Ethical Reasoning and Moral Value Alignment of LLMs Depend on the Language we Prompt them in






Published 4/30/2024 by Utkarsh Agarwal, Kumar Tanmay, Aditi Khandelwal, Monojit Choudhury
Ethical Reasoning and Moral Value Alignment of LLMs Depend on the Language we Prompt them in


Ethical reasoning is a crucial skill for Large Language Models (LLMs). However, moral values are not universal, but rather influenced by language and culture. This paper explores how three prominent LLMs -- GPT-4, ChatGPT, and Llama2-70B-Chat -- perform ethical reasoning in different languages and if their moral judgement depend on the language in which they are prompted. We extend the study of ethical reasoning of LLMs by Rao et al. (2023) to a multilingual setup following their framework of probing LLMs with ethical dilemmas and policies from three branches of normative ethics: deontology, virtue, and consequentialism. We experiment with six languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Hindi, and Swahili. We find that GPT-4 is the most consistent and unbiased ethical reasoner across languages, while ChatGPT and Llama2-70B-Chat show significant moral value bias when we move to languages other than English. Interestingly, the nature of this bias significantly vary across languages for all LLMs, including GPT-4.

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  • This paper investigates how the language used to prompt large language models (LLMs) can impact their ethical reasoning and moral value alignment.
  • The researchers explore how prompting LLMs in different languages can lead to distinct ethical behaviors and decision-making.
  • The study examines the potential risks and implications of language-dependent moral value alignment in LLMs.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-LLama are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. As these models become more advanced, it's crucial to understand how they make ethical decisions and align with moral values.

This paper suggests that the language used to prompt or instruct LLMs can significantly impact their ethical reasoning and moral alignment. For example, prompting an LLM in English versus Chinese may lead to different ethical behaviors or decisions, even when the underlying task or instruction is the same.

The researchers explore this idea through various experiments, looking at how LLMs respond to prompts in different languages when faced with ethical dilemmas or value-based choices. They find that the language used can shape the model's moral judgments, priorities, and decision-making processes in ways that may have important real-world implications.

This research builds on previous work on modeling emotions and ethics in LLMs, evaluating the reasoning behavior of LLMs, and understanding the interventional reasoning capabilities of these models. It also connects to findings that LLMs can be as persuasive as humans in certain contexts.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a series of experiments that investigate how the language used to prompt LLMs can influence their ethical reasoning and moral value alignment. The researchers used several established ethical reasoning tasks and value alignment benchmarks to assess the behavior of LLMs across different language prompts.

The experiment design involved prompting LLMs with the same ethical dilemmas or value-based choices, but using different languages (e.g., English, Chinese, Spanish). The researchers then analyzed the model's responses, looking for differences in the ethical judgments, priorities, and decision-making processes.

The findings suggest that the language used in the prompts can significantly shape the LLMs' moral reasoning and value alignment. For example, the models may exhibit different preferences for utilitarian versus deontological ethical frameworks, or prioritize different moral values (e.g., justice, fairness, harm reduction) depending on the language of the prompt.

The researchers propose that these language-dependent moral biases in LLMs could have important implications for the real-world deployment of these models, particularly in sensitive domains like healthcare, education, or law. They highlight the need for further research and careful consideration of these language-dependent moral effects when developing and deploying LLMs.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper raises important questions about the potential risks and limitations of current approaches to ethical reasoning and value alignment in large language models. While the findings are compelling, the authors acknowledge several caveats and areas for further investigation.

One key limitation is the relatively small set of languages and ethical tasks examined in the study. The researchers focused on a few major world languages, but it's unclear how the results might scale to a more diverse set of linguistic and cultural contexts. Additionally, the ethical dilemmas and value alignment benchmarks used may not fully capture the complexity of real-world moral decision-making.

Another potential concern is the difficulty of separating the language-dependent effects observed from other factors, such as the LLMs' underlying training data or the specific prompting techniques used. It's possible that other aspects of the experimental design or model architecture could also contribute to the observed moral biases.

Furthermore, the paper does not address the potential for LLMs to be deliberately prompted or fine-tuned to exhibit certain ethical behaviors or value alignments, regardless of the language used. This raises questions about the robustness and reliability of these systems when it comes to moral decision-making.

Despite these limitations, the research presented in this paper is an important step towards understanding the complex interplay between language, ethics, and AI systems. The findings highlight the need for more comprehensive approaches to value alignment and ethical reasoning in large language models, as well as the importance of carefully considering the linguistic and cultural contexts in which these models are deployed.


This paper presents compelling evidence that the language used to prompt large language models can significantly impact their ethical reasoning and moral value alignment. The researchers demonstrate how LLMs can exhibit distinct ethical behaviors and decision-making processes depending on the language of the prompts, with potentially important implications for the real-world deployment of these systems.

The findings underscore the need for a more nuanced and multifaceted approach to ethical AI development, one that takes into account the complex interplay between language, culture, and moral decision-making. As LLMs continue to advance and become more ubiquitous, understanding and addressing these language-dependent moral biases will be crucial for ensuring the safe and responsible development of these powerful AI systems.

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