DualRefine: Self-Supervised Depth and Pose Estimation Through Iterative Epipolar Sampling and Refinement Toward Equilibrium






Published 4/8/2024 by Antyanta Bangunharcana, Ahmed Magd, Kyung-Soo Kim



Self-supervised multi-frame depth estimation achieves high accuracy by computing matching costs of pixel correspondences between adjacent frames, injecting geometric information into the network. These pixel-correspondence candidates are computed based on the relative pose estimates between the frames. Accurate pose predictions are essential for precise matching cost computation as they influence the epipolar geometry. Furthermore, improved depth estimates can, in turn, be used to align pose estimates. Inspired by traditional structure-from-motion (SfM) principles, we propose the DualRefine model, which tightly couples depth and pose estimation through a feedback loop. Our novel update pipeline uses a deep equilibrium model framework to iteratively refine depth estimates and a hidden state of feature maps by computing local matching costs based on epipolar geometry. Importantly, we used the refined depth estimates and feature maps to compute pose updates at each step. This update in the pose estimates slowly alters the epipolar geometry during the refinement process. Experimental results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate competitive depth prediction and odometry prediction performance surpassing published self-supervised baselines.

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  • This paper proposes a novel deep learning model called DualRefine for self-supervised multi-frame depth estimation.
  • DualRefine tightly couples depth and pose estimation through a feedback loop, iteratively refining both depth estimates and camera pose.
  • The model uses a deep equilibrium model framework to compute local matching costs based on epipolar geometry, which are used to update both depth and pose.
  • Experimental results on the KITTI dataset show DualRefine achieves competitive depth prediction and odometry performance compared to published self-supervised baselines.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new deep learning model called DualRefine that can accurately estimate depth and camera pose from a sequence of video frames, without any supervised training. The key insight is that depth and pose information are closely linked - accurate depth helps improve pose estimation, and vice versa.

DualRefine works by repeatedly refining both the depth and pose estimates in an iterative feedback loop. It uses a special type of neural network called a "deep equilibrium model" to compute local pixel-level matching costs based on the epipolar geometry between frames. These matching costs are then used to update the depth and pose estimates, slowly improving them over multiple iterations.

The tight coupling of depth and pose estimation is inspired by traditional "structure-from-motion" techniques, where 3D scene structure and camera motion are recovered together. By tightly integrating these two tasks, DualRefine is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance on benchmarks like the KITTI dataset, surpassing other self-supervised depth and odometry prediction methods.

Technical Explanation

The core of the DualRefine model is a deep equilibrium network that iteratively refines depth estimates and a hidden feature representation by computing local pixel-level matching costs. These matching costs are derived from the epipolar geometry between adjacent video frames, which is determined by the relative camera pose.

Importantly, the refined depth estimates are then used to update the pose estimates at each iteration. This creates a feedback loop where improved depth leads to better pose estimation, which in turn enables more accurate depth computation based on the updated epipolar constraints. This tight coupling of depth and pose is inspired by traditional structure-from-motion approaches.

The authors show that this iterative refinement process, using a deep equilibrium model, can outperform published self-supervised baselines for both depth prediction and odometry estimation on the KITTI dataset. The results demonstrate the benefits of jointly reasoning about depth and pose, rather than treating them as separate tasks.

Critical Analysis

The key strength of the DualRefine model is its ability to tightly couple depth and pose estimation, allowing the two tasks to mutually inform and improve each other. This is a compelling approach that builds on principles from traditional structure-from-motion techniques.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the model's failure cases or limitations. It would be helpful to understand scenarios where the iterative refinement process might struggle, such as handling occlusions, large camera motions, or dynamic scenes. Additionally, the paper does not compare DualRefine to more recent self-supervised depth estimation methods like EcoDepth, which may offer complementary strengths.

Overall, the DualRefine model represents an interesting and promising approach to self-supervised depth and pose estimation. Further research could explore ways to make the model more robust and generalize to a wider range of challenging scenarios.


The DualRefine model presented in this paper demonstrates the benefits of tightly coupling depth and pose estimation in a self-supervised deep learning framework. By iteratively refining both depth and pose using a deep equilibrium network, the model is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance on benchmarks like the KITTI dataset.

This work highlights the importance of jointly reasoning about 3D scene structure and camera motion, rather than treating them as separate tasks. The feedback loop between depth and pose estimation allows the model to continually improve its understanding of the underlying geometry, leading to more accurate predictions.

While the paper does not fully explore the model's limitations, the DualRefine approach represents an exciting step forward in self-supervised depth and odometry estimation. Further research in this direction could lead to even more robust and versatile visual understanding systems, with applications in autonomous navigation, augmented reality, and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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