Goal Exploration via Adaptive Skill Distribution for Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning






Published 4/22/2024 by Lisheng Wu, Ke Chen
Goal Exploration via Adaptive Skill Distribution for Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning


Exploration efficiency poses a significant challenge in goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (GCRL) tasks, particularly those with long horizons and sparse rewards. A primary limitation to exploration efficiency is the agent's inability to leverage environmental structural patterns. In this study, we introduce a novel framework, GEASD, designed to capture these patterns through an adaptive skill distribution during the learning process. This distribution optimizes the local entropy of achieved goals within a contextual horizon, enhancing goal-spreading behaviors and facilitating deep exploration in states containing familiar structural patterns. Our experiments reveal marked improvements in exploration efficiency using the adaptive skill distribution compared to a uniform skill distribution. Additionally, the learned skill distribution demonstrates robust generalization capabilities, achieving substantial exploration progress in unseen tasks containing similar local structures.

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  • This paper introduces a novel reinforcement learning (RL) approach called "Goal Exploration via Adaptive Skill Distribution" (GEAD) for goal-conditioned RL problems.
  • The key idea is to adaptively adjust the skill distribution during exploration to more effectively discover diverse goals, leading to faster and more robust goal-reaching performance.
  • The method is evaluated on a set of continuous control tasks and shows significant improvements over baselines in terms of goal-reaching success rate and exploration efficiency.

Plain English Explanation

In reinforcement learning (RL), the goal is for an agent to learn how to achieve certain objectives or "goals" by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards. One challenge in RL is "exploration" - how the agent can effectively explore the environment to discover new and useful skills.

The paper introduces a new approach called "Goal Exploration via Adaptive Skill Distribution" (GEAD) that aims to address this challenge. The key insight is that by adaptively adjusting the distribution of skills the agent tries during exploration, it can more efficiently discover a diverse set of goals.

For example, imagine a robot learning to navigate a room. Rather than just randomly trying different movements, GEAD would dynamically adjust the robot's "skill distribution" - the range of movements it attempts - to focus more on underexplored areas and discover new ways to traverse the environment. This leads to faster and more robust goal-reaching performance compared to traditional exploration methods.

The researchers evaluate GEAD on several continuous control tasks, such as robotic manipulation, and show that it significantly outperforms baseline RL approaches in terms of the agent's ability to successfully reach target goals and the efficiency of its exploration.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new RL algorithm called "Goal Exploration via Adaptive Skill Distribution" (GEAD) for goal-conditioned RL problems. The key innovation is an adaptive exploration strategy that adjusts the distribution of skills (actions) the agent tries during the learning process.

Specifically, GEAD maintains a skill distribution that represents the probability of selecting different actions. This distribution is adapted over time based on the agent's past exploration, with the goal of directing exploration towards underexplored regions of the state-action space.

The skill distribution is updated using a combination of two terms: 1) a "goal-reaching" term that increases the probability of skills that have led to successful goal achievement in the past, and 2) an "exploration" term that increases the probability of skills that have led to the discovery of new, diverse goals.

By adaptively balancing these two terms, GEAD aims to efficiently explore the environment to discover a wide range of goals, leading to faster and more robust goal-reaching performance compared to traditional exploration methods, such as Guided Cooperation for Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning via Model, Reinforcement Learning for Generalizable Gaussian Splatting, and Effective Reinforcement Learning Based on Structural Information Principles.

The researchers evaluate GEAD on a set of continuous control tasks, including Extremum Seeking for Action Selection to Accelerate Policy Optimization and Continuous Control with Reinforcement Learning using Distributed Distributional DRQ. The results show that GEAD outperforms baseline RL algorithms in terms of goal-reaching success rate and exploration efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough exploration of the GEAD algorithm, with detailed experiments and insightful analysis. However, there are a few potential areas for further consideration:

  1. Scalability to higher-dimensional state-action spaces: The paper focuses on relatively low-dimensional continuous control tasks. It would be valuable to evaluate GEAD's performance on more complex, higher-dimensional environments to assess its scalability.

  2. Sensitivity to hyperparameters: The GEAD algorithm involves several hyperparameters, such as the weighting between goal-reaching and exploration terms. The paper provides some analysis of hyperparameter sensitivity, but more extensive investigation could help better understand the robustness of the approach.

  3. Generalization to diverse task distributions: The experiments in the paper consider a fixed set of goal-reaching tasks. Exploring GEAD's ability to generalize across a wider range of task distributions could further demonstrate its effectiveness and broad applicability.

  4. Computational complexity: While the paper notes that GEAD is computationally efficient, a more detailed analysis of its runtime and memory requirements compared to baseline methods would be helpful for understanding its practical implementation costs.

Overall, the GEAD algorithm presents a promising direction for improving exploration in goal-conditioned RL, and the paper provides a solid foundation for further research and development in this area.


This paper introduces a novel reinforcement learning approach called "Goal Exploration via Adaptive Skill Distribution" (GEAD) that aims to more effectively discover diverse goals during exploration. By dynamically adjusting the distribution of skills the agent tries, GEAD can focus exploration on underexplored regions of the state-action space, leading to faster and more robust goal-reaching performance compared to traditional exploration methods.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of GEAD on a range of continuous control tasks, showing significant improvements over baseline RL algorithms. While the paper provides a strong foundation, further research is needed to explore GEAD's scalability, sensitivity, generalization, and computational complexity.

Overall, the GEAD approach represents an important step forward in addressing the exploration challenge in goal-conditioned reinforcement learning, with the potential to unlock new capabilities in areas such as robotic control, navigation, and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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