On the Representational Capacity of Neural Language Models with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning






Published 6/21/2024 by Franz Nowak, Anej Svete, Alexandra Butoi, Ryan Cotterell



The performance of modern language models (LMs) has been improved by chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, i.e., the process of generating intermediate results that guide the model towards a final answer. A possible explanation for this improvement is that CoT reasoning extends an LM's computational power, as RNNs and transformers with additional scratch space are known to be Turing complete. Comparing LMs to Turing machines, however, introduces a category error - Turing machines decide language membership, whereas LMs define distributions over strings. To bridge this gap, we formalize CoT reasoning in a probabilistic setting. We present several results on the representational capacity of recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning, showing that they can represent the same family of distributions over strings as probabilistic Turing machines.

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  • Modern language models (LMs) have seen performance improvements through chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, which generates intermediate results to guide the model to a final answer.
  • Comparing LMs to Turing machines raises a category error, as Turing machines decide language membership while LMs define distributions over strings.
  • This paper aims to formalize CoT reasoning in a probabilistic setting and explore the representational capacity of recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning.

Plain English Explanation

Language models (LMs) are AI systems that can generate human-like text. Researchers have found that chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, where the model produces intermediate steps to reach a final answer, can improve the performance of these models.

One way to think about this is that the extra "scratch space" provided by CoT reasoning extends the computational power of the LM, similar to how Turing-complete systems with additional memory can solve more problems.

However, directly comparing LMs to Turing machines is problematic, as Turing machines are designed to determine whether a given string belongs to a language, while LMs are used to generate new strings that belong to a distribution of possible texts.

To better understand the relationship between LMs and Turing-like computation, this paper takes a probabilistic approach. It explores how recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning can represent the same family of probability distributions over strings as probabilistic Turing machines.

Technical Explanation

The paper formalizes the concept of CoT reasoning in a probabilistic setting. It presents several results on the representational capacity of recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning, showing that they can represent the same family of distributions over strings as probabilistic Turing machines.

The key insights are:

  1. Recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning can be viewed as probabilistic state machines that generate strings according to a probability distribution.
  2. This probabilistic state machine interpretation allows for a direct comparison to probabilistic Turing machines, which are known to be able to represent a wide range of probability distributions.
  3. The paper proves that recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning can represent the same family of distributions over strings as probabilistic Turing machines, bridging the gap between LMs and Turing-like computation.

These results shed light on the increased computational capabilities and reasoning abilities of LMs with CoT reasoning, and provide a formal foundation for understanding their faithfulness and limitations in terms of the probability distributions they can represent.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous mathematical framework for understanding the capabilities of LMs with CoT reasoning, but it also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The analysis focuses on the representational capacity of LMs, but does not address their sample complexity or the challenges of learning these representations from data.
  2. The comparison to probabilistic Turing machines is useful, but the practical implications for training and deploying LMs with CoT reasoning are not fully explored.
  3. The paper does not address the interpretability or transparency of CoT reasoning in LMs, which are important considerations for real-world applications.

Further research is needed to understand the practical implications of these theoretical results, as well as to explore the robustness and generalization of LMs with CoT reasoning in diverse settings.


This paper presents a formal, probabilistic framework for understanding the capabilities of language models (LMs) with chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning. By bridging the gap between LMs and Turing-like computation, the authors show that recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning can represent the same family of probability distributions over strings as probabilistic Turing machines.

These insights shed light on the increased computational power and reasoning abilities of LMs with CoT, and provide a foundation for understanding their limitations and potential applications. As the field of large language models continues to evolve, this research highlights the importance of developing rigorous theoretical frameworks to better understand these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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