EquivAct: SIM(3)-Equivariant Visuomotor Policies beyond Rigid Object Manipulation






Published 5/15/2024 by Jingyun Yang, Congyue Deng, Jimmy Wu, Rika Antonova, Leonidas Guibas, Jeannette Bohg
EquivAct: SIM(3)-Equivariant Visuomotor Policies beyond Rigid Object Manipulation


If a robot masters folding a kitchen towel, we would expect it to master folding a large beach towel. However, existing policy learning methods that rely on data augmentation still don't guarantee such generalization. Our insight is to add equivariance to both the visual object representation and policy architecture. We propose EquivAct which utilizes SIM(3)-equivariant network structures that guarantee generalization across all possible object translations, 3D rotations, and scales by construction. EquivAct is trained in two phases. We first pre-train a SIM(3)-equivariant visual representation on simulated scene point clouds. Then, we learn a SIM(3)-equivariant visuomotor policy using a small amount of source task demonstrations. We show that the learned policy directly transfers to objects that substantially differ from demonstrations in scale, position, and orientation. We evaluate our method in three manipulation tasks involving deformable and articulated objects, going beyond typical rigid object manipulation tasks considered in prior work. We conduct experiments both in simulation and in reality. For real robot experiments, our method uses 20 human demonstrations of a tabletop task and transfers zero-shot to a mobile manipulation task in a much larger setup. Experiments confirm that our contrastive pre-training procedure and equivariant architecture offer significant improvements over prior work. Project website: https://equivact.github.io

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ā€¢ This paper presents a new approach called EquivAct, which aims to develop SIM(3)-equivariant visuomotor policies for robot manipulation tasks beyond just rigid object manipulation.

ā€¢ EquivAct leverages equivariant neural networks to learn policies that are invariant to 3D spatial transformations, allowing for more general and flexible robot control.

Plain English Explanation

ā€¢ Robots today can manipulate rigid objects quite well, like picking up a box or a can. However, they struggle with more complex, deformable objects like cloth or ropes.

ā€¢ The key innovation in this paper is a new technique called EquivAct that helps robots learn control policies that work for a wider range of objects, not just rigid ones.

ā€¢ The core idea is to use neural networks that are "equivariant" to 3D spatial transformations. This means the network's outputs change in predictable ways when the input images are rotated, translated, or scaled.

ā€¢ By building this equivariance into the network architecture, the authors show the robot can learn more general manipulation skills that aren't limited to a specific object type or pose. This could enable robots to tackle a broader range of real-world tasks.

Technical Explanation

ā€¢ EquivAct uses SIM(3)-equivariant neural networks to learn visuomotor policies, where the network outputs change predictably under 3D translations, rotations, and scaling transformations.

ā€¢ The authors evaluate EquivAct on a range of manipulation tasks in simulation, including deformable object and articulated object manipulation, showing improved performance compared to non-equivariant baselines.

ā€¢ EquivAct builds on prior work in equivariant 3D learning and generalized visuomotor policy learning.

Critical Analysis

ā€¢ The paper demonstrates promising results, but the experiments are still confined to simulation. Evaluating EquivAct's performance on real-world robotic systems would be an important next step.

ā€¢ Additionally, the paper does not explore the sample efficiency or training time of EquivAct compared to non-equivariant baselines, which could be a key practical consideration for real-world deployment.

ā€¢ Further work is also needed to understand the types of deformable and articulated objects where EquivAct's equivariance properties provide the greatest benefits in terms of generalization and performance.


ā€¢ EquivAct represents an exciting advance in developing more flexible and capable robot manipulation policies that can handle a broader range of objects beyond just rigid bodies.

ā€¢ The use of SIM(3)-equivariant neural networks is a promising direction for enabling robots to learn generalizable skills that are not limited by object type or pose.

ā€¢ While additional real-world validation is needed, this research opens up new possibilities for robots to assist humans with a wider variety of manipulation tasks in unstructured environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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