Data Selection: A General Principle for Building Small Interpretable Models






Published 4/30/2024 by Abhishek Ghose



We present convincing empirical evidence for an effective and general strategy for building accurate small models. Such models are attractive for interpretability and also find use in resource-constrained environments. The strategy is to learn the training distribution and sample accordingly from the provided training data. The distribution learning algorithm is not a contribution of this work; our contribution is a rigorous demonstration of the broad utility of this strategy in various practical settings. We apply it to the tasks of (1) building cluster explanation trees, (2) prototype-based classification, and (3) classification using Random Forests, and show that it improves the accuracy of decades-old weak traditional baselines to be competitive with specialized modern techniques. This strategy is also versatile wrt the notion of model size. In the first two tasks, model size is considered to be number of leaves in the tree and the number of prototypes respectively. In the final task involving Random Forests, the strategy is shown to be effective even when model size comprises of more than one factor: number of trees and their maximum depth. Positive results using multiple datasets are presented that are shown to be statistically significant.

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  • The paper presents a strategy for building accurate small models, which are useful for interpretability and resource-constrained environments.
  • The strategy involves learning the training data distribution and sampling accordingly to improve the performance of various machine learning tasks.
  • The authors apply this strategy to three different tasks: building cluster explanation trees, prototype-based classification, and classification using Random Forests.
  • The results show that this strategy can improve the accuracy of traditional baseline models to be competitive with specialized modern techniques.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a strategy for building small, accurate machine learning models. The key idea is to learn the distribution of the training data and then use that knowledge to sample more effectively from the data. This can help improve the performance of various machine learning tasks, even for older, simpler models.

For example, imagine you're trying to build a small decision tree to explain a dataset. Instead of just using the data as-is, the strategy suggests first understanding the overall distribution of the data. Then, you can sample from that distribution in a smart way to train a more accurate tree with fewer branches.

The authors show this strategy works well for three different tasks: explaining clusters of data, classifying using prototypes, and building Random Forests. In each case, the strategy helps take traditional, simple models and make them competitive with more modern, complex techniques.

The key benefit of this approach is that it allows you to build small, interpretable models that still perform well. This can be very useful in situations where you need a model that's easy to understand, or where you have limited computational resources.

Technical Explanation

The paper's main contribution is a rigorous demonstration of the broad utility of a strategy for building accurate small models. The strategy involves learning the training data distribution and sampling accordingly from the provided training data.

The authors apply this strategy to three different tasks:

  1. Building cluster explanation trees: The goal is to create a small decision tree that can effectively explain the clusters in a dataset. The strategy involves learning the distribution of the data and sampling from it to train the tree.

  2. Prototype-based classification: Here, the goal is to build a classifier using a small set of prototypes (representative examples) from the data. Again, the strategy is to learn the data distribution and sample prototypes accordingly.

  3. Classification using Random Forests: In this case, the authors show the strategy is effective even when the model size comprises multiple factors, such as the number of trees and their maximum depth.

For each task, the authors demonstrate that their strategy can improve the accuracy of traditional baseline models to be competitive with specialized modern techniques. They present positive results using multiple datasets and show the improvements are statistically significant.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and rigorous exploration of the proposed strategy, and the results are quite compelling. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The paper focuses on relatively simple model types, such as decision trees and Random Forests. It would be interesting to see how the strategy performs with more complex neural network models.
  • The authors note that the distribution learning algorithm is not a contribution of this work, and they rely on existing techniques. Investigating more advanced distribution learning methods could potentially further improve the strategy's effectiveness.
  • The paper does not delve into the practical considerations of implementing this strategy in real-world scenarios, such as computational overhead or the sensitivity to the quality of the distribution learning.

Overall, the paper presents a promising approach for building accurate small models and demonstrates its broad applicability. Further exploration of the strategy's limitations and potential extensions could lead to even more impactful advancements in this area.


This paper introduces an effective and general strategy for building accurate small machine learning models. By learning the distribution of the training data and sampling accordingly, the authors show significant improvements in the performance of various tasks, including cluster explanation, prototype-based classification, and Random Forest classification.

The strategy's versatility with respect to model size and its ability to boost the accuracy of traditional baseline models to be competitive with specialized modern techniques make it a promising approach for building interpretable and resource-efficient models. As the authors note, further research into more advanced distribution learning methods and the practical considerations of implementing this strategy could lead to even more impactful advancements in this important area of machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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