Concept-based Analysis of Neural Networks via Vision-Language Models






Published 4/12/2024 by Ravi Mangal, Nina Narodytska, Divya Gopinath, Boyue Caroline Hu, Anirban Roy, Susmit Jha, Corina Pasareanu
Concept-based Analysis of Neural Networks via Vision-Language Models


The analysis of vision-based deep neural networks (DNNs) is highly desirable but it is very challenging due to the difficulty of expressing formal specifications for vision tasks and the lack of efficient verification procedures. In this paper, we propose to leverage emerging multimodal, vision-language, foundation models (VLMs) as a lens through which we can reason about vision models. VLMs have been trained on a large body of images accompanied by their textual description, and are thus implicitly aware of high-level, human-understandable concepts describing the images. We describe a logical specification language $texttt{Con}

{texttt{spec}}$ designed to facilitate writing specifications in terms of these concepts. To define and formally check $texttt{Con}
{texttt{spec}}$ specifications, we build a map between the internal representations of a given vision model and a VLM, leading to an efficient verification procedure of natural-language properties for vision models. We demonstrate our techniques on a ResNet-based classifier trained on the RIVAL-10 dataset using CLIP as the multimodal model.

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  • This paper presents a concept-based analysis of neural networks using vision-language models.
  • The researchers aim to better understand how neural networks make decisions by analyzing the concepts they rely on.
  • They use vision-language models, which can connect visual and textual information, to probe the conceptual understanding of neural networks.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks are powerful machine learning models that can perform impressive tasks like image recognition and language processing. However, it can be challenging to understand exactly how they work under the hood. This paper explores a new approach to analyzing neural networks by looking at the "concepts" they rely on.

Imagine you're trying to classify an image of a dog. A neural network might recognize features like the animal's shape, fur, and facial features to determine it's a dog. But what specific concepts is the network using to make that decision? The researchers in this paper use vision-language models - systems that can connect visual and textual information - to probe the internal workings of neural networks and uncover the key concepts they're based on.

By analyzing the language descriptions that align with the network's decisions, the researchers can see what higher-level ideas the network is picking up on, rather than just low-level visual features. This provides a new window into understanding how neural networks "think" and make their choices. Ultimately, this type of concept-based analysis could lead to more transparent and interpretable neural network models.

Technical Explanation

The paper first outlines the key components of a standard neural network classifier. It then introduces the concept of "vision-language models" - deep learning systems that can associate visual and textual information. The researchers leverage these vision-language models to analyze the conceptual underpinnings of neural network classifiers.

Specifically, they use a technique called "concept activation vectors" (CAVs), which quantify how strongly a neural network's internal representations align with specific linguistic concepts. By examining the CAVs, the researchers can identify the key concepts that most influence the network's decisions.

The paper describes experiments applying this concept-based analysis to various image classification tasks and neural network architectures. The results show that the identified concepts provide valuable insights into how the networks operate, beyond just their final outputs. The analysis reveals both expected conceptual associations as well as surprising ones that merit further investigation.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling new approach for analyzing neural networks, moving beyond just evaluating their performance to gaining deeper insights into their decision-making mechanisms. The use of vision-language models is a clever way to bridge the gap between the network's internal representations and human-interpretable concepts.

That said, the concept-based analysis is still limited by the linguistic knowledge encoded in the vision-language models. There may be important conceptual factors that are not well captured by the current language models. Additionally, the experiments focus on image classification, and it's unclear how well this approach would generalize to other domains like natural language processing.

Further research is needed to fully understand the strengths and limitations of this concept-based analysis technique. Applying it to a wider range of neural network models and tasks, as well as exploring ways to expand the conceptual knowledge base, could lead to valuable refinements and extensions of this work.


This paper introduces a novel concept-based framework for analyzing neural networks using vision-language models. By uncovering the key conceptual underpinnings of neural network decisions, this approach offers a promising path toward more interpretable and transparent machine learning systems. While still an early-stage technique, the insights gained from this type of analysis could have far-reaching implications for the development of reliable and trustworthy AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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