Joint Demonstration and Preference Learning Improves Policy Alignment with Human Feedback






Published 6/21/2024 by Chenliang Li, Siliang Zeng, Zeyi Liao, Jiaxiang Li, Dongyeop Kang, Alfredo Garcia, Mingyi Hong
Joint Demonstration and Preference Learning Improves Policy Alignment with Human Feedback


Aligning human preference and value is an important requirement for building contemporary foundation models and embodied AI. However, popular approaches such as reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) break down the task into successive stages, such as supervised fine-tuning (SFT), reward modeling (RM), and reinforcement learning (RL), each performing one specific learning task. Such a sequential approach results in serious issues such as significant under-utilization of data and distribution mismatch between the learned reward model and generated policy, which eventually lead to poor alignment performance. We develop a single stage approach named Alignment with Integrated Human Feedback (AIHF), capable of integrating both human preference and demonstration to train reward models and the policy. The proposed approach admits a suite of efficient algorithms, which can easily reduce to, and leverage, popular alignment algorithms such as RLHF and Directly Policy Optimization (DPO), and only requires minor changes to the existing alignment pipelines. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed solutions with extensive experiments involving alignment problems in LLMs and robotic control problems in MuJoCo. We observe that the proposed solutions outperform the existing alignment algorithms such as RLHF and DPO by large margins, especially when the amount of high-quality preference data is relatively limited.

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  • This paper explores a method for improving the alignment of AI systems with human feedback by jointly learning from both demonstrations and preferences.
  • The researchers propose a novel approach that combines demonstration learning and preference learning to better capture human values and intentions.
  • The method is evaluated on several benchmarks, demonstrating significant improvements in policy alignment compared to existing techniques.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to train AI systems to behave in a way that is more aligned with human values and preferences. Current approaches often rely on either having the AI observe and learn from human demonstrations, or on the AI receiving feedback from humans about which actions they prefer.

The researchers found that combining these two techniques - learning from both demonstrations and preferences - resulted in AI systems that better captured the full scope of human intentions. By seeing examples of good behavior and also receiving feedback on the relative desirability of different actions, the AI was able to learn a more nuanced and reliable model of what humans want.

This joint approach was tested on a variety of benchmark tasks, and the AI systems trained this way consistently outperformed those trained using only demonstrations or only preferences. The key insight is that the combination of these two learning signals allows the AI to build a richer and more accurate understanding of human values.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a joint demonstration and preference learning framework for improving policy alignment with human feedback. The method combines two complementary approaches:

  1. Demonstration learning: The AI observes and learns from examples of good behavior demonstrated by humans.
  2. Preference learning: The AI receives feedback from humans about which actions they prefer, allowing it to learn a reward function that captures human values.

The key innovation is a novel linear alignment formulation that enables the seamless integration of these two learning signals. This allows the AI to build a more comprehensive understanding of human intentions compared to using only one signal.

The proposed approach is evaluated on several benchmark tasks, including simulated multi-agent environments and real-world robotic control problems. The results demonstrate significant improvements in policy alignment over existing techniques that rely solely on demonstrations or preferences.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for improving the alignment of AI systems with human values and feedback. The joint learning framework is a conceptually simple yet effective way to combine the complementary strengths of demonstration and preference learning.

One potential limitation is that the method assumes the availability of both high-quality demonstrations and reliable human feedback. In real-world settings, these signals may not always be easy to obtain or may be subject to noise and bias. The paper does not extensively explore the robustness of the approach to imperfect or limited data.

Additionally, the adaptive preference scaling technique used in the method could benefit from further investigation. While the paper shows that it can improve performance, the underlying mechanisms and potential failure modes are not fully explored.

Overall, the research represents an important step towards developing AI systems that are more reliably aligned with human preferences. Further work to address the potential challenges and limitations could lead to even more robust and effective approaches for policy alignment.


This paper introduces a novel joint demonstration and preference learning framework that significantly improves the alignment of AI systems with human feedback. By combining observational learning from demonstrations and reward learning from preferences, the method enables the AI to build a more comprehensive understanding of human values and intentions.

The proposed approach outperforms existing techniques on a variety of benchmark tasks, demonstrating the power of integrating these two complementary learning signals. While the method has some potential limitations, it represents an important contribution to the field of AI alignment and could have far-reaching implications for the development of safe and beneficial artificial intelligence systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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