Domain Generalisation via Imprecise Learning






Published 5/31/2024 by Anurag Singh, Siu Lun Chau, Shahine Bouabid, Krikamol Muandet
Domain Generalisation via Imprecise Learning


Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalisation is challenging because it involves not only learning from empirical data, but also deciding among various notions of generalisation, e.g., optimising the average-case risk, worst-case risk, or interpolations thereof. While this choice should in principle be made by the model operator like medical doctors, this information might not always be available at training time. The institutional separation between machine learners and model operators leads to arbitrary commitments to specific generalisation strategies by machine learners due to these deployment uncertainties. We introduce the Imprecise Domain Generalisation framework to mitigate this, featuring an imprecise risk optimisation that allows learners to stay imprecise by optimising against a continuous spectrum of generalisation strategies during training, and a model framework that allows operators to specify their generalisation preference at deployment. Supported by both theoretical and empirical evidence, our work showcases the benefits of integrating imprecision into domain generalisation.

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  • This paper introduces a new approach to domain generalization called "imprecise learning" that aims to improve a model's ability to perform well on unseen data domains.
  • The key idea is to train the model to learn a set of imprecise, overlapping hypotheses instead of a single precise hypothesis, which can help the model better generalize to new domains.
  • The paper provides a theoretical analysis of imprecise learning and demonstrates its empirical effectiveness on several benchmark domain generalization tasks.

Plain English Explanation

In machine learning, a common challenge is getting models to perform well on data that is different from what they were trained on. This is known as the domain generalization problem. The paper proposes a new approach called "imprecise learning" to address this challenge.

The core idea is that instead of training a model to learn a single, precise hypothesis (i.e., a single way of making predictions), the model is trained to learn a set of overlapping, imprecise hypotheses. This gives the model more flexibility to adapt to new, unseen data domains, rather than being constrained to a single, precise way of doing things.

Imagine you're teaching a child to recognize different types of animals. Instead of just showing them pictures of a single, prototypical example of each animal, you could show them a range of similar-looking animals. This would give the child a more flexible understanding of what counts as, say, a "dog," making it easier for them to recognize dogs they haven't seen before.

The paper provides a theoretical analysis of how imprecise learning can improve a model's ability to generalize, as well as empirical results demonstrating its effectiveness on several standard domain generalization benchmarks.

Technical Explanation

The paper formalizes the idea of "imprecise learning" within an information-theoretic framework for domain generalization. Instead of learning a single, precise hypothesis h that maps inputs x to outputs y, the model learns a set of hypotheses H that are "imprecise" in the sense that they partially overlap with each other.

Specifically, the authors define a loss function that encourages the model to learn a set of hypotheses H that are diverse (i.e., don't completely overlap) but still predictive of the training data. This forces the model to learn multiple, complementary ways of making predictions, rather than converging to a single, precise hypothesis.

The authors provide a theoretical analysis showing that this imprecise learning approach can improve a model's ability to generalize to new, unseen data domains. They also demonstrate the empirical effectiveness of imprecise learning on several standard domain generalization benchmarks, including Colored MNIST and DomainBed.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to the domain generalization problem, with a strong theoretical foundation and empirical results to back it up. However, the authors acknowledge some limitations:

  • The specific implementation of imprecise learning used in the paper relies on a constrained form of the hypothesis set H, which may limit the model's flexibility in some cases.
  • The experiments are conducted on relatively simple benchmark tasks, and it's unclear how well the approach would scale to more complex, real-world domain generalization problems.
  • The authors don't explore the interpretability or explainability of the learned hypothesis set H, which could be an important consideration for certain applications.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of domain generalization, but there is still room for further research and refinement of the imprecise learning approach, particularly in terms of expanding its applicability to more challenging real-world scenarios.


This paper introduces a new approach to domain generalization called "imprecise learning" that aims to improve a model's ability to perform well on unseen data domains. By training the model to learn a set of imprecise, overlapping hypotheses instead of a single precise hypothesis, the model can better adapt to new, unseen data distributions.

The authors provide a theoretical analysis of imprecise learning and demonstrate its empirical effectiveness on several benchmark domain generalization tasks. While the approach shows promise, the authors also acknowledge some limitations that could be addressed through further research.

Overall, the paper makes an important contribution to the field of domain generalization and opens up new avenues for developing more robust and adaptable machine learning models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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