. The MetaCLIP approach and the availability of the curation code and dataset distribution metadata offer a promising starting point for the community to build upon.


This work demonstrates the significant impact that data curation can have on the performance of language-image pre-training models like CLIP. By introducing Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP), the authors have shown that a carefully selected and balanced dataset can outperform the original CLIP dataset on multiple standard benchmarks.

The findings in this paper suggest that future research in areas like fine-grained recognition, video highlight detection, and fairness in vision-language learning could benefit from a focus on data curation, in addition to model architecture and training approaches. The open-sourcing of the MetaCLIP curation code and dataset distribution metadata is a valuable contribution that can enable further research and development in this important area of AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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