FilterPrompt: Guiding Image Transfer in Diffusion Models






Published 5/14/2024 by Xi Wang, Yichen Peng, Heng Fang, Haoran Xie, Xi Yang, Chuntao Li
FilterPrompt: Guiding Image Transfer in Diffusion Models


In controllable generation tasks, flexibly manipulating the generated images to attain a desired appearance or structure based on a single input image cue remains a critical and longstanding challenge. Achieving this requires the effective decoupling of key attributes within the input image data, aiming to get representations accurately. Previous research has predominantly concentrated on disentangling image attributes within feature space. However, the complex distribution present in real-world data often makes the application of such decoupling algorithms to other datasets challenging. Moreover, the granularity of control over feature encoding frequently fails to meet specific task requirements. Upon scrutinizing the characteristics of various generative models, we have observed that the input sensitivity and dynamic evolution properties of the diffusion model can be effectively fused with the explicit decomposition operation in pixel space. This integration enables the image processing operations performed in pixel space for a specific feature distribution of the input image, and can achieve the desired control effect in the generated results. Therefore, we propose FilterPrompt, an approach to enhance the model control effect. It can be universally applied to any diffusion model, allowing users to adjust the representation of specific image features in accordance with task requirements, thereby facilitating more precise and controllable generation outcomes. In particular, our designed experiments demonstrate that the FilterPrompt optimizes feature correlation, mitigates content conflicts during the generation process, and enhances the model's control capability.

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  • This paper proposes a novel technique called FilterPrompt for guiding image transfer in diffusion models.
  • Diffusion models have shown impressive results in image generation, but often struggle with tasks like image-to-image translation.
  • FilterPrompt aims to address this by enabling more controllable and semantically meaningful image transfer.

Plain English Explanation

Diffusion models are a type of AI system that can generate highly realistic images. However, they can have trouble with tasks like taking one image and transforming it into a different kind of image, a process known as image-to-image translation.

The FilterPrompt technique introduced in this paper tries to solve this problem. It gives the diffusion model more guidance and control over the image transfer process, allowing it to produce results that are more semantically meaningful and aligned with the user's intent.

For example, if you wanted to take a photo of a city street and turn it into an oil painting-style image, FilterPrompt could help the diffusion model understand the key elements to preserve (like the buildings and cars) versus the elements to transform (like the painting style). This results in more coherent and intentional image-to-image translations.

Technical Explanation

The core idea behind FilterPrompt is to explicitly decompose the image transfer process into separate content and style components. This is achieved by training the diffusion model to not only generate the final output image, but also to predict a set of content and style features that represent different aspects of the image.

During inference, the user can then provide a "prompt" that specifies the desired content and style characteristics, and the diffusion model uses this prompt to guide the image transfer in a more controlled and semantically meaningful way. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through extensive experiments on various image-to-image translation tasks.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the FilterPrompt approach is that it relies on the diffusion model being able to accurately predict the relevant content and style features. If the model struggles to disentangle these components, the guided image transfer may not work as intended.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the robustness of FilterPrompt to diverse or challenging input images, and it's unclear how well the technique would generalize to a wider range of image-to-image translation scenarios.

Further research could investigate ways to make the content/style decomposition more robust, as well as explore adversarial attacks on the FilterPrompt system to better understand its limitations.


Overall, the FilterPrompt technique represents an interesting and promising step towards more controllable and semantically meaningful image-to-image translation using diffusion models. By explicitly modeling content and style features, the approach allows for greater user guidance and better preservation of semantic information during the image transfer process. Further research to address the potential limitations could lead to even more powerful and versatile image manipulation capabilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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