On the Empirical Complexity of Reasoning and Planning in LLMs






Published 6/19/2024 by Liwei Kang, Zirui Zhao, David Hsu, Wee Sun Lee
On the Empirical Complexity of Reasoning and Planning in LLMs


Chain-of-thought (CoT), tree-of-thought (ToT), and related techniques work surprisingly well in practice for some complex reasoning tasks with Large Language Models (LLMs), but why? This work seeks the underlying reasons by conducting experimental case studies and linking the performance benefits to well-established sample and computational complexity principles in machine learning. We experimented with 6 reasoning tasks, ranging from grade school math, air travel planning, ..., to Blocksworld. The results suggest that (i) both CoT and ToT benefit significantly from task decomposition, which breaks a complex reasoning task into a sequence of steps with low sample complexity and explicitly outlines the reasoning structure, and (ii) for computationally hard reasoning tasks, the more sophisticated tree structure of ToT outperforms the linear structure of CoT. These findings provide useful guidelines for the use of LLM in solving reasoning tasks in practice.

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  • This paper examines the empirical complexity of reasoning and planning tasks in large language models (LLMs).
  • The researchers conducted experiments to assess the ability of LLMs to perform multi-step reasoning and planning.
  • The results suggest that while LLMs can excel at certain reasoning and planning tasks, they also exhibit limitations that highlight the need for further research and advancements in these areas.

Plain English Explanation

The paper investigates how well large language models (LLMs), like the ones used in chatbots and AI assistants, can perform complex reasoning and planning tasks. The researchers ran a series of experiments to see how LLMs handle multi-step problems that require logical thinking and strategizing.

The results show that LLMs can be quite good at certain types of reasoning and planning, such as [link to "Empowering Multi-step Reasoning Across Languages via Instruction Following"]. However, the models also have some limitations when it comes to more intricate, step-by-step reasoning [link to "How to Think Step-by-Step: Mechanistic Interpretability for Chain-of-Thought Reasoning"]. This suggests that while LLMs are powerful, there is still room for improvement in their ability to tackle complex, multi-part problems [link to "Chain Preference Optimization: Improving Chain-of-Thought Reasoning"].

The researchers also found that the size of the LLM seems to play a role, with larger models generally performing better on these tasks [link to "Can Only LLMs Do Reasoning? The Potential of Small Models"]. This highlights the importance of continued research and development in this area to create even more capable AI systems [link to "Synergy of Thoughts: Eliciting Efficient Reasoning in Hybrid Language Models"].

Technical Explanation

The paper examines the empirical complexity of reasoning and planning tasks in large language models (LLMs). The researchers conducted a series of experiments to assess the ability of LLMs to perform multi-step reasoning and planning.

The experiment design involved testing the LLMs on a variety of tasks that required logical thinking and strategizing over multiple steps. This included problems like solving mathematical word problems, planning routes, and making decisions based on complex constraints.

The results showed that LLMs can excel at certain types of reasoning and planning tasks, particularly those that involve straightforward, single-step logic. However, the models struggled more with problems that required deeper, multi-step reasoning and the ability to plan and execute a sequence of steps.

The researchers found that the size of the LLM played a role, with larger models generally performing better on the more complex reasoning and planning tasks. This suggests that scaling up the models' size and training data may be one avenue for improving their capabilities in this area.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the limitations of current LLMs when it comes to complex reasoning and planning. While the models can handle certain types of logical problems, the research highlights the need for further advancements to enable LLMs to tackle more intricate, multi-step challenges.

One potential area for improvement mentioned in the paper is the ability to incorporate more explicit reasoning and planning mechanisms into the models, rather than relying solely on implicit learning [link to "How to Think Step-by-Step: Mechanistic Interpretability for Chain-of-Thought Reasoning"]. This could involve developing novel architectural designs or training approaches that better support step-by-step logical processing and strategic planning.

Additionally, the paper suggests that the size and scale of the LLMs may play a significant role in their reasoning and planning capabilities. This raises questions about the practical limitations and costs of continually scaling up these models, and whether alternative approaches, such as [link to "Can Only LLMs Do Reasoning? The Potential of Small Models"], may be more effective in the long run.

Overall, the research underscores the importance of continued exploration and innovation in the field of reasoning and planning in AI, to ensure that these critical capabilities are developed alongside the impressive language understanding and generation abilities of LLMs.


This paper provides a detailed examination of the empirical complexity of reasoning and planning tasks in large language models (LLMs). The researchers found that while LLMs can excel at certain types of logical problems, they also exhibit limitations when it comes to more intricate, multi-step reasoning and planning.

The results highlight the need for further advancements in AI to enable more robust and capable reasoning and planning abilities, which are essential for building truly intelligent systems that can tackle complex, real-world challenges. The insights from this research could inform the development of novel architectural designs, training approaches, and hybrid models that combine the strengths of LLMs with more explicit reasoning and planning mechanisms [link to "Synergy of Thoughts: Eliciting Efficient Reasoning in Hybrid Language Models"].

Overall, this paper contributes to the ongoing efforts to push the boundaries of what AI systems can achieve, and to develop more sophisticated, adaptable, and capable artificial intelligence that can truly assist and empower humans in meaningful ways.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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