Learning to Retrieve Iteratively for In-Context Learning






Published 6/24/2024 by Yunmo Chen, Tongfei Chen, Harsh Jhamtani, Patrick Xia, Richard Shin, Jason Eisner, Benjamin Van Durme
Learning to Retrieve Iteratively for In-Context Learning


We introduce iterative retrieval, a novel framework that empowers retrievers to make iterative decisions through policy optimization. Finding an optimal portfolio of retrieved items is a combinatorial optimization problem, generally considered NP-hard. This approach provides a learned approximation to such a solution, meeting specific task requirements under a given family of large language models (LLMs). We propose a training procedure based on reinforcement learning, incorporating feedback from LLMs. We instantiate an iterative retriever for composing in-context learning (ICL) exemplars and apply it to various semantic parsing tasks that demand synthesized programs as outputs. By adding only 4M additional parameters for state encoding, we convert an off-the-shelf dense retriever into a stateful iterative retriever, outperforming previous methods in selecting ICL exemplars on semantic parsing datasets such as CalFlow, TreeDST, and MTOP. Additionally, the trained iterative retriever generalizes across different inference LLMs beyond the one used during training.

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  • Introduces an iterative retrieval approach for in-context learning, where a model learns to retrieve relevant information from a knowledge base to aid in solving downstream tasks.
  • Iterative retrieval allows the model to refine its understanding of the context and retrieve more relevant information over multiple steps.
  • Experiments show the iterative retriever outperforms standard retrieval-based methods on various in-context learning benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way for machine learning models to learn from and use information to solve problems. In many tasks, models need to understand the context or background information to perform well. This paper introduces an "iterative retriever" - a model that can repeatedly search through a knowledge base to find the most relevant information to help it solve the task.

The key idea is that the model doesn't just retrieve information once, but goes through multiple rounds of searching and refining its understanding of the context. This allows the model to progressively hone in on the most useful information, rather than relying on a single retrieval attempt.

The paper shows through experiments that this iterative retrieval approach outperforms standard retrieval-based methods on various benchmarks for in-context learning - tasks where the model needs to leverage the provided context to perform well. The iterative nature allows the model to build a more complete and accurate understanding of the relevant background information.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces an "iterative retriever" model for in-context learning tasks. The core idea is to have the model repeatedly retrieve relevant information from a knowledge base to aid in solving a downstream task, rather than relying on a single retrieval attempt.

The iterative retriever consists of three key components:

  1. Context Encoder: Encodes the task input and any provided context into a latent representation.
  2. Retriever: Retrieves the most relevant information from the knowledge base based on the current context encoding.
  3. Integrator: Combines the retrieved information with the current context encoding to update the model's understanding.

This process is repeated for multiple iterations, allowing the model to progressively refine its retrieval and context understanding. Experiments on various in-context learning benchmarks, such as RetiCL, Adversarial Robustness, and Context Learning, demonstrate the effectiveness of this iterative retrieval approach compared to standard retrieval-based methods.

The authors also discuss potential extensions, such as using reinforcement learning to optimize the retrieval process (Recall, Retrieve, Reason) and fine-tuning the model on specific tasks (Iterative Forward Tuning).

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to in-context learning, addressing the limitations of standard retrieval-based methods. The iterative nature of the retriever allows the model to gradually build a more comprehensive understanding of the relevant background information, which is a key strength.

However, the paper does not extensively explore the limitations or failure modes of the iterative retriever. For example, it would be interesting to understand how the model performs in situations where the knowledge base is incomplete or noisy, or when the task requires reasoning beyond simple information retrieval.

Additionally, the authors mention potential extensions, such as using reinforcement learning to optimize the retrieval process, but do not provide details or experimental results for these ideas. Exploring these avenues could further strengthen the iterative retriever approach and provide insights into its scalability and generalizability.

Overall, the paper presents a promising direction for in-context learning, but additional research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of the iterative retriever model.


This paper introduces an iterative retriever model for in-context learning tasks, where a model repeatedly retrieves relevant information from a knowledge base to aid in solving a downstream problem. The key innovation is the iterative nature of the retrieval process, which allows the model to progressively refine its understanding of the context and retrieve more useful information over multiple steps.

Experiments show that this iterative retrieval approach outperforms standard retrieval-based methods on various in-context learning benchmarks. The ability to build a more comprehensive understanding of the relevant context is a significant advantage of this approach.

While the paper presents a compelling solution, further research is needed to explore the limitations and potential extensions of the iterative retriever model. Investigating its performance in more challenging scenarios and incorporating advanced techniques, such as reinforcement learning, could lead to further improvements in in-context learning capabilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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