Factorized Motion Fields for Fast Sparse Input Dynamic View Synthesis






Published 4/22/2024 by Nagabhushan Somraj, Kapil Choudhary, Sai Harsha Mupparaju, Rajiv Soundararajan
Factorized Motion Fields for Fast Sparse Input Dynamic View Synthesis


Designing a 3D representation of a dynamic scene for fast optimization and rendering is a challenging task. While recent explicit representations enable fast learning and rendering of dynamic radiance fields, they require a dense set of input viewpoints. In this work, we focus on learning a fast representation for dynamic radiance fields with sparse input viewpoints. However, the optimization with sparse input is under-constrained and necessitates the use of motion priors to constrain the learning. Existing fast dynamic scene models do not explicitly model the motion, making them difficult to be constrained with motion priors. We design an explicit motion model as a factorized 4D representation that is fast and can exploit the spatio-temporal correlation of the motion field. We then introduce reliable flow priors including a combination of sparse flow priors across cameras and dense flow priors within cameras to regularize our motion model. Our model is fast, compact and achieves very good performance on popular multi-view dynamic scene datasets with sparse input viewpoints. The source code for our model can be found on our project page: https://nagabhushansn95.github.io/publications/2024/RF-DeRF.html.

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  • This paper presents a method for fast dynamic view synthesis from sparse input views.
  • The key idea is to factorize the motion fields into separate components, enabling efficient inference.
  • The method leverages motion priors to generate realistic dynamic radiance fields from just a few input views.
  • This allows for fast and high-quality view synthesis of dynamic scenes, which has applications in areas like virtual reality and 4D video generation.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to create realistic animations and videos from just a few input images or videos. This is useful for things like making virtual reality experiences or generating 4D videos (with both space and time dimensions) from sparse input data.

The key insight is to break down the motion in the scene into separate components, like the movement of different objects. This "factorization" allows the system to efficiently estimate the full dynamic radiance field (the color and lighting information) of the scene, even with limited input data.

By leveraging prior knowledge about typical motions, the method can generate high-quality dynamic content from just a few sparse views. This is much faster than traditional approaches that require many input images or videos to create similar outputs.

The factorized motion fields enable efficient inference and high-quality view synthesis, making the overall system fast and practical for applications like virtual reality and 4D video generation.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a novel approach for fast dynamic view synthesis from sparse input views. The key contribution is the factorization of the motion fields into separate components, which enables efficient inference and high-quality output.

The method first decomposes the dynamic radiance field into a static scene component and a dynamic motion component. The motion component is further factorized into an object-centric motion field and a global camera motion field. This factorization allows the system to efficiently estimate the full dynamic radiance field from just a few sparse input views, by leveraging learned priors on typical object and camera motions.

The factorized motion fields are represented using a neural network architecture that can be trained end-to-end. During inference, the network takes in the sparse input views and outputs the necessary motion fields to synthesize the dynamic radiance field at novel viewpoints.

Experiments demonstrate that this approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on dynamic view synthesis tasks, while being significantly faster than previous methods that require dense input data. The factorized representation and motion priors enable high-quality results from just a handful of input views.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for fast dynamic view synthesis, with strong empirical results. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The method assumes the existence of a static scene component and a dynamic motion component, which may not hold true for all types of dynamic scenes. More complex decompositions may be necessary for certain scenarios.

  2. The reliance on learned motion priors could limit the system's ability to handle highly unusual or unexpected motions. Further research is needed to understand the generalization capabilities of the approach.

  3. The paper focuses on view synthesis, but does not address other important aspects of dynamic scene understanding, such as object segmentation, tracking, or depth estimation. Integrating these capabilities could further enhance the system's usefulness.

  4. The computational efficiency of the method, while an improvement over previous approaches, may still not be sufficient for real-time applications. Continued research into more efficient neural architectures could lead to even faster inference.

Despite these potential limitations, the factorized motion field representation is a promising direction for dynamic view synthesis, with practical applications in areas like virtual reality and 4D video generation.


This paper introduces a novel method for fast dynamic view synthesis from sparse input views. By factorizing the motion fields into separate components, the system can efficiently estimate the full dynamic radiance field and synthesize high-quality results, even with limited input data.

The key innovations, including the factorized motion representation and the leveraging of motion priors, enable state-of-the-art performance on dynamic view synthesis tasks while being significantly faster than previous approaches. This makes the method a valuable tool for applications that require realistic and efficient dynamic scene rendering, such as virtual reality and 4D video generation.

While the paper presents a compelling solution, there are still opportunities for further research to address the identified limitations and expand the system's capabilities. Nonetheless, the factorized motion field approach is a significant step forward in the field of dynamic scene understanding and synthesis.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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