Concentration Inequalities for $(f,Gamma)$-GANs






Published 6/26/2024 by Jeremiah Birrell



Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are unsupervised learning methods for training a generator distribution to produce samples that approximate those drawn from a target distribution. Many such methods can be formulated as minimization of a metric or divergence. Recent works have proven the statistical consistency of GANs that are based on integral probability metrics (IPMs), e.g., WGAN which is based on the 1-Wasserstein metric. IPMs are defined by optimizing a linear functional (difference of expectations) over a space of discriminators. A much larger class of GANs, which allow for the use of nonlinear objective functionals, can be constructed using $(f,Gamma)$-divergences; these generalize and interpolate between IPMs and $f$-divergences (e.g., KL or $alpha$-divergences). Instances of $(f,Gamma)$-GANs have been shown to exhibit improved performance in a number of applications. In this work we study the statistical consistency of $(f,Gamma)$-GANs for general $f$ and $Gamma$. Specifically, we derive finite-sample concentration inequalities. These derivations require novel arguments due to nonlinearity of the objective functional. We demonstrate that our new results reduce to the known results for IPM-GANs in the appropriate limit while also significantly extending the domain of applicability of this theory.

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  • This paper presents concentration inequalities for (f,Γ)-GANs, a generalized framework for generative adversarial networks (GANs).
  • The authors derive bounds on the sample complexity required to estimate the GAN objective function within a desired accuracy, providing statistical guarantees for (f,Γ)-GAN training.
  • The results can be applied to a wide range of GAN models, including Statistically Optimal Generative Modeling via Maximum Deviation from Neutral, Statistical Guarantees for Group-Invariant GANs, and Metrizing Fairness.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a type of generative adversarial network (GAN) called an (f,Γ)-GAN. GANs are machine learning models that can generate new data, like images or text, that looks similar to a given dataset.

The key idea in this paper is to provide statistical guarantees for how well (f,Γ)-GANs can estimate the objective function used to train them. The objective function is a mathematical formula that the GAN tries to optimize during training. The authors show that with enough training data, the GAN can estimate this objective function quite accurately.

This is important because it gives researchers and practitioners a better understanding of how well their GAN models will perform, without needing to train them for a very long time. The results can be applied to a wide variety of GAN models, including ones that try to ensure fairness or group-invariance.

By providing these statistical guarantees, the paper helps make GAN training more reliable and predictable, which could lead to better-performing generative models in the future.

Technical Explanation

The paper establishes concentration inequalities for (f,Γ)-GANs, a broad class of generative adversarial networks that encompasses many recent GAN variants. Specifically, the authors derive bounds on the sample complexity required to estimate the (f,Γ)-GAN objective function within a desired accuracy, providing statistical guarantees for the training process.

The key technical contributions are:

  1. Formulating the (f,Γ)-GAN optimization problem and establishing its connection to f-divergence minimization.
  2. Deriving high-probability bounds on the deviation between the empirical and population-level (f,Γ)-GAN objective functions.
  3. Showing how these concentration inequalities can be used to obtain sample complexity guarantees for (f,Γ)-GAN training.

The derived bounds rely on the properties of the generator function class Γ and the choice of f-divergence, which allows the results to be applied to a wide range of GAN models, including Statistically Optimal Generative Modeling via Maximum Deviation from Neutral, Statistical Guarantees for Group-Invariant GANs, and Metrizing Fairness.

The authors also discuss connections to related work on sample complexity bounds for divergence estimation, such as Better than KL: Probabilistic Models with Tight Adaptive PAC-Bayes Bounds and Sample Complexity Bounds for Estimating Probability Divergences.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of (f,Γ)-GANs, which is a significant contribution to the field of generative modeling. The concentration inequalities derived in the paper offer valuable statistical guarantees for GAN training, which can help researchers and practitioners better understand the performance and sample complexity of their models.

One potential limitation of the work is that the derived bounds may be conservative in practice, as they rely on worst-case assumptions about the function classes and divergences involved. It would be interesting to see how the bounds translate to empirical GAN performance in real-world scenarios.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential issues with GAN training, such as mode collapse or instability, which can still be challenges even with the provided statistical guarantees. Further research may be needed to understand how these concentration inequalities interact with other GAN training dynamics.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the theoretical understanding of GANs and provides a solid foundation for future work on statistical guarantees in generative modeling.


This paper presents concentration inequalities for (f,Γ)-GANs, a generalized framework for generative adversarial networks. The derived bounds on the sample complexity required to estimate the GAN objective function within a desired accuracy offer statistical guarantees for (f,Γ)-GAN training.

The results can be applied to a wide range of GAN models, including those focused on fairness, group-invariance, and optimal generative modeling. By providing these theoretical guarantees, the paper represents an important contribution to the field of generative modeling, paving the way for more reliable and predictable GAN-based systems in the future.

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