In-Context Learning or: How I learned to stop worrying and love Applied Information Retrieval






Published 5/3/2024 by Andrew Parry, Debasis Ganguly, Manish Chandra
In-Context Learning or: How I learned to stop worrying and love Applied Information Retrieval


With the increasing ability of large language models (LLMs), in-context learning (ICL) has evolved as a new paradigm for natural language processing (NLP), where instead of fine-tuning the parameters of an LLM specific to a downstream task with labeled examples, a small number of such examples is appended to a prompt instruction for controlling the decoder's generation process. ICL, thus, is conceptually similar to a non-parametric approach, such as $k$-NN, where the prediction for each instance essentially depends on the local topology, i.e., on a localised set of similar instances and their labels (called few-shot examples). This suggests that a test instance in ICL is analogous to a query in IR, and similar examples in ICL retrieved from a training set relate to a set of documents retrieved from a collection in IR. While standard unsupervised ranking models can be used to retrieve these few-shot examples from a training set, the effectiveness of the examples can potentially be improved by re-defining the notion of relevance specific to its utility for the downstream task, i.e., considering an example to be relevant if including it in the prompt instruction leads to a correct prediction. With this task-specific notion of relevance, it is possible to train a supervised ranking model (e.g., a bi-encoder or cross-encoder), which potentially learns to optimally select the few-shot examples. We believe that the recent advances in neural rankers can potentially find a use case for this task of optimally choosing examples for more effective downstream ICL predictions.

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This paper explores "in-context learning," a novel approach to information retrieval that leverages large language models. The authors investigate how these models can be used to enhance the performance of ranking systems, which are crucial for search engines and other applications that require finding relevant information.

In-Context Learning


  • The key idea behind in-context learning is to use the language model's ability to understand and generate text to improve the performance of ranking models.
  • Instead of relying solely on traditional features like term frequency and inverse document frequency, in-context learning aims to capture the semantic relationships between the query and the retrieved documents.

Plain English Explanation In-context learning is a way to make search engines and other information retrieval systems better at finding the most relevant information. Typical search engines use things like how often a word appears to decide what's most relevant. But in-context learning uses large language models, which are AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text, to also understand the meaning and context behind the search query and the documents being searched. This can help the system better match the query to the most relevant information, even if the exact words don't line up.

Technical Explanation The authors propose an in-context learning framework that integrates large language models into the ranking process. This involves using the language model to generate embeddings, or numerical representations, of the query and documents that capture their semantic relationships. These embeddings are then used as additional features in the ranking model, alongside traditional signals like term frequency. The authors experiment with different ways of incorporating the language model, such as fine-tuning it on the retrieval task or using it to augment the input to the ranking model.

Critical Analysis

Caveats and Limitations

Additional Considerations


This paper presents a promising approach to enhancing information retrieval systems by leveraging the contextual understanding of large language models. While the results are not universally better than traditional methods, the potential of in-context learning to capture semantic relationships and improve relevance ranking is an important area of exploration. As the field of natural language processing continues to advance, incorporating these types of techniques into real-world applications could lead to more effective and user-friendly information retrieval systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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