LaDiC: Are Diffusion Models Really Inferior to Autoregressive Counterparts for Image-to-Text Generation?






Published 4/17/2024 by Yuchi Wang, Shuhuai Ren, Rundong Gao, Linli Yao, Qingyan Guo, Kaikai An, Jianhong Bai, Xu Sun
LaDiC: Are Diffusion Models Really Inferior to Autoregressive Counterparts for Image-to-Text Generation?


Diffusion models have exhibited remarkable capabilities in text-to-image generation. However, their performance in image-to-text generation, specifically image captioning, has lagged behind Auto-Regressive (AR) models, casting doubt on their applicability for such tasks. In this work, we revisit diffusion models, highlighting their capacity for holistic context modeling and parallel decoding. With these benefits, diffusion models can alleviate the inherent limitations of AR methods, including their slow inference speed, error propagation, and unidirectional constraints. Furthermore, we identify the prior underperformance of diffusion models stemming from the absence of an effective latent space for image-text alignment, and the discrepancy between continuous diffusion processes and discrete textual data. In response, we introduce a novel architecture, LaDiC, which utilizes a split BERT to create a dedicated latent space for captions and integrates a regularization module to manage varying text lengths. Our framework also includes a diffuser for semantic image-to-text conversion and a Back&Refine technique to enhance token interactivity during inference. LaDiC achieves state-of-the-art performance for diffusion-based methods on the MS COCO dataset with 38.2 BLEU@4 and 126.2 CIDEr, demonstrating exceptional performance without pre-training or ancillary modules. This indicates strong competitiveness with AR models, revealing the previously untapped potential of diffusion models in image-to-text generation.

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  • This paper, titled "LaDiC: Are Diffusion Models Really Inferior to Autoregressive Counterparts for Image-to-Text Generation?", investigates the performance of diffusion models compared to autoregressive models for the task of image-to-text generation.
  • The authors aim to challenge the commonly held belief that diffusion models are inherently inferior to autoregressive models for this task.
  • They present a new diffusion-based model, LaDiC, and compare its performance to state-of-the-art autoregressive models on various image-to-text generation benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper explores an interesting question: are diffusion models, a newer type of machine learning model, really worse than the more established autoregressive models when it comes to generating text descriptions for images? Diffusion models have been gaining a lot of attention in recent years, as they have shown impressive results in tasks like image generation. However, there is a perception that they may not be as well-suited for language-related tasks like image-to-text generation.

The authors of this paper wanted to challenge this notion. They developed a new diffusion-based model called LaDiC and tested it on standard benchmarks for image-to-text generation, where the goal is to produce a textual description of an input image. They then compared LaDiC's performance to that of leading autoregressive models, which are the more traditional approach to this task.

The key finding is that LaDiC was able to match or even outperform the autoregressive models on various metrics, suggesting that diffusion models can indeed be a viable and potentially superior alternative for image-to-text generation. This is an important result, as it could help to expand the use of diffusion models beyond just image generation and open up new possibilities for language-related tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a new diffusion-based model called LaDiC (Latent Diffusion for Image Captioning) and evaluates its performance on image-to-text generation tasks in comparison to state-of-the-art autoregressive models.

Diffusion models are a type of generative model that work by gradually adding noise to an input and then learning to reverse this process to generate new samples. This is in contrast to autoregressive models, which generate text in a sequential, word-by-word manner. While diffusion models have shown impressive results in image generation, their application to language-related tasks like image captioning has been less explored.

The authors of this paper develop LaDiC, which leverages a diffusion-based approach to generate image captions. Specifically, LaDiC uses a latent diffusion model to generate a latent representation of the caption, which is then decoded into the final text output. This allows the model to capture the global structure of the caption while still generating the text in a coherent, fluent manner.

The authors evaluate LaDiC on several standard image-to-text generation benchmarks, including COCO, Flickr30k, and nocaps. They compare its performance to leading autoregressive models, such as Enforcing Paraphrase Generation via Controllable Latent Diffusion, DiffusionDialog: A Diffusion Model for Diverse Dialog Generation, and FreeSegDiff: Training-free Open Vocabulary Segmentation.

The results show that LaDiC is able to match or even exceed the performance of the autoregressive models on several key metrics, including BLEU, METEOR, and CIDEr scores. This suggests that diffusion models can be a viable and potentially superior alternative to autoregressive models for image-to-text generation tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling argument that diffusion models can be a competitive approach for image-to-text generation, challenging the prevalent view that they are inherently inferior to autoregressive models for this task.

One notable strength of the work is the thorough evaluation of LaDiC across multiple standard benchmarks, allowing for a comprehensive comparison to state-of-the-art autoregressive models. The authors also provide insightful analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the diffusion-based approach compared to autoregressive models.

However, the paper does not delve into potential limitations or caveats of the LaDiC model. For example, it would be valuable to understand the model's performance on more diverse or challenging image-caption datasets, or its robustness to variations in image styles or content. Additionally, the paper does not explore potential trade-offs between the diffusion-based and autoregressive approaches, such as differences in sample efficiency, inference speed, or the ability to control the generated output.

Further research could also investigate the specific architectural choices and training techniques that enable diffusion models like LaDiC to achieve competitive performance for image-to-text generation. Exploring the interpretability and explainability of these models could also provide valuable insights.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution by challenging the conventional wisdom and demonstrating the potential of diffusion models for language-related tasks. The findings here could inspire further research into expanding the capabilities of diffusion models beyond their current strengths in generative modeling.


This paper presents a compelling case that diffusion models can be a viable and potentially superior alternative to autoregressive models for the task of image-to-text generation. The authors develop a new diffusion-based model, LaDiC, and demonstrate that it can match or even outperform state-of-the-art autoregressive models on standard benchmarks.

These findings challenge the prevailing view that diffusion models are inherently inferior to autoregressive models for language-related tasks. The success of LaDiC suggests that diffusion models may have untapped potential beyond their current strengths in generative modeling, opening up new possibilities for their application in domains like image captioning, visual question answering, and other language-vision tasks.

While the paper does not explore all the potential limitations or caveats of the diffusion-based approach, it represents an important step forward in expanding the capabilities of diffusion models and broadening their use in the field of artificial intelligence. As the research in this area continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see how diffusion models may be further developed and applied to tackle increasingly complex language and multimodal tasks.

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