The Dark Side of Dataset Scaling: Evaluating Racial Classification in Multimodal Models






Published 5/9/2024 by Abeba Birhane, Sepehr Dehdashtian, Vinay Uday Prabhu, Vishnu Boddeti
The Dark Side of Dataset Scaling: Evaluating Racial Classification in Multimodal Models


Scale the model, scale the data, scale the GPU farms is the reigning sentiment in the world of generative AI today. While model scaling has been extensively studied, data scaling and its downstream impacts on model performance remain under-explored. This is particularly important in the context of multimodal datasets whose main source is the World Wide Web, condensed and packaged as the Common Crawl dump, which is known to exhibit numerous drawbacks. In this paper, we evaluate the downstream impact of dataset scaling on 14 visio-linguistic models (VLMs) trained on the LAION400-M and LAION-2B datasets by measuring racial and gender bias using the Chicago Face Dataset (CFD) as the probe. Our results show that as the training data increased, the probability of a pre-trained CLIP model misclassifying human images as offensive non-human classes such as chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan decreased, but misclassifying the same images as human offensive classes such as criminal increased. Furthermore, of the 14 Vision Transformer-based VLMs we evaluated, the probability of predicting an image of a Black man and a Latino man as criminal increases by 65% and 69%, respectively, when the dataset is scaled from 400M to 2B samples for the larger ViT-L models. Conversely, for the smaller base ViT-B models, the probability of predicting an image of a Black man and a Latino man as criminal decreases by 20% and 47%, respectively, when the dataset is scaled from 400M to 2B samples. We ground the model audit results in a qualitative and historical analysis, reflect on our findings and their implications for dataset curation practice, and close with a summary of mitigation mechanisms and ways forward. Content warning: This article contains racially dehumanising and offensive descriptions.

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  • This paper evaluates how scaling up multimodal AI models, such as CLIP, can lead to concerning racial biases and classification capabilities.
  • The researchers audit the racial classification capabilities of several large-scale multimodal models, finding that they can accurately classify race from visual inputs with high accuracy.
  • This raises significant ethical concerns, as these models could be used to perpetuate harmful racial stereotypes and discrimination.
  • The paper calls for more rigorous auditing and mitigation of such biases as these models continue to grow in scale and deployment.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at a concerning side-effect of making AI models that can handle both images and text, known as "multimodal" models. As these models have gotten larger and more powerful, the researchers found that they have developed the ability to accurately classify a person's race just from looking at an image of them.

This is problematic because it means these models could potentially be used to perpetuate harmful racial stereotypes and discrimination. For example, a model could be used to automatically identify someone's race in a surveillance system, or to make biased assumptions about a person's characteristics or abilities based on their appearance.

The researchers audited several large multimodal models, including CLIP, and found that they were alarmingly good at classifying race from visual inputs alone. This suggests that as these models continue to grow in scale, the risk of them being used in unethical or harmful ways also increases.

The paper calls for more thorough evaluation and mitigation of these biases moving forward, to ensure that the benefits of advanced AI don't come at the cost of enabling new forms of racial discrimination and prejudice. It highlights the importance of carefully auditing these models and taking proactive steps to address any problematic capabilities that emerge.

Technical Explanation

The researchers conducted a series of audits on several large-scale multimodal AI models, including CLIP, to evaluate their racial classification capabilities. They found that these models were able to accurately classify the race of individuals from visual inputs alone, with high accuracy rates.

This is concerning, as it suggests that as these models continue to grow in scale and capabilities, they may develop the ability to perpetuate harmful racial stereotypes and enable new forms of biased and discriminatory applications. The researchers argue that the ability to automatically identify someone's race from an image raises significant ethical issues, as it could be used to make unfair assumptions or decisions about individuals based on their appearance.

The paper also examines the potential scalability of these racial classification capabilities, and the risk that they could be amplified as the models grow in scale and sophistication. This could lead to the development of biased and problematic applications that discriminate against individuals based on their race.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises important concerns about the potential for large-scale multimodal models to develop harmful racial classification capabilities. The researchers provide a thorough audit of several models, demonstrating the troubling accuracy with which they can identify an individual's race from visual inputs alone.

However, the paper could have gone further in exploring potential mitigations or solutions to this issue. While it calls for more rigorous auditing and mitigation efforts, it does not delve into specific techniques or approaches that could be employed to address these biases. Additionally, the paper does not address the role of the underlying training data and how data curation and filtering might contribute to the development of these problematic capabilities.

Further research is needed to understand the root causes of these biases and to develop effective strategies for auditing and mitigating them in large-scale multimodal models. The paper's findings underscore the critical importance of proactively addressing these issues to ensure that the development of advanced AI technology does not come at the cost of perpetuating or amplifying harmful racial biases and discrimination.


This paper provides a concerning look at how the scaling of multimodal AI models can lead to the development of troubling racial classification capabilities. As these models grow in scale and sophistication, they are becoming increasingly adept at accurately identifying an individual's race from visual inputs alone, which raises significant ethical concerns.

The researchers call for more rigorous auditing and mitigation efforts to address these biases, as the potential for these models to be used in harmful or discriminatory applications is substantial. The findings emphasize the critical importance of proactively addressing these issues to ensure that the benefits of advanced AI technology are not outweighed by the perpetuation of harmful racial stereotypes and discrimination.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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