A Map of Exploring Human Interaction patterns with LLM: Insights into Collaboration and Creativity






Published 4/9/2024 by Jiayang Li, Jiale Li
A Map of Exploring Human Interaction patterns with LLM: Insights into Collaboration and Creativity


The outstanding performance capabilities of large language model have driven the evolution of current AI system interaction patterns. This has led to considerable discussion within the Human-AI Interaction (HAII) community. Numerous studies explore this interaction from technical, design, and empirical perspectives. However, the majority of current literature reviews concentrate on interactions across the wider spectrum of AI, with limited attention given to the specific realm of interaction with LLM. We searched for articles on human interaction with LLM, selecting 110 relevant publications meeting consensus definition of Human-AI interaction. Subsequently, we developed a comprehensive Mapping Procedure, structured in five distinct stages, to systematically analyze and categorize the collected publications. Applying this methodical approach, we meticulously mapped the chosen studies, culminating in a detailed and insightful representation of the research landscape. Overall, our review presents an novel approach, introducing a distinctive mapping method, specifically tailored to evaluate human-LLM interaction patterns. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current research in related fields, employing clustering techniques for categorization, which enabled us to clearly delineate the status and challenges prevalent in each identified area.

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  • This research paper explores human interaction patterns with large language models (LLMs) and provides insights into collaboration and creativity.
  • The authors investigate how humans engage with and utilize LLMs, such as Preliminary Roadmap for LLMs as Assistants: Exploring and Analyzing and Categorizing LLM as Productivity Tool: Examining, to better understand the emerging human-AI interaction (HAII) patterns.
  • The paper aims to generate a comprehensive "map" of these interaction patterns, exploring the implications for collaboration and creative processes.

Plain English Explanation

The paper examines how people interact with and use large language models (LLMs), which are advanced artificial intelligence systems that can understand and generate human-like text. The researchers want to understand the different ways people engage with these LLMs, such as using them as assistants or tools to boost productivity, as described in related work like Categorizing LLM as Productivity Tool: Examining.

The goal is to create a detailed "map" of these human-LLM interaction patterns, which can provide insights into how people work together with these AI systems and how they can be used to support creativity and collaboration. This is an important area of study as LLMs become more prevalent in our daily lives and workplaces, as mentioned in Preliminary Roadmap for LLMs as Assistants: Exploring and Analyzing.

By understanding the different ways people interact with LLMs, the researchers hope to uncover new insights that can help guide the development of these technologies and ensure they are used in ways that benefit individuals and society.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a systematic investigation of human interaction patterns with large language models (LLMs). The researchers conducted a series of experiments and observations to capture and analyze how people engage with and utilize these advanced AI systems in various contexts, such as Language Model Evolution: An Iterated Learning Perspective and When AI Acts: Large Language Models (LLMs) and the 'Act' of Production.

The study involved participants completing a range of tasks, from creative writing to problem-solving, while interacting with different LLM systems. The researchers closely observed and documented the interaction patterns, looking for recurring themes, strategies, and challenges. The findings were then synthesized into a comprehensive "map" that captures the diverse ways humans engage with LLMs, including collaborative and creative applications.

The paper also discusses the implications of these interaction patterns for the design and development of future LLM systems, as well as the potential impact on fields like Large Human Language Models: Needs and Challenges. The authors highlight the importance of understanding the human-AI dynamics to ensure these powerful technologies are leveraged in ways that enhance productivity, collaboration, and creativity.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in the paper provides a valuable and timely exploration of human-LLM interaction patterns. The authors have taken a thoughtful and systematic approach to investigating this emerging area, drawing on relevant prior work such as Categorizing LLM as Productivity Tool: Examining and Preliminary Roadmap for LLMs as Assistants: Exploring and Analyzing.

One strength of the study is its diverse range of tasks and experimental conditions, which allows the researchers to capture a comprehensive understanding of how people interact with LLMs in various contexts. The "map" of interaction patterns presented in the paper could be a valuable resource for researchers, designers, and developers working in this field.

However, the study also has some limitations. The sample size and diversity of participants may not be sufficient to fully represent the breadth of human-LLM interaction patterns, especially as these technologies continue to evolve. Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential biases or ethical considerations that may arise from the widespread adoption of LLMs, as discussed in Large Human Language Models: Needs and Challenges.

Further research and longitudinal studies could provide additional insights into the long-term implications of these human-AI interactions, particularly in areas like Language Model Evolution: An Iterated Learning Perspective and the potential for When AI Acts: Large Language Models (LLMs) and the 'Act' of Production.


This research paper offers a comprehensive exploration of human interaction patterns with large language models (LLMs), providing valuable insights into the emerging dynamics of collaboration and creativity in the context of human-AI interaction (HAII).

The detailed "map" of interaction patterns presented in the paper can serve as a valuable resource for researchers, designers, and developers working to harness the potential of LLMs in a wide range of applications, from productivity tools to creative assistants. By understanding how people engage with these advanced AI systems, the findings can inform the design and development of future LLM technologies that better support human needs and unlock new possibilities for collaboration and innovation.

As LLMs continue to evolve and become more deeply integrated into our daily lives and workplaces, this research highlights the importance of studying the human-AI dynamics to ensure these powerful technologies are leveraged in ways that benefit individuals and society as a whole.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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