Large Language Models in Targeted Sentiment Analysis






Published 4/19/2024 by Nicolay Rusnachenko, Anton Golubev, Natalia Loukachevitch



In this paper we investigate the use of decoder-based generative transformers for extracting sentiment towards the named entities in Russian news articles. We study sentiment analysis capabilities of instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs). We consider the dataset of RuSentNE-2023 in our study. The first group of experiments was aimed at the evaluation of zero-shot capabilities of LLMs with closed and open transparencies. The second covers the fine-tuning of Flan-T5 using the chain-of-thought (CoT) three-hop reasoning framework (THoR). We found that the results of the zero-shot approaches are similar to the results achieved by baseline fine-tuned encoder-based transformers (BERT-base). Reasoning capabilities of the fine-tuned Flan-T5 models with THoR achieve at least 5% increment with the base-size model compared to the results of the zero-shot experiment. The best results of sentiment analysis on RuSentNE-2023 were achieved by fine-tuned Flan-T5-xl, which surpassed the results of previous state-of-the-art transformer-based classifiers. Our CoT application framework is publicly available:

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  • The researchers investigate the use of decoder-based generative transformers for extracting sentiment towards named entities in Russian news articles.
  • They study the sentiment analysis capabilities of large language models (LLMs) that have been instruction-tuned.
  • The study focuses on the RuSentNE-2023 dataset.
  • The first set of experiments evaluates the zero-shot capabilities of LLMs with closed and open transparencies.
  • The second set of experiments involves fine-tuning the Flan-T5 model using a chain-of-thought (CoT) three-hop reasoning framework (THoR).

Plain English Explanation

The researchers wanted to see how well large language models (LLMs) that have been trained on instructions can analyze the sentiment (positive or negative feelings) towards specific people, organizations, or other entities mentioned in Russian news articles. They used a dataset called RuSentNE-2023, which contains Russian news articles with sentiment annotations.

First, they tested the LLMs' ability to do this task without any additional training, just using the natural language understanding they already had. This is called "zero-shot" learning. They found that the zero-shot performance was similar to what baseline transformer models (like BERT) could do.

Next, they fine-tuned the Flan-T5 LLM using a special reasoning framework that helps the model break down the task into a few steps of thinking. This improved the sentiment analysis performance by at least 5% compared to the zero-shot results.

The best results came from the fine-tuned Flan-T5-xl model, which outperformed previous state-of-the-art transformer-based classifiers on the RuSentNE-2023 dataset.

Technical Explanation

The researchers conducted two main experiments. In the first, they evaluated the zero-shot capabilities of LLMs for sentiment analysis on the RuSentNE-2023 dataset. They tested both closed-transparency LLMs, which have limited information about their own inner workings, and open-transparency LLMs, which provide more details about their decision-making.

The second set of experiments involved fine-tuning the Flan-T5 model using a chain-of-thought (CoT) three-hop reasoning framework (THoR). This framework helps the model break down the sentiment analysis task into a sequence of reasoning steps.

The researchers found that the zero-shot performance of the LLMs was similar to that of baseline fine-tuned encoder-based transformers like BERT. However, the fine-tuned Flan-T5 models with the THoR reasoning framework achieved at least a 5% improvement in performance compared to the zero-shot results.

The best-performing model was the fine-tuned Flan-T5-xl, which outperformed previous state-of-the-art transformer-based sentiment analysis classifiers on the RuSentNE-2023 dataset.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough evaluation of LLM sentiment analysis capabilities on the RuSentNE-2023 dataset. However, it does not delve into the potential limitations or biases of the dataset itself, which could impact the generalizability of the results.

Additionally, while the chain-of-thought reasoning framework improved performance, the paper does not explore the interpretability or explainability of the model's decision-making process. Understanding how the model arrives at its sentiment predictions could be valuable for real-world applications.

Further research could investigate the performance of these LLM-based approaches on other languages and domains beyond Russian news articles. Exploring the transfer learning capabilities of the models would also be an interesting avenue for future work.


This study demonstrates the potential of decoder-based generative transformers for sentiment analysis on Russian news articles. While the zero-shot performance of LLMs was on par with baseline models, fine-tuning the Flan-T5 model with a chain-of-thought reasoning framework led to a significant improvement in sentiment analysis accuracy.

The findings suggest that instruction-tuned LLMs can be effectively leveraged for complex natural language processing tasks, such as extracting sentiment towards named entities in news articles. This research contributes to the growing body of work on the capabilities of large language models and provides a framework for further exploration in the field of sentiment analysis.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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