Make the Most of Your Data: Changing the Training Data Distribution to Improve In-distribution Generalization Performance






Published 4/30/2024 by Dang Nguyen, Paymon Haddad, Eric Gan, Baharan Mirzasoleiman
Make the Most of Your Data: Changing the Training Data Distribution to Improve In-distribution Generalization Performance


Can we modify the training data distribution to encourage the underlying optimization method toward finding solutions with superior generalization performance on in-distribution data? In this work, we approach this question for the first time by comparing the inductive bias of gradient descent (GD) with that of sharpness-aware minimization (SAM). By studying a two-layer CNN, we prove that SAM learns easy and difficult features more uniformly, particularly in early epochs. That is, SAM is less susceptible to simplicity bias compared to GD. Based on this observation, we propose USEFUL, an algorithm that clusters examples based on the network output early in training and upsamples examples with no easy features to alleviate the pitfalls of the simplicity bias. We show empirically that modifying the training data distribution in this way effectively improves the generalization performance on the original data distribution when training with (S)GD by mimicking the training dynamics of SAM. Notably, we demonstrate that our method can be combined with SAM and existing data augmentation strategies to achieve, to the best of our knowledge, state-of-the-art performance for training ResNet18 on CIFAR10, STL10, CINIC10, Tiny-ImageNet; ResNet34 on CIFAR100; and VGG19 and DenseNet121 on CIFAR10.

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  • This paper investigates how changing the training data distribution can improve the in-distribution generalization performance of machine learning models.
  • The authors explore techniques to modify the training data distribution, such as increasing fairness in classification for out-of-distribution data, addressing biases in ImageNet models, and improving generalization in segmentation foundation models.
  • The paper aims to provide insights into how manipulating the training data distribution can lead to better in-distribution performance, in contrast to issues with mixture data training and generalization challenges in diffusion models.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models are trained on a set of data, called the training data. The distribution, or spread, of this training data can have a big impact on how well the model performs on new, unseen data that it wasn't trained on.

This paper explores ways to modify the training data distribution to improve the model's performance on data that is similar to the training data, known as in-distribution generalization. The authors look at techniques like increasing fairness in classification for out-of-distribution data, addressing biases in ImageNet models, and improving generalization in segmentation foundation models.

The key insight is that the way the training data is distributed, or spread out, can significantly impact how well the model performs on new, similar data. This is in contrast to issues that can arise when using a mixture of data types for training or the generalization challenges faced by diffusion models.

By carefully manipulating the training data distribution, the researchers aim to help machine learning practitioners get the most out of their available data and build models that generalize better to new, in-distribution examples.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores various techniques to modify the training data distribution in order to improve the in-distribution generalization performance of machine learning models. The authors investigate methods such as increasing fairness in classification for out-of-distribution data, addressing biases in ImageNet models, and improving generalization in segmentation foundation models.

The key insight is that the distribution, or spread, of the training data can have a significant impact on the model's performance on new, similar data. This is in contrast to issues that can arise when using a mixture of data types for training or the generalization challenges faced by diffusion models.

Through careful manipulation of the training data distribution, the researchers aim to help machine learning practitioners extract the maximum performance from their available data and build models that generalize better to new, in-distribution examples.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough exploration of how manipulating the training data distribution can improve in-distribution generalization performance. However, the authors acknowledge that their techniques may not be universally applicable and that there are potential limitations to their approach.

For example, the paper does not address how these techniques might perform on out-of-distribution data, which is also an important consideration for real-world machine learning applications. Additionally, the authors note that their methods may be computationally intensive or require significant domain expertise to implement effectively.

Further research could explore the trade-offs between in-distribution and out-of-distribution performance, as well as investigate more efficient or automated ways to adjust the training data distribution. It would also be valuable to see the proposed techniques applied and evaluated across a wider range of machine learning tasks and datasets.

Overall, the paper makes a compelling case for the importance of carefully considering the training data distribution and provides a solid foundation for future work in this area.


This paper highlights the significant impact that the training data distribution can have on the in-distribution generalization performance of machine learning models. By exploring techniques to manipulate the training data distribution, the authors demonstrate the potential to improve model performance on new, similar data.

The insights and methods presented in this paper could be valuable for machine learning practitioners who are looking to get the most out of their available data and build models that generalize well to real-world scenarios. While the approach may have some limitations, the paper provides a solid foundation for further research and development in this important area of machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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