Differentially Private Reinforcement Learning with Self-Play






Published 4/12/2024 by Dan Qiao, Yu-Xiang Wang



We study the problem of multi-agent reinforcement learning (multi-agent RL) with differential privacy (DP) constraints. This is well-motivated by various real-world applications involving sensitive data, where it is critical to protect users' private information. We first extend the definitions of Joint DP (JDP) and Local DP (LDP) to two-player zero-sum episodic Markov Games, where both definitions ensure trajectory-wise privacy protection. Then we design a provably efficient algorithm based on optimistic Nash value iteration and privatization of Bernstein-type bonuses. The algorithm is able to satisfy JDP and LDP requirements when instantiated with appropriate privacy mechanisms. Furthermore, for both notions of DP, our regret bound generalizes the best known result under the single-agent RL case, while our regret could also reduce to the best known result for multi-agent RL without privacy constraints. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first line of results towards understanding trajectory-wise privacy protection in multi-agent RL.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to differentially private reinforcement learning using self-play.
  • The proposed method allows for reinforcement learning agents to train models while preserving individual privacy.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through experiments on several benchmark tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to train reinforcement learning models while protecting the privacy of the individuals involved. Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or penalties for its actions.

In many real-world applications, the data used to train these models can contain sensitive information about individuals. The authors of this paper have developed a technique that allows the reinforcement learning agent to learn without accessing the private details of the people involved.

The key idea is to use a self-play approach, where the agent trains against a version of itself that has been modified to preserve privacy. This ensures that the agent learns effective strategies without compromising individual privacy. The authors show through experiments that their method can match the performance of standard reinforcement learning approaches while providing strong privacy guarantees.

This research is an important step towards developing privacy-preserving machine learning systems that can be deployed in sensitive domains like healthcare, finance, and personal assistants. By protecting individual privacy, this work helps pave the way for more widespread adoption of these powerful AI technologies.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a differentially private reinforcement learning (DP-RL) framework that uses self-play to train the agent. Differential privacy is a formal guarantee of privacy that ensures an individual's data has a negligible impact on the overall output of a computation.

The authors adapt the concept of differential privacy to the reinforcement learning setting, where the agent's interactions with the environment need to be kept private. They propose a novel self-play algorithm where the agent trains against a modified version of itself that injects noise into the state and action spaces to achieve differential privacy.

Specifically, the paper makes the following technical contributions:

  1. A DP-RL framework that preserves the privacy of the agent's interactions with the environment.
  2. A self-play algorithm that trains the agent to optimize its policy while respecting differential privacy constraints.
  3. Theoretical analysis of the privacy and utility guarantees of the proposed approach.
  4. Empirical evaluation of the DP-RL framework on several benchmark reinforcement learning tasks, demonstrating its effectiveness in matching the performance of standard RL methods while providing strong privacy protections.

The authors also discuss potential limitations of their approach, such as the trade-off between privacy and performance, and suggest directions for future research.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to addressing the challenge of privacy in reinforcement learning. By incorporating differential privacy into the self-play training process, the authors have developed a method that can preserve individual privacy while still achieving strong performance on benchmark tasks.

One potential limitation of the approach is the inherent trade-off between privacy and utility. As the authors note, increasing the level of differential privacy can lead to a decrease in the agent's performance. Therefore, in practical applications, there may need to be a careful balance struck between the desired level of privacy and the required task performance.

Additionally, the paper focuses on a single-agent setting, whereas many real-world reinforcement learning problems involve multiple interacting agents. Extending the DP-RL framework to multi-agent settings could be an interesting avenue for future research, as it would introduce additional challenges related to coordinating private interactions between agents.

Furthermore, the paper does not address the issue of budget recycling in the context of differential privacy. This technique, which involves intelligently allocating the privacy budget across multiple queries or computations, could potentially be integrated with the DP-RL framework to improve its overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Overall, the paper presents a well-designed and promising approach to addressing privacy in reinforcement learning. The authors have made a valuable contribution to the field, and their work opens up several interesting directions for further research and development in this important area.


This paper introduces a novel method for differentially private reinforcement learning using self-play. By incorporating differential privacy into the training process, the authors have developed a technique that can preserve individual privacy while still achieving strong performance on a range of benchmark tasks.

The proposed DP-RL framework represents an important step towards enabling the widespread deployment of reinforcement learning systems in sensitive domains, where protecting the privacy of individuals is of paramount concern. As the authors suggest, this work lays the groundwork for further research on extending the approach to multi-agent settings and exploring techniques like budget recycling to enhance its efficiency.

Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to the field of privacy-preserving machine learning, and its findings have the potential to significantly impact the development and application of reinforcement learning in real-world, privacy-sensitive environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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