CLIP-VIS: Adapting CLIP for Open-Vocabulary Video Instance Segmentation






Published 6/11/2024 by Wenqi Zhu, Jiale Cao, Jin Xie, Shuangming Yang, Yanwei Pang
CLIP-VIS: Adapting CLIP for Open-Vocabulary Video Instance Segmentation


Open-vocabulary video instance segmentation strives to segment and track instances belonging to an open set of categories in a video. The vision-language model Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has shown robust zero-shot classification ability in image-level open-vocabulary task. In this paper, we propose a simple encoder-decoder network, called CLIP-VIS, to adapt CLIP for open-vocabulary video instance segmentation. Our CLIP-VIS adopts frozen CLIP image encoder and introduces three modules, including class-agnostic mask generation, temporal topK-enhanced matching, and weighted open-vocabulary classification. Given a set of initial queries, class-agnostic mask generation employs a transformer decoder to predict query masks and corresponding object scores and mask IoU scores. Then, temporal topK-enhanced matching performs query matching across frames by using K mostly matched frames. Finally, weighted open-vocabulary classification first generates query visual features with mask pooling, and second performs weighted classification using object scores and mask IoU scores.Our CLIP-VIS does not require the annotations of instance categories and identities. The experiments are performed on various video instance segmentation datasets, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, especially on novel categories. When using ConvNeXt-B as backbone, our CLIP-VIS achieves the AP and APn scores of 32.2% and 40.2% on validation set of LV-VIS dataset, which outperforms OV2Seg by 11.1% and 23.9% respectively. We will release the source code and models at

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  • This paper introduces CLIP-VIS, a model that adapts the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) framework to perform open-vocabulary video instance segmentation.
  • CLIP-VIS leverages CLIP's pre-trained language and visual encoders to enable segmenting and classifying video objects based on natural language descriptions, without the need for labeled training data.
  • The model generates segmentation masks for video objects and classifies them using a query-matching approach, allowing for open-vocabulary recognition of diverse visual concepts.

Plain English Explanation

CLIP-VIS is a new AI model that can understand and segment objects in videos based on how you describe them in words. It builds on the CLIP model, which has been pre-trained to connect language and visual information.

CLIP as RNN: Segment Countless Visual Concepts and Robust CLIP: Unsupervised Adversarial Fine-tuning of Vision Transformers have also explored ways to use CLIP for open-vocabulary visual understanding.

With CLIP-VIS, you can describe an object in a video using natural language, and the model will find and outline that object in the video frames. This is useful for tasks like video annotation, where you want to label specific items without having to manually draw bounding boxes or masks.

The key innovation is that CLIP-VIS doesn't need any labeled training data - it can learn to segment and classify objects just by matching the video frames to the language descriptions. This makes it a flexible and scalable approach for understanding diverse visual concepts in videos.

Technical Explanation

CLIP-VIS builds on the CLIP model, which has been pre-trained to align visual and textual representations. CLIP-VIS uses CLIP's pre-trained language and vision encoders as a backbone, and adds:

  1. A segmentation head that generates object masks from the visual features.
  2. A classification head that matches the video objects to the language descriptions.

During inference, CLIP-VIS takes a video and a natural language query as input. It first generates segmentation masks for all the objects in the video frames. Then, it compares the visual features of each segmented object to the language features of the query, and assigns the query label to the best-matching object.

This query-matching approach allows CLIP-VIS to recognize a wide range of visual concepts without needing labeled training data. The model can be applied to open-vocabulary video understanding tasks, where the goal is to identify and localize objects based on natural language descriptions.

Critical Analysis

The key strength of CLIP-VIS is its ability to perform open-vocabulary video instance segmentation without relying on labeled training data. This is a significant advancement over traditional approaches that require extensive annotation efforts.

However, the paper also acknowledges some limitations of the current CLIP-VIS model:

  • Performance may be constrained by the pre-trained CLIP model, which was trained on static images rather than video data.
  • The segmentation masks generated by CLIP-VIS may not be as precise as those produced by specialized segmentation models.
  • The model's performance may degrade on complex video scenes with occlusions, motion blur, or multiple instances of the same object.

Pay Attention to Your Neighbours: Training-Free explores another approach to open-vocabulary object detection that could be combined with CLIP-VIS to address some of these limitations.

Overall, CLIP-VIS represents an important step towards more flexible and scalable video understanding capabilities. Further research is needed to improve the model's performance and robustness, but the core concept of leveraging pre-trained language-vision alignment holds significant promise.


CLIP-VIS is a novel AI model that can perform open-vocabulary video instance segmentation by adapting the CLIP framework. It allows users to describe objects in videos using natural language, and the model will automatically identify and outline those objects without needing any labeled training data.

This flexible and scalable approach to video understanding has the potential to enable a wide range of applications, from video annotation and indexing to interactive video exploration. As the research in this area continues to progress, we can expect to see even more powerful and versatile video understanding capabilities emerge.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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