Hierarchical Selective Classification






Published 5/21/2024 by Shani Goren, Ido Galil, Ran El-Yaniv
Hierarchical Selective Classification


Deploying deep neural networks for risk-sensitive tasks necessitates an uncertainty estimation mechanism. This paper introduces hierarchical selective classification, extending selective classification to a hierarchical setting. Our approach leverages the inherent structure of class relationships, enabling models to reduce the specificity of their predictions when faced with uncertainty. In this paper, we first formalize hierarchical risk and coverage, and introduce hierarchical risk-coverage curves. Next, we develop algorithms for hierarchical selective classification (which we refer to as inference rules), and propose an efficient algorithm that guarantees a target accuracy constraint with high probability. Lastly, we conduct extensive empirical studies on over a thousand ImageNet classifiers, revealing that training regimes such as CLIP, pretraining on ImageNet21k and knowledge distillation boost hierarchical selective performance.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called Hierarchical Selective Classification (HSC) for making accurate and reliable predictions in scenarios where the test distribution may differ from the training distribution.
  • HSC leverages the hierarchical structure of the problem to make selective predictions, only outputting a label when the model is confident in its prediction.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of HSC on various real-world tasks, including Hierarchical Insights Exploiting Structural Similarities for Reliable 3D Reconstruction, Diagonal Hierarchical Consistency Learning for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation, and Exploring Beyond Logits: Hierarchical Dynamic Labeling-Based Selective Prediction.

Plain English Explanation

In machine learning, there are often situations where the data used to train a model (the training distribution) is different from the data the model is applied to in the real world (the test distribution). This can lead to the model making inaccurate predictions.

The Hierarchical Selective Classification (HSC) approach introduced in this paper aims to address this problem. HSC takes advantage of the fact that many real-world problems have a hierarchical structure, meaning the classes are organized in a tree-like fashion. For example, in a task of classifying animals, the top-level classes might be "mammals", "birds", "reptiles", etc., with more specific sub-classes underneath.

HSC uses this hierarchical structure to make selective predictions, where the model only provides a prediction when it is confident in its output. If the model is uncertain, it will refrain from making a prediction and instead indicate that it doesn't have enough information to decide. This helps the model avoid making incorrect predictions, which can be especially important in high-stakes applications.

The authors show that HSC outperforms other selective classification methods on a variety of real-world tasks, including Selective Prediction for Semantic Segmentation Under Distribution Shifts, Selective Classification Under Distribution Shifts, and the examples mentioned in the overview.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of Hierarchical Selective Classification (HSC) is its ability to leverage the hierarchical structure of the problem to make selective predictions. The authors introduce a set of hierarchical selective inference rules that guide the model's decision-making process.

These inference rules define how the model should navigate the class hierarchy to determine whether to make a prediction or abstain. The rules take into account the model's confidence in its predictions at each level of the hierarchy, as well as the potential consequences of making an incorrect prediction.

The authors formulate the HSC problem as an optimization task, where the goal is to maximize the number of correct predictions while minimizing the number of abstentions. They propose several algorithms to solve this optimization problem, including a greedy approach and a dynamic programming-based method.

The effectiveness of HSC is demonstrated on a variety of real-world tasks, including image classification, semantic segmentation, and 3D reconstruction. The results show that HSC can significantly outperform traditional selective classification methods, especially in scenarios with distribution shifts between the training and test data.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough analysis of the limitations and potential issues with HSC. One key concern is the computational complexity of the optimization algorithms, which can be challenging for large-scale problems with deep hierarchies. The authors address this by proposing efficient approximation methods, but further research may be needed to improve the scalability of HSC.

Another potential issue is the reliance on accurate hierarchical structure information, which may not always be available or easy to obtain. The authors suggest that HSC could be extended to handle cases where the hierarchy is not fully known or is learned from data, but more work is needed in this direction.

Additionally, the authors acknowledge that the performance of HSC is heavily dependent on the quality of the underlying machine learning models used for the task. If the base models are not well-calibrated or fail to capture the relevant features, the selective inference rules may not be effective.

Overall, the Hierarchical Selective Classification approach is a promising and innovative technique for improving the reliability of machine learning models in the face of distribution shifts. The authors have provided a solid theoretical foundation and demonstrated the practical benefits of HSC on a range of applications. However, further research is needed to address the challenges and limitations identified in the paper.


The Hierarchical Selective Classification (HSC) approach introduced in this paper offers a novel way to improve the reliability and accuracy of machine learning models, particularly in scenarios where the test distribution differs from the training distribution. By leveraging the hierarchical structure of the problem and selectively making predictions, HSC can avoid making incorrect predictions and maintain high performance even in the presence of distribution shifts.

The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of HSC on a variety of real-world tasks, showcasing its potential to have a significant impact in fields where reliable and trustworthy predictions are crucial, such as medical diagnosis, autonomous systems, and high-stakes decision-making. While there are still some challenges to address, the insights and techniques presented in this paper represent an important step forward in the development of more robust and reliable machine learning systems.

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