I still know it's you! On Challenges in Anonymizing Source Code






Published 4/11/2024 by Micha Horlboge, Erwin Quiring, Roland Meyer, Konrad Rieck



The source code of a program not only defines its semantics but also contains subtle clues that can identify its author. Several studies have shown that these clues can be automatically extracted using machine learning and allow for determining a program's author among hundreds of programmers. This attribution poses a significant threat to developers of anti-censorship and privacy-enhancing technologies, as they become identifiable and may be prosecuted. An ideal protection from this threat would be the anonymization of source code. However, neither theoretical nor practical principles of such an anonymization have been explored so far. In this paper, we tackle this problem and develop a framework for reasoning about code anonymization. We prove that the task of generating a $k$-anonymous program -- a program that cannot be attributed to one of $k$ authors -- is not computable in the general case. As a remedy, we introduce a relaxed concept called $k$-uncertainty, which enables us to measure the protection of developers. Based on this concept, we empirically study candidate techniques for anonymization, such as code normalization, coding style imitation, and code obfuscation. We find that none of the techniques provides sufficient protection when the attacker is aware of the anonymization. While we observe a notable reduction in attribution performance on real-world code, a reliable protection is not achieved for all developers. We conclude that code anonymization is a hard problem that requires further attention from the research community.

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  • The source code of a program can reveal clues about its author, which can be automatically extracted using machine learning.
  • This poses a threat to developers of anti-censorship and privacy-enhancing technologies, as they may be identified and prosecuted.
  • Anonymizing source code could be an ideal protection, but the principles of such anonymization have not been explored.

Plain English Explanation

The code that makes up a computer program can contain subtle hints about who wrote it. Researchers have found that these clues can be automatically detected using machine learning techniques. This means that programmers behind technologies designed to protect privacy and bypass censorship could be identified, putting them at risk of legal action.

An ideal solution would be to anonymize the source code, making it impossible to trace back to its original author. However, the principles of how to do this effectively have not been studied until now.

Technical Explanation

This paper tackles the problem of code anonymization. The researchers first prove that the task of generating a "k-anonymous" program - one that cannot be attributed to any of k possible authors - is not computable in general.

To work around this, they introduce a related concept called "k-uncertainty," which allows them to measure how well a program is protected from author identification. They then empirically test different techniques for anonymizing code, such as code normalization, style imitation, and obfuscation.

The researchers found that while these techniques did reduce the accuracy of author attribution on real-world code, they did not provide reliable protection for all developers. The challenges of ensuring safety and generalization in large language models appear to apply here as well.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes an important contribution by formally defining the problem of code anonymization and exploring potential solutions. However, the researchers acknowledge that a fully reliable anonymization technique remains elusive.

One concern is that the proposed "k-uncertainty" metric may not fully capture the nuances of how author attribution works in practice. Real-world adversaries may have more sophisticated techniques than the ones tested.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential for automated program improvement to introduce new authorship clues, or the challenge of preserving data privacy in the process of anonymization.

Further research is needed to develop a more robust and comprehensive solution to the problem of code anonymization.


This paper highlights the threat of author attribution in source code and the need for effective anonymization techniques. While the researchers made progress by introducing the concept of k-uncertainty, they found that existing anonymization methods are not sufficient to reliably protect the identities of developers, especially those working on sensitive technologies.

Addressing this problem is crucial to safeguarding the privacy and security of programmers, particularly those engaged in important work like developing anti-censorship tools. The research community must continue to explore innovative approaches to code anonymization in order to protect these valuable contributions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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