Mixture Data for Training Cannot Ensure Out-of-distribution Generalization






Published 4/24/2024 by Songming Zhang, Yuxiao Luo, Qizhou Wang, Haoang Chi, Xiaofeng Chen, Bo Han, Jinyan Li
Mixture Data for Training Cannot Ensure Out-of-distribution Generalization


Deep neural networks often face generalization problems to handle out-of-distribution (OOD) data, and there remains a notable theoretical gap between the contributing factors and their respective impacts. Literature evidence from in-distribution data has suggested that generalization error can shrink if the size of mixture data for training increases. However, when it comes to OOD samples, this conventional understanding does not hold anymore -- Increasing the size of training data does not always lead to a reduction in the test generalization error. In fact, diverse trends of the errors have been found across various shifting scenarios including those decreasing trends under a power-law pattern, initial declines followed by increases, or continuous stable patterns. Previous work has approached OOD data qualitatively, treating them merely as samples unseen during training, which are hard to explain the complicated non-monotonic trends. In this work, we quantitatively redefine OOD data as those situated outside the convex hull of mixed training data and establish novel generalization error bounds to comprehend the counterintuitive observations better. Our proof of the new risk bound agrees that the efficacy of well-trained models can be guaranteed for unseen data within the convex hull; More interestingly, but for OOD data beyond this coverage, the generalization cannot be ensured, which aligns with our observations. Furthermore, we attempted various OOD techniques to underscore that our results not only explain insightful observations in recent OOD generalization work, such as the significance of diverse data and the sensitivity to unseen shifts of existing algorithms, but it also inspires a novel and effective data selection strategy.

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  • This paper examines the assumption that all unseen data is out-of-distribution (OOD) for machine learning models.
  • It explores different error scenarios that can arise when attempting to generalize to OOD data.
  • The paper provides an example using Fisher's Linear Discriminant to illustrate these error scenarios.
  • It also discusses the implications for OOD detection and generalization, highlighting the importance of understanding the underlying data distribution.

Plain English Explanation

When machine learning models are deployed, they often encounter data that they haven't seen during training. The common assumption is that this "unseen" data is automatically considered "out-of-distribution" (OOD), meaning it's fundamentally different from the data the model was trained on.

However, this paper challenges that assumption. It shows that there can be different types of errors that occur when a model tries to generalize to OOD data. In some cases, the unseen data may actually be within the distribution of the training data, but the model still struggles to make accurate predictions.

To illustrate this, the paper uses an example of a statistical technique called Fisher's Linear Discriminant. It demonstrates how the model can make mistakes even when the unseen data is not truly OOD. This highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between the training data and the real-world data a model will encounter in the field.

The key takeaway is that simply labeling all unseen data as OOD can be an oversimplification. The paper suggests that researchers and practitioners need to delve deeper into the underlying data distributions and the specific error scenarios that can arise when trying to generalize to new, unseen data.

Technical Explanation

The paper starts by challenging the common assumption that all unseen data is inherently out-of-distribution (OOD) for machine learning models. It argues that there are different error scenarios that can occur when attempting to generalize to OOD data, and that not all unseen data necessarily falls into the OOD category.

To illustrate this, the paper provides an example using Fisher's Linear Discriminant, a statistical technique for classification. The example shows how the model can make mistakes even when the unseen data is not truly OOD, highlighting the need for a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between the training data and the real-world data a model will encounter.

The paper also discusses the implications of these findings for OOD detection and generalization. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying data distribution, as opposed to simply assuming that all unseen data is OOD. This is crucial for developing robust and reliable machine learning models that can effectively generalize to new, previously unseen situations.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises valid concerns about the oversimplification of the OOD assumption. By demonstrating error scenarios where unseen data is not truly OOD, the authors highlight the need for a more nuanced approach to understanding the limitations of machine learning models when faced with new, previously unseen data.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into the specific reasons why the unseen data may still be problematic for the model, even if it is not strictly OOD. The authors could have explored the underlying factors, such as distributional shift, that can contribute to these errors.

Additionally, the paper could have provided more concrete recommendations for how researchers and practitioners can better detect and handle these more subtle cases of non-OOD generalization failures. This could involve advanced OOD detection techniques or the development of more diverse benchmark datasets to assess model robustness.

Overall, the paper successfully challenges a common assumption in the field and highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between training data and real-world data. However, further research and practical guidance could help address the challenges raised in this work.


This paper presents an important challenge to the assumption that all unseen data is automatically considered out-of-distribution (OOD) for machine learning models. By providing an example using Fisher's Linear Discriminant, the authors demonstrate that there can be error scenarios where the unseen data is not truly OOD, yet the model still struggles to generalize effectively.

The key takeaway is that researchers and practitioners need to move beyond simplistic notions of OOD and instead develop a more sophisticated understanding of the underlying data distributions and the specific challenges that can arise when attempting to generalize to new, previously unseen situations. This has significant implications for the development of robust and reliable machine learning systems that can operate effectively in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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