Imitation Bootstrapped Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/7/2024 by Hengyuan Hu, Suvir Mirchandani, Dorsa Sadigh



Despite the considerable potential of reinforcement learning (RL), robotic control tasks predominantly rely on imitation learning (IL) due to its better sample efficiency. However, it is costly to collect comprehensive expert demonstrations that enable IL to generalize to all possible scenarios, and any distribution shift would require recollecting data for finetuning. Therefore, RL is appealing if it can build upon IL as an efficient autonomous self-improvement procedure. We propose imitation bootstrapped reinforcement learning (IBRL), a novel framework for sample-efficient RL with demonstrations that first trains an IL policy on the provided demonstrations and then uses it to propose alternative actions for both online exploration and bootstrapping target values. Compared to prior works that oversample the demonstrations or regularize RL with an additional imitation loss, IBRL is able to utilize high quality actions from IL policies since the beginning of training, which greatly accelerates exploration and training efficiency. We evaluate IBRL on 6 simulation and 3 real-world tasks spanning various difficulty levels. IBRL significantly outperforms prior methods and the improvement is particularly more prominent in harder tasks.

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  • Reinforcement learning (RL) has significant potential for robotic control tasks, but is often overshadowed by imitation learning (IL) due to IL's better sample efficiency.
  • However, IL requires comprehensive expert demonstrations, which can be costly to collect, and any distribution shift would require recollecting data for fine-tuning.
  • The paper proposes a novel framework called "Imitation Bootstrapped Reinforcement Learning" (IBRL) that combines the strengths of IL and RL to enable sample-efficient autonomous self-improvement.

Plain English Explanation

The paper addresses a common challenge in robotics: how to efficiently teach a robot new skills. Traditionally, imitation learning has been more effective than reinforcement learning because it can learn from expert demonstrations more quickly. However, collecting comprehensive expert demonstrations for all possible scenarios is expensive, and if the robot encounters a new situation, the training data needs to be updated.

The researchers propose a new approach called "Imitation Bootstrapped Reinforcement Learning" (IBRL) that tries to combine the strengths of both methods. IBRL first trains an imitation learning policy on the available expert demonstrations. It then uses this policy to propose alternative actions, which it can use to both explore new behaviors (through reinforcement learning) and bootstrap the target values it learns (by using the imitation policy's outputs as additional training data).

The key idea is that by leveraging the high-quality actions from the imitation learning policy, IBRL can accelerate the exploration and training process compared to prior methods that simply oversample the demonstrations or add an imitation loss. This makes IBRL particularly useful for tasks that are harder to learn.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel framework called "Imitation Bootstrapped Reinforcement Learning" (IBRL) that aims to combine the strengths of imitation learning and reinforcement learning to enable sample-efficient autonomous self-improvement.

IBRL first trains an imitation learning policy on the provided expert demonstrations. It then uses this IL policy to propose alternative actions, which serve two purposes:

  1. Online exploration: The proposed actions from the IL policy are used to supplement the agent's exploration during reinforcement learning, guiding it to potentially higher reward regions of the state-action space.

  2. Bootstrapping target values: The IL policy's proposed actions are also used to generate additional target values for the reinforcement learning agent's value function, helping it learn more efficiently.

Compared to prior works that either oversample the demonstrations or add an imitation loss to the RL objective, IBRL is able to utilize the high-quality actions from the IL policy from the very beginning of training. This greatly accelerates the exploration and training efficiency, especially on more challenging tasks.

The paper evaluates IBRL on 6 simulation and 3 real-world tasks of varying difficulty levels. The results show that IBRL significantly outperforms previous methods, with the improvement being particularly pronounced on the harder tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to combining imitation learning and reinforcement learning in a way that leverages the strengths of both. The key innovation of using the imitation policy's proposed actions for both exploration and bootstrapping target values is a clever way to harness the sample efficiency of imitation learning while still allowing the agent to autonomously improve through reinforcement learning.

That said, the paper does not extensively discuss potential limitations or caveats of the IBRL approach. For example, it would be interesting to understand how sensitive the method is to the quality of the initial imitation learning policy, and whether there are cases where relying too heavily on the IL policy's outputs could actually hinder the agent's ability to explore and discover truly novel behaviors.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on evaluating task performance, but does not delve into the interpretability or transparency of the learned policies. In many real-world robotic applications, it would be important to understand and verify the reasoning behind the agent's decisions, which the current IBRL framework does not address.

Overall, the IBRL approach represents a promising step forward in bootstrapping linear models for fast online adaptation and model-based imitation learning for robotic control. Further research to understand its limitations and extend it to incorporate interpretability considerations could make it an even more valuable tool for building capable and trustworthy autonomous systems.


The paper proposes a novel framework called "Imitation Bootstrapped Reinforcement Learning" (IBRL) that combines the strengths of imitation learning and reinforcement learning to enable sample-efficient autonomous skill acquisition for robotic control tasks.

By using the high-quality actions from an imitation learning policy to guide both exploration and value function bootstrapping, IBRL is able to significantly outperform prior methods, especially on more challenging tasks. This represents an important step forward in developing robust and versatile reinforcement learning agents that can learn quickly from limited data.

While the paper does not extensively discuss potential limitations, the IBRL approach shows promise as a way to adaptively learn robot control policies that can autonomously improve over time. Further research to understand its capabilities and limitations, as well as extensions to incorporate interpretability, could make IBRL an invaluable tool for building the next generation of capable and trustworthy robotic systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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