LLARVA: Vision-Action Instruction Tuning Enhances Robot Learning






Published 6/18/2024 by Dantong Niu, Yuvan Sharma, Giscard Biamby, Jerome Quenum, Yutong Bai, Baifeng Shi, Trevor Darrell, Roei Herzig
LLARVA: Vision-Action Instruction Tuning Enhances Robot Learning


In recent years, instruction-tuned Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have been successful at several tasks, including image captioning and visual question answering; yet leveraging these models remains an open question for robotics. Prior LMMs for robotics applications have been extensively trained on language and action data, but their ability to generalize in different settings has often been less than desired. To address this, we introduce LLARVA, a model trained with a novel instruction tuning method that leverages structured prompts to unify a range of robotic learning tasks, scenarios, and environments. Additionally, we show that predicting intermediate 2-D representations, which we refer to as visual traces, can help further align vision and action spaces for robot learning. We generate 8.5M image-visual trace pairs from the Open X-Embodiment dataset in order to pre-train our model, and we evaluate on 12 different tasks in the RLBench simulator as well as a physical Franka Emika Panda 7-DoF robot. Our experiments yield strong performance, demonstrating that LLARVA - using 2-D and language representations - performs well compared to several contemporary baselines, and can generalize across various robot environments and configurations.

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  • This paper introduces LLARVA, a vision-action instruction tuning approach that enhances robot learning.
  • LLARVA combines language, vision, and action to enable robots to better understand and execute instructions.
  • The key idea is to use language-based instruction tuning to improve the robot's ability to perceive visual cues and map them to appropriate actions.

Plain English Explanation

LLARVA is a new technique that helps robots learn better by combining language, vision, and action. Robots often struggle to understand and follow instructions, especially when those instructions involve complex visual cues and actions. LLARVA aims to address this challenge by using language-based training to improve the robot's ability to see things in the world and map those visual cues to the right actions.

The core idea is that by training the robot on language-based instructions, you can enhance its visual perception and action planning capabilities. For example, if you train the robot to understand phrases like "pick up the red ball" or "place the object on the table," it can learn to better recognize those visual elements and perform the corresponding physical actions. This builds on related work in vision-language-action models and open-source vision-language-action frameworks.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in LLARVA is the use of "vision-action instruction tuning" to enhance the robot's learning. The researchers first train a base model on standard robot control tasks. They then fine-tune this model by exposing it to language-based instructions that describe visual scenes and the corresponding actions.

This fine-tuning process helps the model learn to better recognize visual elements (e.g., objects, locations) and associate them with the appropriate actions. For example, after training on instructions like "pick up the red ball," the model learns to detect red balls in the environment and execute the pick-up motion.

The researchers evaluate LLARVA on a range of robot manipulation tasks, including object rearrangement, tool use, and multi-step sequences. They find that the vision-action instruction tuning approach significantly improves the robot's performance compared to baseline models that do not use this technique. This builds on prior work on action contextualization and adaptive task planning.

Critical Analysis

The LLARVA approach represents an important step forward in enabling robots to better understand and execute complex, language-based instructions. By bridging the gap between visual perception, language understanding, and action planning, the technique could have significant implications for a wide range of robotic applications, from household assistants to industrial automation.

That said, the paper acknowledges several limitations and areas for future research. For example, the experiments are conducted in relatively controlled, simulated environments, and it's unclear how well the approach would generalize to more complex, real-world scenarios. Additionally, the language-based instructions used in the study are relatively simplistic, and it's not known how well the technique would handle more nuanced, context-dependent language.

[Further research could explore ways to extend the vision-language-action capabilities of LLARVA, such as by incorporating more generative visual instruction tuning or leveraging recent advances in embodied AI and vision-language-action models.]


Overall, the LLARVA paper presents a promising approach for enhancing robot learning by integrating language, vision, and action. By using language-based instruction tuning to improve the robot's visual perception and action planning, the technique could help pave the way for more intuitive and capable robotic systems that can better understand and execute complex, real-world instructions. While more research is needed to address the current limitations, LLARVA represents an exciting step forward in the field of robot learning and control.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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