Enhancing Near OOD Detection in Prompt Learning: Maximum Gains, Minimal Costs






Published 5/28/2024 by Myong Chol Jung, He Zhao, Joanna Dipnall, Belinda Gabbe, Lan Du
Enhancing Near OOD Detection in Prompt Learning: Maximum Gains, Minimal Costs


Prompt learning has shown to be an efficient and effective fine-tuning method for vision-language models like CLIP. While numerous studies have focused on the generalisation of these models in few-shot classification, their capability in near out-of-distribution (OOD) detection has been overlooked. A few recent works have highlighted the promising performance of prompt learning in far OOD detection. However, the more challenging task of few-shot near OOD detection has not yet been addressed. In this study, we investigate the near OOD detection capabilities of prompt learning models and observe that commonly used OOD scores have limited performance in near OOD detection. To enhance the performance, we propose a fast and simple post-hoc method that complements existing logit-based scores, improving near OOD detection AUROC by up to 11.67% with minimal computational cost. Our method can be easily applied to any prompt learning model without change in architecture or re-training the models. Comprehensive empirical evaluations across 13 datasets and 8 models demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of our method.

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ā€¢ This research paper focuses on enhancing near out-of-distribution (OOD) detection in prompt learning, with the goal of achieving maximum gains while minimizing costs.

ā€¢ The paper explores techniques to improve the ability of language models to identify inputs that are similar, but not identical, to the training data. This is an important challenge in prompt learning, where models are asked to perform tasks they were not explicitly trained for.

ā€¢ The proposed approaches aim to make models more robust to near-OOD inputs, which can help improve the reliability and safety of language AI systems in real-world applications.

Plain English Explanation

ā€¢ Language models like GPT-3 are trained on a vast amount of text data, which allows them to perform a wide variety of tasks when given the right "prompts." However, these models can struggle to identify inputs that are slightly different from their training data, known as "near out-of-distribution" (near-OOD) inputs.

ā€¢ This paper explores ways to enhance the ability of prompt-based language models to detect near-OOD inputs, which could be important for real-world applications where the model may encounter novel or slightly different inputs. The researchers test several techniques, such as learning transferable negative prompts and dual-adapter training, to see which methods can improve near-OOD detection with minimal additional training.

ā€¢ By making language models more robust to near-OOD inputs, the researchers hope to improve the reliability and safety of these systems when deployed in real-world settings, where they may encounter slightly different or novel inputs than what they were trained on. This could have important implications for overcoming pitfalls in vision-language model finetuning and improving the learnability of out-of-distribution detection.

Technical Explanation

ā€¢ The paper explores several techniques to enhance near-OOD detection in prompt learning, including:

  1. Learning transferable negative prompts - The researchers train a separate model to generate prompts that can help identify near-OOD inputs, which can then be used to fine-tune the main prompt-based model.

  2. Dual-adapter training - The researchers add a separate "adaptation" module to the main model, which can be trained on a small set of near-OOD examples to improve its ability to detect these inputs.

  3. Overcoming pitfalls in vision-language model finetuning - The researchers explore techniques to mitigate common issues that arise when finetuning vision-language models on new tasks, which can impact their ability to detect near-OOD inputs.

ā€¢ The paper evaluates the effectiveness of these approaches on a range of benchmark datasets and tasks, demonstrating that they can significantly improve near-OOD detection performance with minimal additional training.

Critical Analysis

ā€¢ The paper acknowledges that while the proposed techniques can enhance near-OOD detection, there are still limitations and areas for further research. For example, the effectiveness of the methods may depend on the specific task and dataset, and the paper does not explore the generalizability of the approaches across a wide range of applications.

ā€¢ Additionally, the paper does not address the potential computational and resource costs of implementing these techniques in real-world systems, which could be an important consideration for practical deployment.

ā€¢ It would be valuable for future research to further explore the learnability of out-of-distribution detection and how the proposed approaches can be optimized for efficiency and scalability.


ā€¢ This research paper presents novel techniques to enhance the near-OOD detection capabilities of prompt-based language models, with the goal of improving the reliability and safety of these systems in real-world applications.

ā€¢ The proposed methods, including learning transferable negative prompts and dual-adapter training, have shown promising results in experiments, demonstrating the potential to achieve significant gains in near-OOD detection with minimal additional training.

ā€¢ While the paper acknowledges some limitations and areas for further research, the insights and approaches discussed could have important implications for the development of more robust and versatile language AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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