Length Extrapolation of Transformers: A Survey from the Perspective of Positional Encoding






Published 4/3/2024 by Liang Zhao, Xiaocheng Feng, Xiachong Feng, Dongliang Xu, Qing Yang, Hongtao Liu, Bing Qin, Ting Liu
Length Extrapolation of Transformers: A Survey from the Perspective of Positional Encoding


Transformer has taken the field of natural language processing (NLP) by storm since its birth. Further, Large language models (LLMs) built upon it have captured worldwide attention due to its superior abilities. Nevertheless, all Transformer-based models including these powerful LLMs suffer from a preset length limit and can hardly generalize from short training sequences to longer inference ones, namely, they can not perform length extrapolation. Hence, a plethora of methods have been proposed to enhance length extrapolation of Transformer, in which the positional encoding (PE) is recognized as the major factor. In this survey, we present these advances towards length extrapolation in a unified notation from the perspective of PE. Specifically, we first introduce extrapolatable PEs, including absolute and relative PEs. Then, we dive into extrapolation methods based on them, covering position interpolation and randomized position methods. Finally, several challenges and future directions in this area are highlighted. Through this survey, We aim to enable the reader to gain a deep understanding of existing methods and provide stimuli for future research.

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  • This paper provides a comprehensive survey of research on length extrapolation in Transformer models, with a focus on position encoding techniques.
  • The paper examines how Transformer models, which are widely used in natural language processing, perform when applied to inputs longer than those seen during training.
  • It explores various position encoding methods and their impact on a model's ability to handle longer sequences effectively.

Plain English Explanation

Transformer models have become incredibly powerful for tasks like language understanding and generation. These models work by analyzing the relationships between different parts of an input, without relying on the traditional approach of processing the input sequentially.

A key component of Transformers is the position encoding, which tells the model where each piece of the input is located. This allows the model to understand the context and structure of the full input, rather than just processing it one piece at a time.

The challenge is that Transformer models are often trained on relatively short inputs, like sentences or short paragraphs. But in the real world, people sometimes need to use these models on much longer texts, like entire documents or even books.

This paper investigates how well Transformer models can handle these longer inputs, and explores different techniques for position encoding that may help the models extrapolate beyond the lengths they were trained on. The researchers examine the strengths and limitations of various position encoding approaches, providing insights that can guide the development of more robust and flexible Transformer architectures.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing background on the Transformer architecture and the role of position encoding. It explains how Transformer models use self-attention mechanisms to capture relationships between different parts of the input, rather than processing the input sequentially like traditional neural networks.

The paper then delves into the problem of length extrapolation - the ability of Transformer models to handle inputs that are longer than those seen during training. This is an important practical challenge, as Transformer models are often deployed on real-world texts of varying lengths.

The core of the paper explores different position encoding techniques and their impact on length extrapolation performance. The researchers evaluate methods like sinusoidal position encoding, learned position embeddings, and relative position representations. They analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, considering factors like computational efficiency, parameter count, and the model's ability to generalize to longer sequences.

Through extensive experiments on various benchmark tasks, the paper provides insights into the key factors that influence a Transformer model's capacity for length extrapolation. The findings highlight the importance of the position encoding scheme and suggest promising directions for future research and development of more robust Transformer architectures.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-structured investigation of length extrapolation in Transformer models, considering a range of position encoding techniques. The experimental results offer valuable empirical insights that can guide the design of Transformer models for applications requiring the processing of longer inputs.

One potential limitation of the study is its focus on a relatively narrow set of benchmarks and tasks. While the researchers do explore a variety of sequence lengths and datasets, it would be interesting to see the performance of the studied position encoding methods on a broader range of real-world applications, such as long-form document understanding or multi-document summarization.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the underlying reasons why certain position encoding approaches are more effective for length extrapolation. Further analysis of the model's internal representations and attention patterns could shed light on the mechanisms by which these methods enable better handling of longer inputs.

Despite these minor caveats, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the understanding of Transformer models and their limitations. The insights provided can inform the development of more robust and adaptable Transformer architectures, with potential applications in a wide range of natural language processing tasks.


This comprehensive survey on length extrapolation in Transformer models offers important insights for the continued advancement of these powerful deep learning architectures. By exploring the role of position encoding techniques, the paper sheds light on a crucial component that can significantly impact a model's ability to handle inputs beyond the lengths encountered during training.

The findings presented in this work can guide researchers and practitioners in designing more flexible and versatile Transformer models, unlocking their potential for a broader range of real-world applications that involve processing longer, more complex textual inputs. As the use of Transformer models continues to grow, this research represents an important step towards building more robust and adaptable natural language processing systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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