Advancing Long-Term Multi-Energy Load Forecasting with Patchformer: A Patch and Transformer-Based Approach






Published 4/17/2024 by Qiuyi Hong, Fanlin Meng, Felipe Maldonado
Advancing Long-Term Multi-Energy Load Forecasting with Patchformer: A Patch and Transformer-Based Approach


In the context of increasing demands for long-term multi-energy load forecasting in real-world applications, this paper introduces Patchformer, a novel model that integrates patch embedding with encoder-decoder Transformer-based architectures. To address the limitation in existing Transformer-based models, which struggle with intricate temporal patterns in long-term forecasting, Patchformer employs patch embedding, which predicts multivariate time-series data by separating it into multiple univariate data and segmenting each of them into multiple patches. This method effectively enhances the model's ability to capture local and global semantic dependencies. The numerical analysis shows that the Patchformer obtains overall better prediction accuracy in both multivariate and univariate long-term forecasting on the novel Multi-Energy dataset and other benchmark datasets. In addition, the positive effect of the interdependence among energy-related products on the performance of long-term time-series forecasting across Patchformer and other compared models is discovered, and the superiority of the Patchformer against other models is also demonstrated, which presents a significant advancement in handling the interdependence and complexities of long-term multi-energy forecasting. Lastly, Patchformer is illustrated as the only model that follows the positive correlation between model performance and the length of the past sequence, which states its ability to capture long-range past local semantic information.

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  • This paper presents Patchformer, a novel approach for long-term multi-energy load forecasting that combines patch-based modeling and transformer-based architectures.
  • Patchformer aims to capture both local and global dependencies in complex multi-energy time series data, improving upon existing methods.
  • The authors evaluate Patchformer on several real-world datasets, demonstrating its superior performance compared to state-of-the-art baselines.

Plain English Explanation

Forecasting energy usage over long time periods is a challenging problem, as it requires understanding complex patterns and relationships in the data. The paper introduces a new technique called Patchformer that uses a combination of patch-based modeling and transformer-based architectures to tackle this challenge.

Patch-based modeling involves breaking down the input data into smaller, overlapping "patches" and processing them independently. This allows the model to capture local patterns and details. The transformer architecture, on the other hand, is well-suited for understanding global dependencies and relationships in the data.

By combining these two approaches, Patchformer can effectively model both the local and global aspects of multi-energy time series data, leading to improved forecasting accuracy compared to existing methods. The authors evaluate Patchformer on real-world datasets and show that it outperforms other state-of-the-art models.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel architecture called Patchformer for long-term multi-energy load forecasting. Patchformer integrates patch-based modeling and transformer-based architectures to capture both local and global dependencies in complex multi-energy time series data.

The patch-based component of Patchformer involves dividing the input time series into smaller, overlapping patches, which are then processed independently. This allows the model to focus on local patterns and details within the data. The transformer-based component, on the other hand, is responsible for understanding the global relationships and dependencies across the entire time series.

The authors evaluate Patchformer on several real-world multi-energy datasets and compare its performance to state-of-the-art baselines, including TimGPT, Forecasting Electricity Market Signals via Generative AI, and MinusFormer. The results demonstrate that Patchformer outperforms these existing methods, showcasing its effectiveness in capturing the complex patterns and dependencies inherent in multi-energy time series data.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to long-term multi-energy load forecasting, leveraging the strengths of both patch-based modeling and transformer-based architectures. However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research.

One potential concern is the computational complexity of the Patchformer model, as the patch-based processing and transformer-based components may increase the overall model size and training time. The authors suggest exploring ways to optimize the architecture and reduce the computational burden, which would be beneficial for practical deployment.

Additionally, the paper focuses on evaluating Patchformer on a limited set of real-world datasets. Further testing on a more diverse range of datasets, including data from different domains or with varying characteristics, would help to better understand the generalizability and robustness of the proposed approach.

The authors also mention the need to investigate the interpretability of Patchformer, as understanding the model's decision-making process can be crucial for real-world applications. Incorporating techniques for model explanation and interpretability could enhance the trust and adoption of the proposed method.


The Patchformer model presented in this paper offers a promising approach to long-term multi-energy load forecasting. By combining patch-based modeling and transformer-based architectures, the model can effectively capture both local and global dependencies in complex time series data, resulting in improved forecasting accuracy.

The authors' evaluation of Patchformer on real-world datasets demonstrates its superiority over state-of-the-art baselines, highlighting the potential benefits of this hybrid approach. However, further research is needed to address the computational complexity, explore the model's generalizability, and enhance its interpretability.

If successful, the Patchformer model could have significant implications for the energy industry, enabling more accurate long-term forecasting of energy demand and load, which is crucial for efficient resource planning and management.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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