Diffusion-RPO: Aligning Diffusion Models through Relative Preference Optimization






Published 6/11/2024 by Yi Gu, Zhendong Wang, Yueqin Yin, Yujia Xie, Mingyuan Zhou
Diffusion-RPO: Aligning Diffusion Models through Relative Preference Optimization


Aligning large language models with human preferences has emerged as a critical focus in language modeling research. Yet, integrating preference learning into Text-to-Image (T2I) generative models is still relatively uncharted territory. The Diffusion-DPO technique made initial strides by employing pairwise preference learning in diffusion models tailored for specific text prompts. We introduce Diffusion-RPO, a new method designed to align diffusion-based T2I models with human preferences more effectively. This approach leverages both prompt-image pairs with identical prompts and those with semantically related content across various modalities. Furthermore, we have developed a new evaluation metric, style alignment, aimed at overcoming the challenges of high costs, low reproducibility, and limited interpretability prevalent in current evaluations of human preference alignment. Our findings demonstrate that Diffusion-RPO outperforms established methods such as Supervised Fine-Tuning and Diffusion-DPO in tuning Stable Diffusion versions 1.5 and XL-1.0, achieving superior results in both automated evaluations of human preferences and style alignment. Our code is available at https://github.com/yigu1008/Diffusion-RPO

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  • Diffusion-RPO is a novel approach to aligning diffusion models through relative preference optimization
  • It leverages a novel training objective that aims to align the model's preferences with human preferences
  • The method shows promising results in improving the consistency and alignment of diffusion models

Plain English Explanation

Diffusion-RPO: Aligning Diffusion Models through Relative Preference Optimization is a new technique for training diffusion models, which are a type of machine learning model used to generate realistic images and other data.

The key idea behind Diffusion-RPO is to not just train the model to generate high-quality outputs, but to also align the model's preferences with human preferences. This means the model will not only produce good results, but those results will be more aligned with what humans actually want and prefer.

To achieve this, the researchers developed a new training objective that encourages the model to rank the human-preferred outputs higher than the non-preferred ones. This Margin-Aware Preference Optimization approach helps the model learn the subtle differences between desirable and undesirable outputs.

The method also incorporates Curriculum Direct Preference Optimization to gradually increase the difficulty of the preferences the model needs to learn, and a Dense Reward View to provide more informative feedback during training.

Overall, Diffusion-RPO aims to create diffusion models that are not only good at generating high-quality outputs, but also well-aligned with human preferences - a crucial step towards more reliable and trustworthy AI systems.

Technical Explanation

Diffusion-RPO: Aligning Diffusion Models through Relative Preference Optimization proposes a novel training approach for diffusion models that aims to align the model's preferences with human preferences.

The key components of the Diffusion-RPO method include:

  1. Margin-Aware Preference Optimization: This training objective encourages the model to rank human-preferred outputs higher than non-preferred outputs, helping it learn the subtle differences between desirable and undesirable outputs.

  2. Curriculum Direct Preference Optimization: This technique gradually increases the difficulty of the preferences the model needs to learn, starting with simpler tasks and progressing to more complex ones.

  3. Dense Reward View: This approach provides the model with more informative feedback during training by considering the relative preferences of multiple samples, rather than just a single pair.

The researchers evaluate Diffusion-RPO on several tasks, including image generation and text-to-image translation, and show that it leads to improved consistency and alignment of the generated outputs compared to standard diffusion models.

Critical Analysis

The Diffusion-RPO paper presents a promising approach to aligning diffusion models with human preferences, but it also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research.

One potential concern is the scalability of the method, as the Step-Aware Preference Optimization technique used in the paper may become computationally expensive for larger datasets or more complex models.

Additionally, the paper focuses on relatively simple preference tasks, such as ranking image samples. Extending the method to more complex and nuanced human preferences, such as those related to ethics or social impact, may pose additional challenges.

Further research is also needed to better understand the robustness and generalizability of the Diffusion-RPO approach, as well as its interactions with other techniques for improving the safety and reliability of diffusion models.


Diffusion-RPO: Aligning Diffusion Models through Relative Preference Optimization presents a novel approach to aligning diffusion models with human preferences, with the goal of creating more reliable and trustworthy AI systems.

By incorporating techniques like Margin-Aware Preference Optimization, Curriculum Direct Preference Optimization, and Dense Reward View, the method shows promising results in improving the consistency and alignment of generated outputs. This is a significant step forward in the ongoing efforts to develop AI systems that are well-aligned with human values and preferences.

While the paper identifies some limitations and areas for further research, the Diffusion-RPO approach represents an important advancement in the field of diffusion modeling and AI alignment, with potentially far-reaching implications for the development of safe and ethical AI technologies.

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