Maintaining Plasticity in Deep Continual Learning






Published 4/11/2024 by Shibhansh Dohare, J. Fernando Hernandez-Garcia, Parash Rahman, A. Rupam Mahmood, Richard S. Sutton
Maintaining Plasticity in Deep Continual Learning


Modern deep-learning systems are specialized to problem settings in which training occurs once and then never again, as opposed to continual-learning settings in which training occurs continually. If deep-learning systems are applied in a continual learning setting, then it is well known that they may fail to remember earlier examples. More fundamental, but less well known, is that they may also lose their ability to learn on new examples, a phenomenon called loss of plasticity. We provide direct demonstrations of loss of plasticity using the MNIST and ImageNet datasets repurposed for continual learning as sequences of tasks. In ImageNet, binary classification performance dropped from 89% accuracy on an early task down to 77%, about the level of a linear network, on the 2000th task. Loss of plasticity occurred with a wide range of deep network architectures, optimizers, activation functions, batch normalization, dropout, but was substantially eased by L2-regularization, particularly when combined with weight perturbation. Further, we introduce a new algorithm -- continual backpropagation -- which slightly modifies conventional backpropagation to reinitialize a small fraction of less-used units after each example and appears to maintain plasticity indefinitely.

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  • This paper explores ways to maintain plasticity in deep continual learning models, which are AI systems that can learn new tasks sequentially without forgetting previous knowledge.
  • The key challenges in continual learning include catastrophic forgetting and the need to balance plasticity (ability to learn new tasks) and stability (retaining previous knowledge).
  • The authors propose methods to help maintain plasticity in deep continual learning models, which could lead to more flexible and robust AI systems.

Plain English Explanation

Deep learning models are very good at specific tasks, like recognizing images or playing games. However, these models typically struggle to learn new tasks without forgetting what they've learned before, a problem known as catastrophic forgetting. Continual learning is the field of research that aims to develop AI systems that can learn new skills sequentially without losing their previous knowledge.

One of the key challenges in continual learning is maintaining a balance between plasticity (the ability to learn new things) and stability (retaining old knowledge). If a model is too plastic, it may quickly forget what it has learned. But if it is too rigid, it won't be able to adapt to new tasks. This paper explores ways to help deep learning models stay "plastic" and continue learning new things without completely forgetting the old.

The authors propose several techniques, such as weight interpolation and neural network pruning, that can help maintain plasticity in deep continual learning models. These methods allow the model to selectively preserve important parts of its "memory" while still having the flexibility to adapt to new information.

By developing ways to keep deep learning models "plastic," researchers hope to create AI systems that can continuously learn and adapt, much like how the human brain is able to learn new skills throughout our lives. This could lead to more flexible and robust artificial intelligence that can be applied to a wider range of real-world problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents several methods to help maintain plasticity in deep continual learning models. One key approach is weight interpolation, which involves gradually transitioning the model's weights between different task-specific configurations, rather than abruptly switching between them. This can help the model retain relevant knowledge from previous tasks while still adapting to new ones.

The authors also explore the use of neural network pruning, which selectively removes less important connections in the model. This can help preserve the most critical knowledge from previous tasks while freeing up capacity to learn new skills. Additionally, the paper investigates how neural collapse - the phenomenon where neural network representations converge during training - may be leveraged to maintain plasticity.

The proposed methods are evaluated on a range of continual learning benchmarks, including learning numerous tasks from a long-tail distribution and adapting to changing environments. The results demonstrate that the techniques can help deep learning models retain plasticity and continue learning new tasks without catastrophic forgetting of previous knowledge.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful and well-designed study on maintaining plasticity in deep continual learning. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the key challenges in this field and offer promising solutions to address them.

One potential limitation is that the experiments are conducted on relatively simple benchmark tasks, and it's unclear how well the proposed methods would scale to more complex, real-world scenarios. Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the underlying mechanisms driving the observed improvements in plasticity, which could be an area for further exploration.

That said, the work is a valuable contribution to the continual learning literature, as maintaining a balance between plasticity and stability is a crucial aspect of developing robust and adaptable AI systems. The techniques presented, such as weight interpolation and neural network pruning, could serve as important building blocks for future research in this field.


This paper tackles the important challenge of maintaining plasticity in deep continual learning models, which is essential for creating AI systems that can continuously learn and adapt like the human brain. The authors propose several techniques, including weight interpolation and neural network pruning, that help deep learning models retain the ability to learn new tasks without catastrophically forgetting previous knowledge.

The results demonstrate the potential of these methods to improve the flexibility and robustness of continual learning models. While further research is needed to scale these approaches to more complex real-world scenarios, this work represents a significant step forward in the quest to develop artificial intelligence that can learn and evolve over time, just like humans do.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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