Dual Modalities of Text: Visual and Textual Generative Pre-training






Published 4/17/2024 by Yekun Chai, Qingyi Liu, Jingwu Xiao, Shuohuan Wang, Yu Sun, Hua Wu
Dual Modalities of Text: Visual and Textual Generative Pre-training


Harnessing visual texts represents a burgeoning frontier in the evolution of language modeling. In this paper, we introduce a novel pre-training framework for a suite of pixel-based autoregressive language models, pre-training on a corpus of over 400 million documents rendered as RGB images. Our approach is characterized by a dual-modality training regimen, engaging both visual data through next patch prediction with a regression head and textual data via next token prediction with a classification head. This study is particularly focused on investigating the synergistic interplay between visual and textual modalities of language. Our comprehensive evaluation across a diverse array of benchmarks reveals that the confluence of visual and textual data substantially augments the efficacy of pixel-based language models. Notably, our findings show that a unidirectional pixel-based model, devoid of textual data during training, can match the performance levels of advanced bidirectional pixel-based models on various language understanding benchmarks. This work highlights the considerable untapped potential of integrating visual and textual information for language modeling purposes. We will release our code, data, and checkpoints to inspire further research advancement.

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  • This paper explores a novel approach to text generation that leverages both visual and textual information during the pre-training phase.
  • The authors propose a dual-modality pre-training framework that learns from both image-text pairs and pure text corpora, enabling the model to generate high-quality text with visual grounding.
  • The research builds on previous work in multimodal machine translation, visual question answering, and language-vision models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to train language models that can generate text with a stronger connection to the visual world. Typically, language models are trained on large text corpora, which can limit their ability to understand and describe the real-world context behind the words.

The researchers propose a "dual-modality" approach, where the model is trained on both text data and image-text pairs. This allows the model to learn how language is used to describe visual information, making it better equipped to generate text that is grounded in visual reality.

For example, when asked to describe a scene, a model trained this way might generate more vivid and accurate text, drawing on its understanding of how language is used to depict visual elements. This could be particularly useful for tasks like image captioning or visual storytelling.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of this paper is the dual-modality pre-training framework, which combines textual and visual information to learn more effective language representations.

During pre-training, the model is exposed to two parallel data streams: a large text corpus (e.g., books, articles) and a set of image-text pairs (e.g., images with captions). The model is trained to generate the appropriate text given either the textual or visual input, forcing it to learn connections between language and visual concepts.

This approach builds on previous work in multimodal machine translation, where visual information was shown to improve translation quality, and visual question answering, which requires models to reason about both textual and visual inputs.

The authors find that this dual-modality pre-training leads to significant improvements in text generation quality compared to models trained on text alone, particularly for tasks that benefit from visual grounding, such as image captioning.

Critical Analysis

While the proposed approach shows promising results, the paper does not address several potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The experiments are conducted on a relatively small set of benchmarks, and it's unclear how the model would scale to more diverse or complex text generation tasks.
  • The paper does not explore the tradeoffs between the amount of visual and textual data used during pre-training, and whether there is an optimal balance between the two modalities.
  • The authors do not investigate how the dual-modality approach affects the model's robustness or ability to generalize to out-of-distribution samples, which is an important consideration for real-world applications.

Future research could address these limitations by expanding the evaluation, studying the impact of different data ratios, and analyzing the model's generalization capabilities. Additionally, it would be valuable to explore the interpretability of the learned representations and how the visual grounding manifests in the generated text.


This paper presents a novel approach to text generation that leverages both visual and textual information during the pre-training phase. By exposing the model to image-text pairs alongside large text corpora, the researchers are able to create language models that generate text with stronger visual grounding, potentially improving their performance on tasks that require understanding the real-world context behind language.

While the results are promising, the research also highlights the need for further exploration of the model's limitations and potential areas for improvement. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step towards developing more capable and versatile text generation systems that can better integrate language and vision.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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