Full Parameter Fine-tuning for Large Language Models with Limited Resources






Published 6/7/2024 by Kai Lv, Yuqing Yang, Tengxiao Liu, Qinghui Gao, Qipeng Guo, Xipeng Qiu
Full Parameter Fine-tuning for Large Language Models with Limited Resources


Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP) but demand massive GPU resources for training. Lowering the threshold for LLMs training would encourage greater participation from researchers, benefiting both academia and society. While existing approaches have focused on parameter-efficient fine-tuning, which tunes or adds a small number of parameters, few have addressed the challenge of tuning the full parameters of LLMs with limited resources. In this work, we propose a new optimizer, LOw-Memory Optimization (LOMO), which fuses the gradient computation and the parameter update in one step to reduce memory usage. By integrating LOMO with existing memory saving techniques, we reduce memory usage to 10.8% compared to the standard approach (DeepSpeed solution). Consequently, our approach enables the full parameter fine-tuning of a 65B model on a single machine with 8 RTX 3090, each with 24GB memory.Code and data are available at https://github.com/OpenLMLab/LOMO.

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  • The paper explores a method for full parameter fine-tuning of large language models (LLMs) with limited computational resources.
  • It proposes a novel approach called AdaLomo that adaptively selects important parameters to fine-tune, reducing memory and computation requirements.
  • The method is evaluated on several benchmark tasks and demonstrates improved performance compared to existing techniques like zeroth-order fine-tuning and LayerWise Importance Sampling.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 have achieved remarkable performance on a wide range of tasks, but fine-tuning these models can be computationally expensive, requiring significant memory and processing power. This can be a challenge for researchers and developers with limited resources.

The authors of this paper propose a new approach called AdaLomo that aims to address this challenge. The key insight is that not all parameters in an LLM are equally important for a given task. AdaLomo adaptively selects the most important parameters to fine-tune, reducing the overall memory and computation requirements.

Imagine you're trying to bake a cake, but you only have a few key ingredients like flour, eggs, and sugar. AdaLomo would help you identify the most crucial ingredients and focus on using those, rather than trying to use every possible ingredient in your kitchen. This allows you to make a delicious cake with the limited resources you have available.

The paper demonstrates that AdaLomo outperforms other techniques like zeroth-order fine-tuning and LayerWise Importance Sampling on several benchmark tasks, while requiring fewer computational resources. This could be particularly useful for researchers or developers working on resource-constrained devices or with limited access to powerful hardware.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel method called AdaLomo (Adaptive Low-Memory Optimization) for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) with limited computational resources. The key idea is to adaptively select the most important parameters to fine-tune, reducing the overall memory and computation requirements.

The authors first propose a metric called Parameter Importance Score (PIS) to quantify the importance of each parameter in the model. PIS is calculated by considering the gradient of the loss function with respect to each parameter, as well as the parameter's magnitude. This allows AdaLomo to identify the most critical parameters for a given task.

During the fine-tuning process, AdaLomo dynamically adjusts the learning rate for each parameter based on its PIS. Parameters with higher PIS values are updated more aggressively, while less important parameters are updated more conservatively. This adaptive approach helps to focus the fine-tuning on the most relevant parts of the model, leading to improved performance with fewer resources.

The paper evaluates AdaLomo on several benchmark tasks, including text classification, question answering, and natural language inference. The results show that AdaLomo outperforms existing techniques like zeroth-order fine-tuning and LayerWise Importance Sampling in terms of both task performance and resource efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for fine-tuning large language models with limited computational resources. The AdaLomo method is a novel and well-designed solution that addresses an important practical challenge in the field of natural language processing.

One potential limitation of the research is that the experiments were conducted on a relatively small set of tasks and datasets. It would be valuable to see how AdaLomo performs on a wider range of benchmarks, particularly in real-world applications with more diverse and complex data.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the limitations or failure modes of the AdaLomo method. It would be helpful to understand the scenarios where the approach may not be as effective, or the types of tasks or models where it may not be applicable.

Further research could also explore ways to integrate AdaLomo with other optimization techniques, such as parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods or adaptive learning rate strategies, to potentially achieve even greater efficiency and performance.

Overall, the AdaLomo method presented in this paper is a valuable contribution to the field of efficient large language model fine-tuning, and the authors have demonstrated its effectiveness through rigorous experimentation. Continued research and development in this area could have important implications for making state-of-the-art NLP models more accessible to a wider range of researchers and developers.


This paper introduces a novel method called AdaLomo for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) with limited computational resources. The key innovation is an adaptive approach that selects the most important parameters to fine-tune, reducing the overall memory and processing requirements.

The results show that AdaLomo outperforms existing techniques like zeroth-order fine-tuning and LayerWise Importance Sampling in terms of both task performance and efficiency. This could make it easier for researchers and developers with limited resources to leverage state-of-the-art LLMs for a wide range of applications.

Overall, the AdaLomo method represents an important step forward in the field of efficient large language model fine-tuning, and the insights from this research could inspire further advancements in this rapidly evolving area of natural language processing.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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