Exact and Approximate Conformal Inference for Multi-Output Regression






Published 6/26/2024 by Chancellor Johnstone, Eugene Ndiaye



It is common in machine learning to estimate a response $y$ given covariate information $x$. However, these predictions alone do not quantify any uncertainty associated with said predictions. One way to overcome this deficiency is with conformal inference methods, which construct a set containing the unobserved response $y$ with a prescribed probability. Unfortunately, even with a one-dimensional response, conformal inference is computationally expensive despite recent encouraging advances. In this paper, we explore multi-output regression, delivering exact derivations of conformal inference $p$-values when the predictive model can be described as a linear function of $y$. Additionally, we propose texttt{unionCP} and a multivariate extension of texttt{rootCP} as efficient ways of approximating the conformal prediction region for a wide array of multi-output predictors, both linear and nonlinear, while preserving computational advantages. We also provide both theoretical and empirical evidence of the effectiveness of these methods using both real-world and simulated data.

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  • Machine learning is commonly used to predict a response variable y given covariate information x
  • However, these predictions do not quantify the uncertainty associated with the predictions
  • Conformal inference methods can construct a set containing the unobserved response y with a prescribed probability
  • Even for one-dimensional responses, conformal inference can be computationally expensive
  • This paper explores multi-output regression and efficient ways to approximate conformal prediction regions for both linear and nonlinear multi-output predictors

Plain English Explanation

In machine learning, we often try to predict a value y based on some input information x. For example, we might try to predict someone's income based on their age, education level, and other factors. However, these predictions alone don't tell us how certain we are about the predicted value.

Conformal inference methods can help with this by providing a range of possible values for y that contains the true value with a specified probability. This is useful because it gives us a sense of how reliable our predictions are.

Unfortunately, conformal inference can be computationally expensive, especially when we're trying to predict multiple values at once (e.g., predicting someone's income, education level, and job title all at the same time). This paper explores more efficient ways to do conformal inference for these multi-output prediction problems.

The key ideas are:

  1. Deriving exact formulas for the conformal inference "p-values" (a way of measuring how likely the true value is to be in the predicted range) when the predictive model is a linear function of y.
  2. Proposing two new methods, called unionCP and rootCP, that can efficiently approximate the conformal prediction region for a wide range of multi-output predictors, both linear and nonlinear.

The paper provides both theoretical and empirical evidence to show that these new methods are effective, using both real-world and simulated data. This could make conformal inference much more practical for multi-output prediction problems in machine learning.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on the problem of multi-output regression, where the goal is to predict a vector of response variables y given covariate information x. The authors explore ways to construct conformal prediction regions for these multi-output problems, which provide a set containing the unobserved response y with a prescribed probability.

The authors first derive exact formulas for the conformal inference p-values when the predictive model can be described as a linear function of y. This is an important special case, as linear models are widely used in practice.

To handle more general multi-output predictors, both linear and nonlinear, the authors propose two efficient approximation methods:

  1. unionCP: This method constructs the conformal prediction region by taking the union of the individual conformal prediction intervals for each output variable.
  2. rootCP: This is a multivariate extension of the "root" conformal prediction approach, which provides tighter prediction regions than unionCP.

The paper provides both theoretical and empirical evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of these new methods. The theoretical analysis shows that the methods preserve important properties like validity and efficiency. The empirical evaluation, using both real-world and simulated data, confirms that the methods can accurately quantify uncertainty in multi-output prediction tasks while being computationally efficient.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes valuable contributions to the field of conformal inference for multi-output regression problems. The derivation of exact p-value formulas for the linear case and the proposal of the unionCP and rootCP methods are significant advancements that could make conformal inference more practical for a wider range of applications.

That said, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Scalability: While the proposed methods are more efficient than previous approaches, they may still struggle with very high-dimensional output spaces. Further research on scalable conformal inference methods would be useful.
  2. Nonlinear predictors: The paper focuses on both linear and nonlinear multi-output predictors, but the theoretical analysis is more complete for the linear case. Extending the theoretical guarantees to more general nonlinear predictors could further strengthen the contributions.
  3. Real-world applicability: The empirical evaluation uses both simulated and real-world datasets, but more extensive testing on a broader range of real-world problems would help demonstrate the practical utility of the proposed methods.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the field of conformal inference for multi-output regression. The new methods and insights provided could pave the way for more widespread adoption of these powerful uncertainty quantification techniques in machine learning.


This paper explores efficient ways to perform conformal inference for multi-output regression problems, where the goal is to predict a vector of response variables y given covariate information x. The authors derive exact formulas for conformal inference p-values in the linear case and propose two new approximation methods, unionCP and rootCP, that can handle a wide range of both linear and nonlinear multi-output predictors.

The theoretical and empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of these new methods, which could make conformal inference much more practical for real-world multi-output prediction tasks. This is an important contribution, as quantifying uncertainty in machine learning predictions is crucial for many applications.

While the paper does not address all potential limitations, it represents a significant advancement in the field of conformal inference and opens up avenues for further research and development in this area.

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