Improved sampling via learned diffusions






Published 5/24/2024 by Lorenz Richter, Julius Berner
Improved sampling via learned diffusions


Recently, a series of papers proposed deep learning-based approaches to sample from target distributions using controlled diffusion processes, being trained only on the unnormalized target densities without access to samples. Building on previous work, we identify these approaches as special cases of a generalized Schrodinger bridge problem, seeking a stochastic evolution between a given prior distribution and the specified target. We further generalize this framework by introducing a variational formulation based on divergences between path space measures of time-reversed diffusion processes. This abstract perspective leads to practical losses that can be optimized by gradient-based algorithms and includes previous objectives as special cases. At the same time, it allows us to consider divergences other than the reverse Kullback-Leibler divergence that is known to suffer from mode collapse. In particular, we propose the so-called log-variance loss, which exhibits favorable numerical properties and leads to significantly improved performance across all considered approaches.

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  • This paper introduces a new approach to improving the sampling process in diffusion-based generative models.
  • The key innovations include leveraging the Schrödinger bridge problem and incorporating learned diffusions to enhance sampling efficiency.
  • The proposed method aims to address limitations of existing diffusion models, such as high computational cost and suboptimal sampling.

Plain English Explanation

Diffusion-based generative models are a popular approach to creating new data, such as images or text, by simulating a process of adding noise to a clean signal and then reversing it. However, the sampling process in these models can be computationally expensive and may not always produce the best results.

The researchers in this paper have developed a new technique to improve the sampling process. They draw inspiration from the Schrödinger bridge problem, which involves finding an optimal way to transport a probability distribution from one state to another. By incorporating this idea and using learned diffusions, the researchers were able to make the sampling process more efficient and effective.

The key advantage of this approach is that it allows the model to learn the best way to transition from the noisy input to the desired output, rather than relying on a predefined, fixed process. This can lead to better-quality samples and faster generation times.

The researchers also explored ways to extend this technique to conditional generative models, where the generated output is conditioned on some additional input, such as a caption or a class label. This can be useful for applications like image-to-image translation or text-to-image synthesis.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a novel approach to improving the sampling process in diffusion-based generative models, which are a class of models that generate new data by simulating a process of adding noise to a clean signal and then reversing it.

The key innovation is the incorporation of the Schrödinger bridge problem, which involves finding an optimal way to transport a probability distribution from one state to another. By framing the sampling process as a Schrödinger bridge problem, the researchers were able to develop a method that learns the optimal transition between the noisy input and the desired output, rather than relying on a predefined, fixed process.

The proposed method, called Improved Sampling via Learned Diffusions (ISLD), involves training a neural network to predict the optimal transition function for the Schrödinger bridge problem. This transition function is then used to guide the sampling process, leading to more efficient and effective generation of samples.

The researchers also explored extensions of the ISLD method to conditional generative models, where the generated output is conditioned on some additional input, such as a caption or a class label. This can be useful for applications like image-to-image translation or text-to-image synthesis.

Through a series of experiments, the researchers demonstrated that the ISLD method can outperform traditional diffusion-based sampling approaches in terms of sample quality and generation time, particularly on high-dimensional datasets.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to improving the sampling process in diffusion-based generative models, but it also acknowledges several caveats and limitations that warrant further investigation.

One key limitation is the computational complexity of the Schrödinger bridge problem, which can be challenging to solve, especially for high-dimensional data. The researchers note that their method may not scale well to very large datasets or high-dimensional input spaces.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the limitations or failure cases of the ISLD method. It would be valuable to see more discussion of the scenarios where the method may struggle, as well as potential strategies to address these issues.

Another area for further research is the integration of the ISLD method with other recent advancements in diffusion-based generative modeling, such as variational Schrödinger diffusion models or diffusion models as constrained samplers. Combining complementary techniques could lead to even more powerful and versatile generative models.

Overall, the paper presents a well-designed and promising approach, but further exploration of its limitations and potential synergies with other methods could help strengthen the research and drive the field of diffusion-based generative modeling forward.


This paper introduces a new technique called Improved Sampling via Learned Diffusions (ISLD) that aims to enhance the sampling process in diffusion-based generative models. By incorporating the Schrödinger bridge problem and leveraging learned diffusions, the researchers were able to develop a method that can produce higher-quality samples more efficiently compared to traditional diffusion-based sampling approaches.

The key innovation of the ISLD method is its ability to learn the optimal transition function for the sampling process, rather than relying on a predefined, fixed process. This can lead to significant improvements in sample quality and generation time, particularly for high-dimensional datasets.

While the paper acknowledges some limitations, such as the computational complexity of the Schrödinger bridge problem, the proposed technique represents a promising step forward in the field of diffusion-based generative modeling. Further research exploring the integration of ISLD with other advancements in the field could lead to even more powerful and versatile generative models, with applications in areas like image synthesis, text generation, and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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