Iterated INLA for State and Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems






Published 6/5/2024 by Rafael Anderka, Marc Peter Deisenroth, So Takao
Iterated INLA for State and Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems


Data assimilation (DA) methods use priors arising from differential equations to robustly interpolate and extrapolate data. Popular techniques such as ensemble methods that handle high-dimensional, nonlinear PDE priors focus mostly on state estimation, however can have difficulty learning the parameters accurately. On the other hand, machine learning based approaches can naturally learn the state and parameters, but their applicability can be limited, or produce uncertainties that are hard to interpret. Inspired by the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) method in spatial statistics, we propose an alternative approach to DA based on iteratively linearising the dynamical model. This produces a Gaussian Markov random field at each iteration, enabling one to use INLA to infer the state and parameters. Our approach can be used for arbitrary nonlinear systems, while retaining interpretability, and is furthermore demonstrated to outperform existing methods on the DA task. By providing a more nuanced approach to handling nonlinear PDE priors, our methodology offers improved accuracy and robustness in predictions, especially where data sparsity is prevalent.

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  • This paper presents a novel iterative approach to state and parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA).
  • The proposed method, called Iterated INLA, aims to improve upon traditional ensemble and variational data assimilation techniques by providing a more accurate and efficient way to estimate the hidden states and unknown parameters of complex, nonlinear systems.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of Iterated INLA on several benchmark nonlinear dynamical systems, showing improved performance over existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

Dynamical systems are mathematical models that describe how the state of a system changes over time. These systems can be very complex, with many interacting components and nonlinear relationships between them. Examples include weather forecasting models, population dynamics models, and models of chemical reactions.

Accurately estimating the current state of a dynamical system (e.g., the temperature, pressure, and wind speeds in a weather model) and the underlying parameters that govern its behavior (e.g., the reaction rates in a chemical model) is crucial for making reliable predictions about the system's future behavior. This process of state and parameter estimation is known as data assimilation.

Traditional data assimilation techniques, such as ensemble methods and variational methods, can struggle with highly nonlinear systems. The Gaussian process learning for nonlinear dynamics and GPLASDI: Gaussian Process-based Interpretable Latent Space Dynamics Identification papers have explored alternative approaches to this problem.

The authors of the current paper propose a new method called Iterated INLA, which uses an iterative approach to combine the strengths of ensemble and variational techniques. Iterated INLA is based on the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA), a powerful Bayesian inference framework that can efficiently handle complex, nonlinear models.

By iterating between state estimation and parameter estimation, Iterated INLA is able to converge to accurate estimates of both the hidden states and the unknown parameters of the dynamical system. The authors show that this approach outperforms traditional data assimilation methods on several benchmark problems, making it a promising tool for a wide range of applications involving nonlinear dynamical systems.

Technical Explanation

The key elements of the Iterated INLA approach are as follows:

  1. Bayesian Formulation: The authors model the nonlinear dynamical system using a state-space formulation, where the hidden states and unknown parameters are treated as random variables in a Bayesian framework.

  2. INLA for State Estimation: The Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) is used to efficiently approximate the posterior distribution of the hidden states, given the observed data and the current parameter estimates. INLA is a powerful Bayesian inference technique that can handle complex, nonlinear models without relying on computationally expensive Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.

  3. Parameter Estimation: The unknown parameters of the dynamical system are estimated by maximizing the marginal likelihood of the model, using the current state estimates obtained from the INLA step.

  4. Iteration: The state estimation and parameter estimation steps are performed iteratively, with the updated parameter estimates being used in the next INLA step to refine the state estimates. This iterative process continues until convergence.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of Iterated INLA on several benchmark nonlinear dynamical systems, including the Lorenz-63 system, the Lotka-Volterra model, and the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. They show that Iterated INLA outperforms traditional ensemble and variational data assimilation techniques in terms of both state estimation accuracy and parameter estimation accuracy.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research in their paper:

  1. Computational Complexity: While INLA is more efficient than MCMC methods, the iterative nature of Iterated INLA can still be computationally demanding, especially for high-dimensional systems. The authors suggest exploring approximations or parallel implementations to improve the scalability of the method.

  2. Sensitivity to Initial Conditions: The performance of Iterated INLA may be sensitive to the initial conditions, including the initial parameter estimates and the prior distributions. The authors recommend investigating strategies for choosing these initial conditions more robustly.

  3. Applicability to Stiff Systems: The authors note that the performance of Iterated INLA may degrade for stiff dynamical systems, where the timescales of the different components vary significantly. Addressing this limitation could broaden the range of applicability for the method.

  4. Comparison to Other Methods: While the authors demonstrate the superiority of Iterated INLA over traditional ensemble and variational data assimilation techniques, it would be valuable to compare its performance to more recent approaches, such as Efficient Prior Calibration from Indirect Data, Variational Linearized Laplace Approximation for Bayesian Deep Learning, and Koopman-based Deep Learning for Nonlinear System Estimation.

Overall, the Iterated INLA approach presented in this paper represents a promising advancement in the field of state and parameter estimation for nonlinear dynamical systems. The authors have demonstrated its effectiveness on several benchmark problems, and the method's grounding in Bayesian principles and efficient inference techniques make it a valuable addition to the toolbox of data assimilation techniques.


The Iterated INLA method proposed in this paper offers a novel approach to state and parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems. By combining the strengths of ensemble and variational data assimilation techniques with the efficiency of the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation, Iterated INLA provides a powerful tool for accurately estimating the hidden states and unknown parameters of complex, nonlinear systems.

The authors' results on benchmark problems suggest that Iterated INLA outperforms traditional data assimilation methods, making it a promising candidate for a wide range of applications, from weather forecasting to population dynamics to chemical reaction modeling. As the authors continue to explore ways to address the method's limitations, Iterated INLA could become an increasingly valuable addition to the arsenal of techniques available to researchers and practitioners working with nonlinear dynamical systems.

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