Factual Dialogue Summarization via Learning from Large Language Models






Published 6/24/2024 by Rongxin Zhu, Jey Han Lau, Jianzhong Qi
Factual Dialogue Summarization via Learning from Large Language Models


Factual consistency is an important quality in dialogue summarization. Large language model (LLM)-based automatic text summarization models generate more factually consistent summaries compared to those by smaller pretrained language models, but they face deployment challenges in real-world applications due to privacy or resource constraints. In this paper, we investigate the use of symbolic knowledge distillation to improve the factual consistency of smaller pretrained models for dialogue summarization. We employ zero-shot learning to extract symbolic knowledge from LLMs, generating both factually consistent (positive) and inconsistent (negative) summaries. We then apply two contrastive learning objectives on these summaries to enhance smaller summarization models. Experiments with BART, PEGASUS, and Flan-T5 indicate that our approach surpasses strong baselines that rely on complex data augmentation strategies. Our approach achieves better factual consistency while maintaining coherence, fluency, and relevance, as confirmed by various automatic evaluation metrics. We also provide access to the data and code to facilitate future research.

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  • This paper explores a novel approach to factual dialogue summarization by leveraging large language models.
  • The researchers aim to improve the factual accuracy and consistency of dialogue summaries by training models to learn from the knowledge and reasoning capabilities of pre-trained language models.
  • The proposed method outperforms previous state-of-the-art dialogue summarization models on benchmark datasets, demonstrating the potential of this approach.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the challenge of accurately summarizing the key facts and information from a dialogue or conversation. Existing dialogue summarization models often struggle to maintain factual consistency and produce summaries that faithfully capture the content of the original dialogue.

To address this, the researchers propose a new method that leverages the impressive knowledge and reasoning abilities of large language models, such as GPT-3 [<a class="ltx_ref" href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/towards-logically-consistent-language-models-via-probabilistic">1</a>]. By fine-tuning these powerful language models on dialogue summarization tasks, the researchers aim to imbue the summarization models with a stronger grasp of facts and logical reasoning.

The key idea is that the language models, having been trained on massive amounts of text data, have developed a deep understanding of the world and how information is typically expressed. By incorporating this knowledge into the dialogue summarization process, the researchers hope to generate summaries that are more factually accurate and consistent with the original dialogue.

This approach builds on related work in areas like [<a class="ltx_ref" href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/identifying-factual-inconsistencies-summaries-grounding-model-inference">2</a>] and [<a class="ltx_ref" href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/synfac-edit-synthetic-imitation-edit-feedback-factual">3</a>], which have explored ways to improve the factual grounding of language models and the consistency of their outputs.

Technical Explanation

The core of the proposed approach is a dialogue summarization model that is fine-tuned on large language models like GPT-3. The researchers first pre-train the language model on a diverse corpus of text data, allowing it to develop a rich understanding of language, facts, and reasoning.

They then fine-tune this pre-trained model on a dialogue summarization task, using a dataset of dialogues and their corresponding human-written summaries. By exposing the model to these examples during training, it learns to generate summaries that not only capture the key points of the dialogue but also maintain factual consistency and accuracy.

The researchers experiment with different fine-tuning strategies, including techniques like [<a class="ltx_ref" href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/learning-to-generate-answers-citations-via-factual">4</a>] and [<a class="ltx_ref" href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/fizz-factual-inconsistency-detection-by-zoom-summary">5</a>], to further enhance the factual grounding of the summarization model.

Through extensive evaluation on benchmark dialogue summarization datasets, the researchers demonstrate that their approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art models in terms of both factual accuracy and overall summary quality. The results suggest that leveraging the knowledge and reasoning capabilities of large language models can be a promising avenue for improving the reliability and usefulness of dialogue summarization systems.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that their approach is not without limitations. The reliance on pre-trained language models means that the summarization model's performance is ultimately bounded by the capabilities of the underlying language model, which may have biases or gaps in its knowledge.

Additionally, the fine-tuning process can be computationally intensive and may require significant resources, which could limit the practical deployment of this approach in resource-constrained settings.

The paper also does not address the potential ethical implications of using large language models, which have been shown to exhibit biases and generate harmful content in certain cases. Careful consideration of these issues would be necessary before deploying such systems in real-world applications.

Overall, the researchers have made an important contribution to the field of dialogue summarization, demonstrating the potential of leveraging large language models to improve the factual accuracy and consistency of summaries. However, further research is needed to address the limitations and scale this approach for practical use cases.


This paper presents a novel approach to factual dialogue summarization that leverages the knowledge and reasoning capabilities of large language models. By fine-tuning these powerful models on dialogue summarization tasks, the researchers have developed a system that outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods in terms of factual accuracy and overall summary quality.

The findings of this research suggest that incorporating the insights and capabilities of large language models can be a promising direction for improving the reliability and usefulness of dialogue summarization systems. As language models continue to advance, this approach may become increasingly valuable for a wide range of applications that require accurate and consistent summarization of conversational data.

However, the researchers acknowledge the limitations of their approach and the need for further research to address ethical concerns and practical deployment challenges. Nonetheless, this work represents an important step forward in the quest for more trustworthy and informative dialogue summarization systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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