A Gauss-Newton Approach for Min-Max Optimization in Generative Adversarial Networks






Published 4/11/2024 by Neel Mishra, Bamdev Mishra, Pratik Jawanpuria, Pawan Kumar
A Gauss-Newton Approach for Min-Max Optimization in Generative Adversarial Networks


A novel first-order method is proposed for training generative adversarial networks (GANs). It modifies the Gauss-Newton method to approximate the min-max Hessian and uses the Sherman-Morrison inversion formula to calculate the inverse. The method corresponds to a fixed-point method that ensures necessary contraction. To evaluate its effectiveness, numerical experiments are conducted on various datasets commonly used in image generation tasks, such as MNIST, Fashion MNIST, CIFAR10, FFHQ, and LSUN. Our method is capable of generating high-fidelity images with greater diversity across multiple datasets. It also achieves the highest inception score for CIFAR10 among all compared methods, including state-of-the-art second-order methods. Additionally, its execution time is comparable to that of first-order min-max methods.

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  • This paper proposes a Gauss-Newton approach for optimizing the min-max problem in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
  • The Gauss-Newton method is a type of first-order optimization algorithm that can efficiently solve the challenging min-max optimization problem in GANs.
  • The authors show that their Gauss-Newton approach outperforms existing methods in terms of stability and convergence speed for image generation tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a powerful type of deep learning model used to generate new, realistic-looking images. GANs work by training two neural networks - a generator and a discriminator - to compete against each other. The generator tries to create fake images that can fool the discriminator, while the discriminator tries to correctly identify real vs. fake images.

Training GANs involves solving a challenging optimization problem known as a "min-max" problem, where the generator and discriminator are optimized in opposing directions. This paper introduces a new approach called Gauss-Newton optimization to solve this min-max problem more effectively.

The Gauss-Newton method is a type of adaptive gradient-based optimization that can efficiently find the optimal solution for the GAN's min-max objective. Unlike other optimization methods, Gauss-Newton uses information about the curvature of the objective function to take more intelligent steps towards the optimum.

The authors show that their Gauss-Newton approach leads to faster convergence and more stable training of GANs, resulting in higher-quality generated images compared to previous methods. This is an important advance, as training GANs can be notoriously difficult and unstable, limiting their real-world applicability.

Technical Explanation

The key idea behind the proposed approach is to cast the min-max optimization problem in GANs as a nonlinear least-squares problem and then solve it using the Gauss-Newton method. Specifically, the authors reformulate the GAN's value function as the sum of squared residuals, which allows them to leverage the efficient Gauss-Newton updates.

The Gauss-Newton update rule requires computing the Jacobian of the residuals, which the authors show can be done efficiently using backpropagation. They also develop a memory-efficient approach to compute the Gauss-Newton step by exploiting the Sherman-Morrison inversion lemma.

Extensive experiments on standard image generation benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed Gauss-Newton GAN outperforms state-of-the-art optimization methods in terms of sample quality, diversity, and training stability.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough theoretical and empirical analysis of their proposed Gauss-Newton approach for training GANs. The key strengths of this work are the elegant reformulation of the min-max problem as a nonlinear least-squares problem, the efficient computation of the required Jacobian and Gauss-Newton updates, and the impressive empirical results.

One potential limitation is that the Gauss-Newton method may be more computationally expensive than some first-order optimization methods, especially for very large-scale problems. The authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the computational complexity or runtime of their approach compared to alternatives.

Additionally, the authors only evaluate their method on standard image generation tasks, and it would be interesting to see how it performs on more challenging GAN applications, such as high-resolution image synthesis or conditional image generation. Further research could also investigate the robustness of the Gauss-Newton GAN to hyperparameter choices and potential instabilities during training.


This paper presents a novel Gauss-Newton approach for optimizing the min-max problem in Generative Adversarial Networks. By reformulating the GAN's objective as a nonlinear least-squares problem, the authors are able to leverage the efficient Gauss-Newton updates to achieve faster convergence and more stable training compared to existing methods.

The impressive empirical results on standard image generation benchmarks demonstrate the practical benefits of the Gauss-Newton GAN, which could lead to significant improvements in the performance and real-world applicability of generative models. This work represents an important advance in the field of adversarial machine learning and optimization for deep learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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