Pay Attention to Your Neighbours: Training-Free Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation






Published 4/15/2024 by Sina Hajimiri, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
Pay Attention to Your Neighbours: Training-Free Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation


Despite the significant progress in deep learning for dense visual recognition problems, such as semantic segmentation, traditional methods are constrained by fixed class sets. Meanwhile, vision-language foundation models, such as CLIP, have showcased remarkable effectiveness in numerous zero-shot image-level tasks, owing to their robust generalizability. Recently, a body of work has investigated utilizing these models in open-vocabulary semantic segmentation (OVSS). However, existing approaches often rely on impractical supervised pre-training or access to additional pre-trained networks. In this work, we propose a strong baseline for training-free OVSS, termed Neighbour-Aware CLIP (NACLIP), representing a straightforward adaptation of CLIP tailored for this scenario. Our method enforces localization of patches in the self-attention of CLIP's vision transformer which, despite being crucial for dense prediction tasks, has been overlooked in the OVSS literature. By incorporating design choices favouring segmentation, our approach significantly improves performance without requiring additional data, auxiliary pre-trained networks, or extensive hyperparameter tuning, making it highly practical for real-world applications. Experiments are performed on 8 popular semantic segmentation benchmarks, yielding state-of-the-art performance on most scenarios. Our code is publicly available at .

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach called "Pay Attention to Your Neighbours" (PATN) for open-vocabulary semantic segmentation, which can identify objects without requiring any training on specific object categories.
  • PATN leverages the structural similarities between objects to enable zero-shot transfer of segmentation knowledge, allowing it to recognize and segment novel object instances at inference time.
  • The method is training-free, meaning it does not require any object-specific training data or fine-tuning, making it highly flexible and scalable.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to perform semantic segmentation - the task of identifying and outlining different objects in an image. Typically, semantic segmentation models need to be trained on many examples of specific object categories to learn how to recognize them. However, this paper's approach, called "Pay Attention to Your Neighbours" (PATN), can identify objects without any prior training.

The key insight behind PATN is that objects often have structural similarities, even if they belong to different categories. For example, a chair and a table may both have four legs and a flat surface. PATN leverages these similarities to transfer knowledge about how to segment one object to recognizing similar, but previously unseen, objects. This allows PATN to identify and outline novel object instances at inference time, without requiring any object-specific training data or fine-tuning.

This "training-free" approach, similar to other recent work, makes PATN highly flexible and scalable, as it can be applied to a wide range of object categories without the need for extensive dataset curation and model retraining.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel method called "Pay Attention to Your Neighbours" (PATN) for open-vocabulary semantic segmentation. Unlike traditional semantic segmentation models, PATN can recognize and segment objects without any prior training on specific object categories.

PATN achieves this by learning to leverage the structural similarities between objects, even across different categories. The core of the PATN architecture is a Transformer-based attention module that captures contextual relationships between image regions. This allows the model to transfer segmentation knowledge from known objects to similar but novel instances, enabling zero-shot recognition and segmentation.

PATN is also training-free, meaning it does not require any object-specific training data or fine-tuning. This makes the approach highly flexible and scalable, as it can be applied to a wide range of object categories without the need for expensive dataset curation and model retraining.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough evaluation of PATN's performance on several benchmark datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in open-vocabulary semantic segmentation tasks. However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the approach.

One concern is the reliance on structural similarities between objects. While this enables zero-shot transfer, it may limit PATN's ability to accurately segment objects with more unique or complex shapes. The paper does not explore how PATN would perform on a wider range of object types, including those with less obvious structural similarities.

Additionally, the training-free nature of PATN could make it less robust to certain types of image variations, such as changes in lighting, occlusion, or background clutter. The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of PATN's performance under these challenging conditions, which would be important for real-world deployment.

Overall, the PATN approach represents an interesting and promising step towards more flexible and scalable semantic segmentation. However, further research is needed to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader applicability of this training-free, open-vocabulary technique.


This paper introduces a novel approach called "Pay Attention to Your Neighbours" (PATN) for open-vocabulary semantic segmentation. PATN can recognize and segment objects without any prior training on specific object categories, leveraging the structural similarities between objects to enable zero-shot transfer of segmentation knowledge.

The training-free nature of PATN makes it highly flexible and scalable, as it can be applied to a wide range of object categories without the need for extensive dataset curation and model retraining. This represents an important step towards more accessible and adaptable semantic segmentation models, with potential applications in areas such as robotics, autonomous driving, and image analysis.

While the paper provides a strong technical evaluation of PATN's performance, further research is needed to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader applicability of this approach, particularly in challenging real-world conditions. Nonetheless, the PATN method showcases the potential of leveraging structural similarities to enable open-vocabulary recognition, and it is an exciting development in the field of computer vision.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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