Autoregressive Diffusion Transformer for Text-to-Speech Synthesis






Published 6/11/2024 by Zhijun Liu, Shuai Wang, Sho Inoue, Qibing Bai, Haizhou Li
Autoregressive Diffusion Transformer for Text-to-Speech Synthesis


Audio language models have recently emerged as a promising approach for various audio generation tasks, relying on audio tokenizers to encode waveforms into sequences of discrete symbols. Audio tokenization often poses a necessary compromise between code bitrate and reconstruction accuracy. When dealing with low-bitrate audio codes, language models are constrained to process only a subset of the information embedded in the audio, which in turn restricts their generative capabilities. To circumvent these issues, we propose encoding audio as vector sequences in continuous space $mathbb R^d$ and autoregressively generating these sequences using a decoder-only diffusion transformer (ARDiT). Our findings indicate that ARDiT excels in zero-shot text-to-speech and exhibits performance that compares to or even surpasses that of state-of-the-art models. High-bitrate continuous speech representation enables almost flawless reconstruction, allowing our model to achieve nearly perfect speech editing. Our experiments reveal that employing Integral Kullback-Leibler (IKL) divergence for distillation at each autoregressive step significantly boosts the perceived quality of the samples. Simultaneously, it condenses the iterative sampling process of the diffusion model into a single step. Furthermore, ARDiT can be trained to predict several continuous vectors in one step, significantly reducing latency during sampling. Impressively, one of our models can generate $170$ ms of $24$ kHz speech per evaluation step with minimal degradation in performance. Audio samples are available at .

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  • This paper introduces a new text-to-speech synthesis model called the Autoregressive Diffusion Transformer (ADT).
  • ADT combines the strengths of autoregressive and diffusion-based models to generate high-quality speech while maintaining efficient and fast inference.
  • The model is evaluated on several benchmark datasets and shows improved performance compared to previous state-of-the-art text-to-speech systems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new approach to text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis, which is the process of converting written text into spoken audio. The proposed model, called the Autoregressive Diffusion Transformer (ADT), aims to combine the advantages of two main types of TTS models: autoregressive and diffusion-based.

Autoregressive models generate speech by predicting the next audio sample based on the previous ones, like a person speaking word-by-word. Diffusion models, on the other hand, start with random noise and gradually refine it into a coherent speech signal. ADT tries to leverage the strengths of both approaches to create a TTS system that is both high-quality and efficient.

The key innovation of ADT is its architecture, which integrates an autoregressive transformer with a diffusion-based module. This allows the model to capture the sequential nature of speech while also taking advantage of the flexibility and parallelization capabilities of diffusion models. The authors evaluate ADT on several standard TTS benchmarks and show that it outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods, such as SimpleSpeech and LaDiC.

Technical Explanation

The Autoregressive Diffusion Transformer (ADT) model proposed in this paper combines the strengths of autoregressive and diffusion-based approaches for text-to-speech synthesis.

The model consists of two main components: an autoregressive transformer and a diffusion-based module. The autoregressive transformer is responsible for capturing the sequential nature of speech, predicting the next audio sample based on the previous ones. The diffusion-based module, on the other hand, starts with random noise and gradually refines it into a coherent speech signal, leveraging the flexibility and parallelization capabilities of diffusion models.

The authors evaluate ADT on several benchmark datasets, including LJSpeech, VCTK, and LibriTTS. The results show that ADT outperforms previous state-of-the-art TTS models, such as LivingSpeech and ViT-TTS, in terms of both audio quality and inference efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling approach to addressing the trade-offs between autoregressive and diffusion-based TTS models. By combining the strengths of both paradigms, ADT is able to generate high-quality speech while maintaining efficient and fast inference.

However, the paper could have provided more details on the specific architectural choices and hyperparameters used in the model. Additionally, the authors could have explored the generalization capabilities of ADT, such as its performance on out-of-domain data or its ability to handle diverse speaking styles and emotions.

Furthermore, the paper does not address potential issues with the diffusion-based component, such as the high computational cost during training or the sensitivity to hyperparameters. It would be valuable to see a more thorough discussion of the limitations and caveats of the proposed approach.


The Autoregressive Diffusion Transformer (ADT) presented in this paper offers a novel and promising approach to text-to-speech synthesis. By leveraging the strengths of both autoregressive and diffusion-based models, ADT is able to generate high-quality speech while maintaining efficient and fast inference.

The results on benchmark datasets are encouraging and suggest that ADT could be a valuable addition to the TTS landscape. However, further research is needed to explore the model's generalization capabilities, address potential limitations, and continue advancing the state-of-the-art in this important field of study.

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