Evolving Interpretable Visual Classifiers with Large Language Models






Published 4/16/2024 by Mia Chiquier, Utkarsh Mall, Carl Vondrick
Evolving Interpretable Visual Classifiers with Large Language Models


Multimodal pre-trained models, such as CLIP, are popular for zero-shot classification due to their open-vocabulary flexibility and high performance. However, vision-language models, which compute similarity scores between images and class labels, are largely black-box, with limited interpretability, risk for bias, and inability to discover new visual concepts not written down. Moreover, in practical settings, the vocabulary for class names and attributes of specialized concepts will not be known, preventing these methods from performing well on images uncommon in large-scale vision-language datasets. To address these limitations, we present a novel method that discovers interpretable yet discriminative sets of attributes for visual recognition. We introduce an evolutionary search algorithm that uses a large language model and its in-context learning abilities to iteratively mutate a concept bottleneck of attributes for classification. Our method produces state-of-the-art, interpretable fine-grained classifiers. We outperform the latest baselines by 18.4% on five fine-grained iNaturalist datasets and by 22.2% on two KikiBouba datasets, despite the baselines having access to privileged information about class names.

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  • This paper explores using large language models to discover and evolve interpretable visual classifiers.
  • The researchers developed a framework that combines the representational power of large language models with evolutionary algorithms to generate visual classifiers that are both accurate and interpretable.
  • The approach leverages the language understanding capabilities of large language models to capture semantic concepts, which are then used to guide the evolution of visual classifiers.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new way to create visual classification models that are not only accurate, but also easy for people to understand. The researchers used large language models, which are AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data to understand language. By connecting these language models to evolutionary algorithms, which gradually improve solutions over many iterations, the team was able to develop visual classifiers that can recognize objects, scenes, and other visual elements while also explaining how they make their decisions.

This is valuable because many state-of-the-art AI vision models are "black boxes" - they can make accurate predictions, but it's difficult to understand the internal logic they use. The approach described in this paper aims to create more transparent and interpretable visual AI, which could lead to greater trust and understanding of these systems.

The key insight is to leverage the rich semantic knowledge encoded in large language models, like those discussed in this survey, to guide the evolution of visual classifiers. This allows the models to learn representations that are grounded in human-understandable concepts, rather than just raw pixel patterns.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a framework called LLEO (Large Language Evolved Optimization) that combines large language models with evolutionary algorithms to discover interpretable visual classifiers. The approach works as follows:

  1. A large language model, such as GPT-3, is used to encode visual concepts into a high-dimensional semantic space. This allows the model to capture rich, human-interpretable representations of visual elements.
  2. An evolutionary algorithm is then used to optimize a population of candidate visual classifiers. The fitness of each classifier is evaluated not just on accuracy, but also on how well its internal representations align with the semantic concepts from the language model, as measured by techniques like those discussed here.
  3. Over many generations, the evolutionary process gradually produces visual classifiers that are both accurate and aligned with human-understandable visual concepts, making them more interpretable.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach on several benchmark visual recognition tasks, showing that the LLEO-evolved classifiers can achieve competitive accuracy while also providing explanations for their predictions that are grounded in semantic concepts.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for developing interpretable visual AI systems, which is an important challenge in the field. By leveraging the strengths of large language models and evolutionary algorithms, the researchers have shown how to generate classifiers that are both accurate and aligned with human-understandable concepts.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and avenues for future work. For example, the evolutionary process can be computationally intensive, and the reliance on language models means the approach may be limited by the biases and shortcomings of those models. Additionally, the paper does not explore how the interpretability of the evolved classifiers could be further improved or quantified.

Future research could investigate ways to make the evolutionary process more efficient, explore alternative methods for aligning visual representations with semantic concepts, and delve deeper into the interpretability and explainability of the resulting classifiers. Comparisons to other zero-shot and prompt-based approaches for bridging vision and language could also provide valuable insights.


This paper presents a novel framework for evolving interpretable visual classifiers by leveraging the power of large language models. The approach demonstrates how the rich semantic knowledge encoded in language models can be used to guide the optimization of visual AI systems, resulting in models that are both accurate and aligned with human-understandable concepts.

The potential impact of this work is significant, as it could lead to the development of more transparent and trustworthy computer vision systems. By making the internal representations and decision-making processes of these models more interpretable, the research paves the way for greater transparency and accountability in real-world applications of visual AI, from autonomous vehicles to medical diagnosis.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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