The Effect of Data Partitioning Strategy on Model Generalizability: A Case Study of Morphological Segmentation






Published 4/16/2024 by Zoey Liu, Bonnie J. Dorr
The Effect of Data Partitioning Strategy on Model Generalizability: A Case Study of Morphological Segmentation


Recent work to enhance data partitioning strategies for more realistic model evaluation face challenges in providing a clear optimal choice. This study addresses these challenges, focusing on morphological segmentation and synthesizing limitations related to language diversity, adoption of multiple datasets and splits, and detailed model comparisons. Our study leverages data from 19 languages, including ten indigenous or endangered languages across 10 language families with diverse morphological systems (polysynthetic, fusional, and agglutinative) and different degrees of data availability. We conduct large-scale experimentation with varying sized combinations of training and evaluation sets as well as new test data. Our results show that, when faced with new test data: (1) models trained from random splits are able to achieve higher numerical scores; (2) model rankings derived from random splits tend to generalize more consistently.

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  • This paper investigates the effect of different data partitioning strategies on the generalizability of machine learning models, using morphological segmentation as a case study.
  • The authors explore how splitting training and evaluation data can impact a model's ability to generalize to unseen data.
  • They compare common partitioning approaches, such as random splits and temporal splits, and examine the trade-offs between them.

Plain English Explanation

When training machine learning models, researchers often split their dataset into separate portions for training the model and evaluating its performance. The way this data is partitioned can have a significant impact on how well the model generalizes to new, unseen data.

In this paper, the authors focus on the task of morphological segmentation - the process of breaking words down into their smallest meaningful parts. They investigate how different data partitioning strategies, such as randomly splitting the data or splitting it based on time, can affect the model's ability to accurately segment words it hasn't seen before.

The key idea is that the way the training and evaluation data are split can introduce biases or "data leakage" that make the model perform better on the evaluation set than it would on truly new data. By comparing common partitioning approaches, the authors aim to provide guidance on how to set up these data splits in a way that leads to more reliable and generalizable models.

Technical Explanation

The authors conduct experiments on the task of morphological segmentation, where the goal is to break down words into their smallest meaningful parts (e.g., "un-break-able" -> "un", "break", "able"). They compare the performance of models trained using different data partitioning strategies, including:

  1. Random splits: Randomly dividing the dataset into training and evaluation sets.
  2. Temporal splits: Splitting the data based on timestamp, with the earlier data used for training and the later data used for evaluation.
  3. Cross-validation: Repeatedly splitting the data into multiple folds for training and evaluation.

The authors train sequence-to-sequence models on the segmentation task using these different partitioning approaches and compare the models' performance on held-out test sets. They also investigate the impact of data imbalance and synthetic data on model generalizability.

The key findings are that the choice of data partitioning strategy can significantly impact a model's ability to generalize to new data, with temporal splits often leading to overly optimistic performance estimates. The authors also find that data leakage can occur when the training and evaluation sets are not properly separated, further emphasizing the need for careful data partitioning.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations of their study. First, they focus on a single task (morphological segmentation) and may not be able to generalize their findings to other domains. Additionally, the authors only consider a few common data partitioning strategies and do not explore more sophisticated approaches, such as stratified sampling or domain-aware splits.

Another potential issue is that the authors do not delve deeply into the underlying reasons why certain partitioning strategies lead to better generalization. While they provide some hypotheses, a more thorough analysis of the mechanisms at play could help researchers better understand the tradeoffs and make more informed decisions about data partitioning.

Finally, the authors do not investigate the impact of model architecture or hyperparameter choices on generalizability, which could also play a significant role in the observed results. Incorporating these factors into the analysis could yield additional insights.


This paper highlights the critical importance of data partitioning in the development of generalizable machine learning models. By carefully examining the effects of different splitting strategies on morphological segmentation, the authors demonstrate that the way training and evaluation data are divided can have a substantial impact on a model's performance on new, unseen data.

The findings from this study provide valuable guidance for researchers and practitioners working on a wide range of machine learning tasks. By being mindful of the potential for data leakage and overly optimistic performance estimates, they can design more robust and reliable experiments, leading to models that are better equipped to generalize to real-world scenarios.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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